10 July 2019



Shrek Comes To Kewaskum

Shrek Comes To Kewaskum

Shrek Comes To Kewaskum ...continued from front Plus, it is fun being Shrek. “The Shrek part is awesome. He is such a funny character and yet very deep. Some people don't realize the deep emotional side of the character and what he is going through. I was kind of drawn to him feeling alone and like he doesn’t fit in,” Brodzeller said. Shrek’s costume is rather elaborate.


Shrek- Tony Brodzeller Fiona- Andrea ….

Shrek- Tony Brodzeller Fiona- Andrea ….

Shrek- Tony Brodzeller Fiona- Andrea Roth Donkey- Matthew Krautkramer Farquaad- Logan Weyer Pinocchio- Kenny Ellis Dragon- Abby Prim Gingy Melody Humphreys Sugar Plum Fairy-Chloe Vetter Big Bad Wolf- Hunter Roehrig Pig #1- Hannah Lehner Pig #2- Kelli Sullivan Pig #3- Karissa Lange Guard- Charity Humphreys Fairy Godmother- Nikki Pintor Peter Pan- Braeden Reichert Wicked Witch- Jamie Piittmann Ugly Duckling-


04 July 2019


Exodus House Offers  Second Chance At Life

Exodus House Offers Second Chance At Life

continued from front... Exodus House Offers Second Chance At Life “It was awesome. I finally didn’t feel like a scumbag in the room anymore,” Klahn said. “I finally felt like I belonged somewhere and had respect from people, and that was an awesome thing.” Life In The Exodus House Klahn’s first couple days in the Exodus House were rough. “I was still going through withdrawals,”
03 July 2019


Chief’s Corner

Chief’s Corner

Chief’s Corner By Kewaskum Police Chief Tom Bishop July 2019 According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, in 2016 one bicyclist was injured or killed every 10.2 hours in Wisconsin. There were 918 crashes that involved bicyclists and out of those crashes, 11 bicyclists were killed and 849 were injured. Bicycles are a heavily utilized mode of transportation in and around



