27 October 2022


Felix Eduardo Angel Sanchez

Felix Eduardo Angel Sanchez

   Felix Ed­uardo Angel Sanchez, 39, of Mayville, for­merly of Mex­ico City passed away on Tues­day, Oct. 25, 2022, at St. Luke’s Med­ical Cen­ter in Mil­wau­kee with his fam­ily by his side.   Felix was born the son of Felix Salomón Sanchez Bautista and Teresa Angel Mata on April 10, 1983, in Mex­ico City, Mex­ico. Felix came to the United States over 15 years ago.   Felix owned and op­er­a­tor Don Ramon’s Mex­i­can Restau­rant in Mayville and West Bend and Don’s Tacos & Tequila in Bar­ton. He was a beloved fix­ture at the restau­rant and was truly a Mas­ter of Hos­pi­tal­ity. His cus­tomers be­came like fam­ily and were truly cher­ished. Felix’s heart was often worn on his sleeve, and he would go out of his way to help any­one with any­thing. His con­stant self­less­ness and giv­ing were felt by many in the Mayville com­mu­nity. Felix was al­ways there to help the area schools, school chil­dren, those strug­gling with health bat­tles, and on and on. His com­mu­nity in Mayville was so for­tu­nate to have such a lov­ing and car­ing son in Felix. He will be greatly missed.   Felix’s pride and joy was his daugh­ter Tessa. The two of them would al­ways find some time, ad­ven­ture, county fair, din­ner, a movie, and maybe a Bucks game! He al­ways found time to make it to all of the kid's sports events and of course he loved the Pack­ers!   Felix is sur­vived by his daugh­ter, Tessa of Mayville and her mother, Kelly Wick­ert of Mayville; his mother, Teresa of Mex­ico City; his sib­lings, Eliz­a­beth Sanchez Angel, Jes­sica Sanchez Angel, Yese­nia Sanchez Angel, Jose Salomón Sanchez Angel, Maria de la Luz Sanchez Angel and Julio Angel Mata; his niece, Ayana and nephews, Iza­iah (God­son) and Cris­t­ian.    He was pre­ceded in death by his fa­ther, Felix.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial took place on Wednes­day, Nov. 2, at 3 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville with the Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held from noon until 3 p.m. at the church in Mayville. A con­tin­ued cel­e­bra­tion of Felix’s life was held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at The Meat­ing Place (Mayville Golf Club) on Wednes­day fol­low­ing the fu­neral.   The fam­ily wishes to thank the com­mu­nity of Mayville for all their thoughts, prayers, and sup­port.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
24 October 2022


Debra Jean Howard

Debra Jean Howard

   Debra Jean Howard went home to Jesus on Oc­to­ber 18, 2022, at the age of 68.   Debra was born to Elmer and Vir­ginia Tonne on July 7, 1954, in Tripoli, Iowa.    Debra met her hus­band, Kevin Howard, through his sis­ters and mom in Iowa. She had three chil­dren: Tony, Ash­ley and An­gela. In 1983, they moved their fam­ily to Hori­con.    In ad­di­tion to being a ded­i­cated and lov­ing mother and grand­mother, Debra also loved to sew and held var­i­ous vol­un­teer roles at her church and through­out the com­mu­nity.   Through­out her life, she held an un­wa­ver­ing faith in God, which she shared with those who sur­rounded her by show­ing them love.    Debra joins her par­ents, Elmer and Vir­ginia Tonne; her broth­ers, Gene Tonne and Richard Tonne; and sis­ter, Barb Klemp in heaven.   She is sur­vived by her hus­band, Kevin Howard; her brother, Bob Tonne; sis­ter, Corinne Szulga; her chil­dren, Tony (Danette) Pint, Ash­ley (Scott) Schweiger and An­gela (Jake) Mag­yar; and her five grand­chil­dren and two great-grand­chil­dren.    Psalm 91:11"For He will give His an­gels charge con­cern­ing you, to guard you in all your ways. "


19 October 2022


Gary R. Erdmann

Gary R. Erdmann

   Gary R. Erd­mann, 75, of West Bend, passed away on Mon­day, Oct. 17, 2022, at Samar­i­tan Health Cen­ter in West Bend.   Gary was born the son of Ray­mond and Norma (Schultz) Erd­mann on De­cem­ber 30, 1946.   He was a 1964 grad­u­ate of Lomira High School. Gary hon­or­ably served his coun­try in the US Air Force serv­ing from 1964 to 1968 dur­ing the Viet­nam War and spent a year sta­tioned at De Nang Air Base. He was a proud mem­ber of the Theresa Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #270 and was set to travel on the Honor Flight with his brother, Brian, only three days after his death. Gary was a mem­ber of Pil­grim Ev. Lutheran Church in West Bend.   He was united in mar­riage to Susan J. Kan­nal on De­cem­ber 28, 1996, at their home in West Bend.   In his spare time, Gary en­joyed soft­ball, the Pack­ers, hunt­ing and fish­ing, and spend­ing time with his beloved pet dove, Boo-Boo. He also en­joyed going to his trailer up north with friends and fam­ily.   Gary is sur­vived by his wife, Sue of West Bend; his daugh­ter, Amy Erd­mann of Oshkosh; his sib­lings, Brian (Cather­ine Cas­pary) Erd­mann of Fond du Lac and Lois Erd­mann of Lomira; his sis­ter-in-law, Kathy Erd­mann of Fond du Lac; broth­ers-in-law, Dean Kan­nal of West Bend and Thomas (An­drea) Kan­nal of Madi­son; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; and his brother, Rod­ney.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice for Gary took place on Tues­day, Oct. 25, at 12 p.m. at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville with the Rev. Joseph Fisher of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held on Tues­day, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 p.m. Mil­i­tary hon­ors were con­ducted by the Theresa Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #270 and Air Force Honor Guard. In­urn­ment will take place at Union Ceme­tery in Theresa at a later date.   Memo­ri­als in mem­ory of Gary can be di­rected to the Theresa Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #270, 101 Church St. Theresa, WI 53091.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
18 October 2022


Elizabeth “Betty” M. Bauer

Elizabeth “Betty” M. Bauer

   Eliz­a­beth “Betty” M. Bauer, 96, of LeRoy, passed away on Sun­day, Oct. 16, 2022, at St. Fran­cis Home in Fond du Lac.   Betty was born the daugh­ter of Arthur Sr. and Marie (Hoff­man) Krapfl on Jan­u­ary 2, 1926, in LeRoy.   She was united in mar­riage to Jerome Bauer on July 20, 1946, at St. An­drew’s in LeRoy.   Betty was a life­long and faith­ful mem­ber of St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy.   Betty’s faith and fam­ily were very im­por­tant to her. Betty was part of a rosary mak­ing club, in­clud­ing fam­ily, friends, and church mem­bers. Over her life­time, she made thou­sands of rosaries for the mis­sions over­seas and any­one in need of a rosary. Betty was a mem­ber of St. An­drew’s Chris­t­ian Moth­ers So­ci­ety. She en­joyed gar­den­ing and mak­ing de­li­cious desserts and baked goods, es­pe­cially her tortes and sticky buns. To­gether with her hus­band, they farmed in the Town­ship of LeRoy.   Betty is sur­vived by her six chil­dren, Paul (Kerry Lee) Bauer of Portage; Mary (Calvin) Cud­no­hoske of West Bend; Joan Ven­nie of Beaver Dam; Allan (Lynette) Bauer of LeRoy; Ger­ard (Mary) Bauer of Sis­ter Bay; and LuAnn (David) Nims of Camp­bell­sport; 14 grand­chil­dren; 22 great-grand­chil­dren; one great-great-grand­child; sis­ters-in-law, Marge Krapfl of LeRoy and Mary (Gene) Hoff­man of LeRoy. She is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   Betty was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her lov­ing hus­band, Jerome; grand­son, Nathan; son-in-law, James Ven­nie; sib­lings, Mar­garet Schrauf­nagel, Alice Bauer, Marie Schrauf­nagel, Helen Wein­berger, Arthur Krapfl Jr., and John Krapfl.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will take place for Betty on Fri­day, Oct. 21, at St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. Fa­ther Joe Do­minic pre­sid­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will take place on Fri­day, Oct. 21, from 10 a.​m.​to 11:30 a.m. at St. An­drew’s Catholic Church. In­ter­ment will fol­low the ser­vice at St. An­drew’s Ceme­tery in LeRoy.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als can be made to St. Fran­cis Home in Fond du Lac or St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​koepsellfh.​com   The fam­ily that prays to­gether, stays to­gether.


Louis Frederick Schultz III

Louis Frederick Schultz III

   Louis Frederick Schultz III, age 72, of Fond du Lac, called Home on October 15, 2022.    He was born on July 18, 1950, in Hartford, to the late Louis and Louise (nee Guell) Schultz. He was raised in the Lutheran faith and ensured that his children also had the same Christian foundation. He fondly talked about his youth spent in the quarry town of Nasbro.   Louis loved to make people laugh and usually at the expense of himself or various political figures. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed watching his son and grandchildren play a variety of sports. For years he enjoyed writing letters to local papers about various social issues.    Those left behind to cherish his memory are his children, Louis Schultz (Kaci), Lisa Schultz; grandchildren, Natalie , Samuel, Louis V, Elayna, Kiirsten, Hanna, and Jackson; siblings, Don Schultz, Margaret (Bob) Garkey, Wayne (Bonnie) Schultz, Dale Miller (brother-in-law), Marty (Anna) Schultz, Ann (Steve) Geschke, Mark (Margie) Schultz, John Schultz, and Juanita (Jim) Ancil; aunts, Marge Kaiser, Ruth Schultz; one uncle, Melvin (MaryAnn) Guell; and numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews.    In addition to his parents, Louis was preceded in death by his sister, Shorty Miller and brother, Dale Schultz.   VISITATION: Louis’ family will greet relatives and friends on Sunday, Oct. 23, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 605 Highland Avenue, Brownsville, from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m.   FUNERAL SERVICE: A funeral service for Louis will be held at 3 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, with Reverend William Carter officiating. Burial will take place on Monday, Oct. 24, at 9 a.m. in St. Paul’s Cemetery.    Louis spent much of his life with a diagnosis of epilepsy. It is with this, that we direct others to the Epilepsy Foundation to learn more about this condition, as so little is still understood. More information can be found at www.epilepsy.com   In lieu of flowers, donations to Winnebago Lutheran Academy (www.wlavikings.org) and WELS Mission (www.wels100in10.net)    Myrhum-Patten Funeral and Cremation Service has been entrusted with Louis’ arrangements. Additional information and online guest book can be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
17 October 2022


Kenneth “Ken” W. Reimer

Kenneth “Ken” W. Reimer

 Ken­neth “Ken” W. Reimer, 85, of Lomira was called home to be with the Lord on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 15, 2022.   He was born on May 9, 1937, to the late Os­wald and Car­o­line (nee Balt­ha­zor) Reimer in Fond du Lac. Ken grad­u­ated from Lomira High School and was a three-sport ath­lete and four-year var­sity let­ter win­ner.   On April 18, 1959, he was united in mar­riage to his high school sweet­heart, LuEllen Buerger, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Lomira.   Ken hon­or­ably served in the United States Army. He worked at Wid­mer’s cheese in Theresa for 12 years. Then started his sales­man­ship at Kindt Lum­ber. He moved on to work at Micro De­sign be­fore be­com­ing the top sales­man for North Amer­i­can Phillip Light­ing. Ken then started his own light­ing busi­ness until he re­tired.   He was one of the founders that started the Lomira Girls’ soft­ball pro­gram. Ken en­joyed bowl­ing and loved golf. He taught all his chil­dren and grand­chil­dren to golf and was very com­pet­i­tive with all of them. He later pur­chased his cot­tage for his wife’s 50th birth­day pre­sent in Wau­toma. Ken en­joyed cut­ting the grass and teach­ing his grand­chil­dren. He es­pe­cially en­joyed spend­ing time with all his fam­ily and will be missed by all who knew him.   Those Ken leaves be­hind to cher­ish his mem­ory in­clude his lov­ing wife of 63 years, LuEllen Reimer; four daugh­ters, Mon­ica (Michael) Haefs, Marissa (Terry) Gassner, Na­talie (Tom) Scharschmist, and Re­becca (Garry) Miller; 14 grand­chil­dren, Shan­non (Ryan) Zahn, Leigh (Rick) Ram­czyk, Jill (Nick) Shul­tis, Erik (Beckie) Haefs, Kur­tis (Tay­lor) Haefs, David (In­grid) Gassner, Cas­san­dra (Brett) Ku­biskewski, Matthew (Kath­leen) Gassner, Cal­lie (Scott) Chris­ten­son, Kate­lyn Bloch, Mark (Hai­ley Rusch) Scharschmist, Mitch Scharschmidt, Bryce Miller, and Brett (fiancée Kaylee Mauer) Miller; 24 great-grand­chil­dren with one more on the way; a brother, Ger­ald “Gerry” (Rachel) Reimer; six sis­ters-in-law, Michele Reimer, Mary Ann Bates, Donna May Her­man, Au­drey Buerger, Jean Buerger, and Joan Buerger; two broth­ers-in-law, Michael Buerger and Dean (Steffie) Buerger.   In ad­di­tion to his par­ents, he was pre­ceded in death by his brother, James “Jim” Reimer; sis­ter-in-law, Gladys Buerger; and five broth­ers-in-law, Fran­cis Her­man, Wally Bates, Con­rad Buerger, Joseph Buerger, and William “Bill” Buerger.   A pri­vate Memo­r­ial Mass in re­mem­brance of Ken will be held.   The Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral Home of West Bend has been en­trusted with Ken’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest book may be found at www.​myrhum-​pat­ten.​com.


Andrew Paul Sabatke

Andrew Paul Sabatke

   An­drew Paul Sabatke, 62, of Jef­fer­son lost his bat­tle with heart dis­ease and di­a­betes on Sep­tem­ber 26, 2022.   Andy was born Au­gust 15, 1960, to Robert and Bar­bara (Fehling) Sabatke of Hori­con. He grad­u­ated from Hori­con High School in 1978.   Andy worked in many types of sales jobs, but even­tu­ally found his true call­ing work­ing with de­vel­op­men­tally dis­abled adults in a va­ri­ety of set­tings.   Andy is sur­vived by his son, Jonathan of Prairie du Sac; his com­pan­ion of 15 years, Karen An­der­son; her daugh­ter, Bianca; grand­chil­dren, Owen and Nali; and their dogs, Chauncey, Cecil, and Ruby. Andy is also sur­vived his sis­ter, Deb (Jeff) Janke of Hutchin­son, MN; his niece, Jes­sica of Fargo, ND; grand­niece, Zoe Theis of Hutchin­son, MN; and nephew, Stephan (Faye) Janke of Wood­bury, MN; an uncle, Don­ald Sabatke of McFar­land; spe­cial long time friends, Ellen and Sarah Decker; many cousins, and many won­der­ful friends.   Andy was pre­de­ceased by his fa­ther and mother, Robert and Bar­bara; and a nephew, Tim Janke.   There will be a Cel­e­bra­tion of Life in Andy's mem­ory on Sat­ur­day, Nov. 5, from 2 to 7 p.m. at Rock River Tap, 110 Lake St in Hori­con. A Prayer Ser­vice will be held at 5 p.m.   Memo­ri­als ap­pre­ci­ated to the fam­ily to help cover ex­penses.


John Phillip Wahlen

John Phillip Wahlen

   John Phillip Wahlen, Jr., 76, of Theresa, passed away Oc­to­ber 12, 2022, peace­fully at home.   He was born in Mil­wau­kee on Sep­tem­ber 9, 1946, to Ruth Ros­now Wahlen Knox and John Wahlen.   He met his wife Margery But­ler in Au­gust of 1971 and pro­posed in Oc­to­ber. They were mar­ried in West Bend on May 13, 1972.   John felt that every­one that he met was his friend, no mat­ter how well he knew them. He did have many great friends who he has known most of his life.   John worked at the United States Postal Ser­vice Plant in Mil­wau­kee for 37.5 years. He started out as a mail han­dler and worked his way to an elec­tronic tech­ni­cian. John kept all the equip­ment run­ning so we could get our mail.   He en­joyed work­ing on cars and mo­tor­cy­cles. When he met his wife, he had a 1957 Chevy that he had com­pletely re­built. He had started out work­ing as a mo­tor­cy­cle me­chanic to work through col­lege.   John was ac­tive in his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-Day Saints. He helped to start the Rich­field His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety, and worked with the YMCA and the Boy Scouts of Amer­ica.   John spent twelve years liv­ing his dream of trav­el­ing across the United States and Alaska in an RV with his wife. He made many friends as he trav­eled.   John leaves be­hind his wife of 50 years, Margery But­ler Wahlen; three chil­dren, John Phillip Wahlen III, Joy Elaine (Eric) Wag­ner, and Fred­er­ick Major (Ar­i­ana) Wahlen; grand­chil­dren, Zach­ery Wahlen, Eliz­a­beth Wahlen, Emma Wag­ner, Re­bekah (Jacob) David, Mada­lynn Wag­ner, Rus­sell Wag­ner, Owen Wag­ner, Kevin Ramirez, and Bella Wahlen; broth­ers, James (Sharon) and Keith (Joanne); sis­ters, Kaye Hud­son and Ivy (James) Rit­ten­house; step-brother, Wal­ter (Har­riet) Knox; and step-sis­ter, Chere (Rod­ney) Iver­son. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his mother-in-law, Daisy But­ler; cousins, Thomas Williams, Susan Williams, Sally William Mor­gan, Robert Nuss, James Nuss, Todd Noble, Paul Noble, and Glen Noble; as well as nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice for John will be held on Thurs­day, Oct. 27, at 12 p.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-Day Saints (347 N Coun­try Lane, Fond du Lac, WI 54935). Fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Thurs­day at Church from 10 a.m. until the time of ser­vice. In­urn­ment will be at Theresa Union Ceme­tery.   Memo­ri­als in John’s name came be di­rected to Leukemia So­ci­ety or the Mus­cu­lar Dy­s­tro­phy As­so­ci­a­tion.   The fam­ily would like to thank the doc­tors, nurses, and staff at St. Agnes Hos­pice Hope for their care and com­pas­sion.   Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with John’s arrange­ments. Please con­sider sign­ing our on­line guest book (www.​myrhum-​patten.​com) to share your con­do­lences with the fam­ily.
14 October 2022


Edward “Ed” R. Krahn

Edward “Ed” R. Krahn

   Edward “Ed” R. Krahn, 62 of Tucson, AZ, passed away on Sunday, April 17, 2022.   Ed was born on October 5, 1959, the son of Kenneth Krahn. Upon graduating from Lomira High School in 1977, Ed went on to serve in the US Marine Corp. After serving in the Marines, Ed moved to Denver, Colorado, where he drove truck professionally.   Throughout his adult life, Ed lived in Colorado, Alabama and Arizona. He was a prolific reader, enjoyed history, debating politics and current events.    Those Ed leaves behind to cherish his memory include his father, Ken Krahn; five sisters, Annette Weber of Hailey, Idaho, Kim (Steele) Hatter of Cortez, Colorado, Juanita (Brian) Okon of LeRoy, Wendy Giese of Fond du Lac, and Maria (Joel) Sampson of Lanesboro, Minnesota; nieces, Gretchen, Andrea, Catherine, Jessica, Hailey, Julia and Nora; nephews, Brock, Jamie and Benjamin; other relatives and friends. He will be missed by all who knew him.   Ed was preceded in death by his mother, Shirley (nee Rowley) Troyan; and his loving stepmother, Camille Krahn.   A graveside service in remembrance of Ed will be held on Saturday, Oct. 29, at 11:30 a.m. at Union Cemetery in Theresa.   The Myrhum-Patten Funeral Home of West Bend has been entrusted with Ed’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.