13 December 2022


Sandra Lee Kohlman

Sandra Lee Kohlman

   San­dra Lee Kuhlman passed away peace­fully at home on Mon­day, Dec. 5, 2022.   Sandy was born to Roy and Thirza (Tillema) Kuhlman on April 18, 1961, in Waupun.   She grad­u­ated from Hori­con High School in 1979 and shortly after started work­ing at ER Wag­ner in Hus­tis­ford. She re­tired from Wag­n­ers in 2009.   Sandy spent her re­tire­ment as an Avon rep­re­sen­ta­tive and help­ing out the fam­ily on the Kuhlman farm. She loved spend­ing time with her fam­ily, es­pe­cially her niece, nephew, and grand-nephews.    Sandy was ded­i­cated to her church and church fam­ily at Juneau United Methodist Church, act­ing as trea­surer and shar­ing her bak­ing and craft­ing tal­ents for their many gath­er­ings and bake sales. She loved mak­ing her own greet­ing cards, and all of her ex­tended fam­ily and friends were the lucky re­cip­i­ents. She also car­ried on the fam­ily tra­di­tion from her par­ents and was ac­tive with the Dodge County Dairy Pro­mo­tion Com­mit­tee.   Sandy is sur­vived by her sib­lings, Laura (Bryan) Schmude of Hori­con, Linda Kuhlman of Evans­ville, Mark (Stephanie) Kuhlman of Hori­con, and Amy Kuhlman of Hori­con; nephew, Za­ck­ery (Dana) Schmude; niece, Ste­fanie Schmude; great-nephews, Mason and Liam Schmude; and many beloved aunts, un­cles, and cousins.     She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice for Sandy was held on Mon­day, Dec. 12, at 11 a.m. at Em­manuel United Methodist Church in Hori­con, with Rev. Renae Dy­mond of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for San­dra was from 10 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 11 a.m. at church. In­urn­ment will be held at a later date.    In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als may be di­rected to Juneau United Methodist Church.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville cared for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Mary Ann A. Gehring

Mary Ann A. Gehring

   Mary Ann A. Gehring (nee Schae­fer), 77, of Hart­ford, passed away peace­fully De­cem­ber 8, 2022, at Angel’s Grace Hos­pice, Oconomowoc, after a brave 15-month bat­tle with brain can­cer.   Mary Ann was born on June 10, 1945, in Hart­ford to Lu­cille Schae­fer (nee Beine) and Nor­man Schae­fer.   She was united in mar­riage to Den­nis J. Gehring on Au­gust 14, 1965, at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Nenno and was a long­time mem­ber of St. Lawrence Catholic Church.   Mary Ann is sur­vived by Den­nis, her lov­ing hus­band of 57 years; and five chil­dren, LeRoy (Anne) Gehring and their chil­dren, Jacob (Molly) Gehring and Thomas (Bobbi) Gehring of Hart­ford, John (Kristin) Gehring and their chil­dren, Han­nah (Kyle) Berlin, Kayla Gehring of Orono, MN, Eu­gene (Chris­tine) Gehring and their chil­dren, Derik, Jor­dan, and Emily Gehring of Hart­ford, Al (Angie) Gehring and their chil­dren, Raechel and Nathan Gehring of Hart­ford, and Sue (Scott) Mudra and their chil­dren, Made­line and Saman­tha Mudra of Hart­ford; great-grand­chil­dren, Kim­berly and Mag­gie Gehring. She is also sur­vived by her three sis­ters and brother, Rita (Daniel) Fel­lenz, Bev­erly Brath, Nor­bert Sonny Schae­fer (spe­cial friend Lynda Di­ener), and Dar­lene Becker; and her sib­lings-in-law, Eileen (Ruben) Gun­drum, Mary (Ken) Gehring; and many nieces and nephews.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Nor­man Schae­fer and Lu­cille Schae­fer; her hus­band’s par­ents, John and Celia Gehring and their in­fant daugh­ter, Emily Gehring; and brother-in-law and sis­ter-in-law, Ger­ald and Mary Ann Gehring.   Mary Ann and Den­nis both at­tended Hart­ford High School and met at a polka dance at Le­gion Hall in Theresa, after which they be­came high school sweet­hearts. They dated for three years, and their dates con­sisted of going to dances, often three times per week and to her fa­vorite live music, the Bernie Roberts Band.   After mar­riage, Mary Ann and Den­nis worked side by side on the fam­ily dairy farm for 21 years. Mary Ann bal­anced doing the book­keep­ing for the busi­ness, rais­ing five chil­dren and keep­ing the house­hold spot­less. She loved tend­ing to her flow­ers and can­ning. Mary Ann also qui­etly and self­lessly vis­ited, helped, and cared for ex­tended fam­ily and friends. Often with her young chil­dren in tow, she pro­vided lessons in help­ing oth­ers in need.   After pass­ing the re­spon­si­bil­ity of farm to the next gen­er­a­tion, Mary Ann and Den­nis trav­eled ex­ten­sively to Eu­rope, Hawaii and Mex­ico, and to polka fes­ti­vals in Michi­gan, Ohio, Min­nesota and South Dakota. Mary Ann helped to arrange trans­porta­tion for 44 bus­loads of polka fans to some of these fes­ti­vals, en­list­ing the help of her grand­chil­dren to bake and pack­age home­made cook­ies and treats for each bus. She made travel easy for peo­ple who would oth­er­wise have been un­able to travel by them­selves, and Mary Ann turned many of them into friends across the Mid­west, in­clud­ing one cou­ple who met on a trip and got mar­ried. In re­cent years, Mary Ann en­joyed es­cap­ing the Mid­west cold – spend­ing win­ters in Mesa, Ari­zona.   Mary Ann took great plea­sure in car­ing for her grand­chil­dren and watch­ing them grow up to­gether. They made cook­ies, played cards, baked, and canned. The grand­chil­dren will al­ways re­mem­ber mak­ing enough Christ­mas cook­ies to cover the en­tire fam­ily-sized din­ing table, with Grandma di­rect­ing all of the ac­tiv­ity.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial for Mary Ann will be held Sat­ur­day, Dec. 17, at 12 p.m. at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 4886 State Road 175, St. Lawrence (Hart­ford), WI 53027, with Rev. Russ Ar­nett of­fi­ci­at­ing.    Fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends at the church on Sat­ur­day from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Com­mit­tal im­me­di­ately fol­low­ing Mass, St. Lawrence Catholic Church Ceme­tery.   Con­tri­bu­tions re­ceived in mem­ory of Mary Ann will ben­e­fit Masses at St. Lawrence Church and/or the Glioblas­toma Foun­da­tion, in care of Den­nis Gehring.   Grat­i­tude is ex­pressed to the team at Au­rora Med­ical Cen­ter Sum­mit and An­gels Grace Hos­pice.   The Shi­mon Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily. On­line con­do­lences and trib­utes may be share: www.​shi​monf​uner​alho​me.​com


Lyle J. Schraufnagel

Lyle J. Schraufnagel

   Lyle J. Schrauf­nagel, 64, of Mayville passed away on Sun­day, Dec. 11, 2022, when God gave the gift of His great mercy and eter­nal rest at Prairie Ridge As­sisted Liv­ing in Mayville.    Lyle was born into this world on Au­gust 23, 1958, as the sev­enth child of Vic­tor and Flo­rence (Ros­beck) Schrauf­nagel.   He was af­fec­tion­ately known as one of “Da Twins” along with his sis­ter, Lynn. He was bap­tized at St. An­drews Church in LeRoy, where he was also a mem­ber. He had fond mem­o­ries of grow­ing up on the fam­ily farm out­side of LeRoy.   Lyle grad­u­ated from Mayville High School in 1978.   He was em­ployed at the can­ning fac­tory in Mayville for 28 years, first with Joan of Arc and then Seneca Foods.    Lyle was a huge fan of the Green Bay Pack­ers and other Wis­con­sin sports teams and was al­ways in­ter­ested in talk­ing about sports with any­one he would meet. He en­joyed going to movies with friends and watch­ing movies at home with friends and fam­ily. He also en­joyed trav­el­ing to Ari­zona to see fam­ily. Lyle was a kind and gen­tle per­son who cared about oth­ers, he took great de­light in spend­ing time with fam­ily and friends.    Lyle will be deeply missed by his fam­ily. He is sur­vived by his sis­ter, Vicky (Steve) Vande Zande of Tuc­son, Ari­zona; sis­ter, Lois (Dan) Buchta of Mayville; brother, Glenn (Tam­mie) Schrauf­nagel of Mayville; sis­ter, Lynn (Todd) Thiede of Bur­nett; sis­ter-in-law, Carol Schrauf­nagel of Knowles; nieces, nephews, and friends.   Pre­ced­ing him in death were his par­ents, Vic­tor and Flo­rence; brother, Roger; brother, Leon; nephew, Brett Schrauf­nagel; nephew, Dane Buchta; and nephew, Roger Stanek.    A Memo­r­ial Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will take place on Thurs­day, Dec. 15, at 11 a.m. at St. An­drew Catholic Church in LeRoy with the Rev. Fr. Joe Do­minic pre­sid­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Thurs­day, Dec. 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the church in LeRoy.   Many thanks to the staff at Prairie Ridge As­sisted Liv­ing and Gen­er­a­tions Hos­pice for their care of Lyle.   Good-bye, Lyle! Until we meet again in heaven.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Shirley Ann Christ

Shirley Ann Christ

   Shirley Ann Christ (nee Scholtes), 89 of Rubicon, passed away, Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022, at Serenity Villa in Slinger.    Shirley was born August 16, 1933 to parents Irene (nee Kreilkamp) and Leo Scholtes.    Shirley was united in marriage to husband Marvin J. Christ on September 29, 1956, at St. Kilian Catholic Church in Hartford, having been married for over 60 cherished years.    Shirley was an avid baker and cook; her specialties being her famous poppy seed torte and delicious homemade German potato salad that the entire family has come to love so much. She enjoyed playing games of bingo on WKTM back when they were held over their radio station, and also playing cards - especially Sheepshead. In Shirley’s free time she loved to tend to her garden full of vegetables each summer.    Shirley is survived by her loving children, John (Pamela) Christ, James (Dawn) Christ, both of Rubicon, Jeffrey Christ of Iron Ridge, Julie (Brian) Sternitske of Oshkosh, and Joel (Tricia) Christ of Mayville; cherished grandchildren, Edward, Michael, Kaitlynn, and Maya Christ; dear siblings, Joan Beine, Marilyn (Erv) Koepp, Robert (Linda) Scholtes; and sister-in-law Dolores Margelofsky. Shirley is further survived by nieces and nephews, and other loved relatives and treasured friends.    She was preceded in death by her parents; parents-in-law, Edward J. and Rose (nee Hauser) Christ; her beloved husband of 60 years, Marvin; infant son, Joseph; brother, Don Scholtes; sister-in-law, Lorraine (Wally) Stucke, Sally (Otto) Freimann, Rose (Fritz) Lechner; brothers-in-law, Earl Beine and Lloyd Margelofsky.    A Mass of Christian Burial for Shirley will be held Thursday, Dec. 15, at 12:30 p.m. at St. John Catholic Church (W1170 Rome Road, Rubicon, WI 53078) with Rev. Britto Suresh officiating. Shirley’s family will greet relatives and friends at the church on Thursday from 10:30 a.m. up until the start of mass. Internment will occur in St. Mary Cemetery in Woodland.    Shirley’s family would like to extend their heart-felt gratitude and thanks to the wonderful care staff at Serenity Villa, and also at The Gardens of Hartford for all their help and care for their mom.
05 December 2022


Donald Engmann

Donald Engmann

   Donald Engmann, 86, of Lomira was called to his Savior on December 3, 2022, at Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac. His faith in God sustained him during a three-year battle with cancer and he faced the disease with courage and a positive attitude. He was an inspiration to many.   Don was born October 19, 1936, in Lomira, the son of William and Cecelia (Steiner) Engmann. After graduating from Mayville High School, he served in the U.S. Army for two years.    Don married the love of his life and best friend, Elaine (Zimmerman) on June 6, 1959, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Town of Lomira and together they raised three sons.   Don was a member of the Lomira Lions Club for over 50 years.   He loved spending his summers at Fox Lake with his family and could most often be found fishing from the pier. Over the last 15 years, he and his wife spent winters in Estero, Florida with many friends.    Besides his wife of 63 years, Don is survived by his sons, Steve (Kim) of Appleton, Scott (Carol) of Combined Locks, and Randy of Milwaukee. He’s also survived by grandsons, Mathew (fiancé Ellen) of Milwaukee, Tanner (Dianora) of Frankfort, Germany, granddaughters, Kayla (Mike) Baum of Oconomowoc, Caroline (David) Westfallen of Milwaukee and Claire (fiancé Bri) of Los Angeles, CA. His great-granddaughter, Mora Baum will miss her Grandpa Monkey.  His sister, Joyce Jaeger of Neshkoro; sister-in-law, Betty Engmann of Mayville and sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Vivian and Ewald Neitzel of Mayville further survive him. He was an uncle, cousin, and friend to many.   Don was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Jerry and Bob; brother-in-law, Gilbert Jaeger; sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Judy and Bob Johnson; and grandson, Christian Engmann.    Funeral services for Don were held on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 2 p.m. at St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church in the Town of Lomira with Rev. Matthew Kuske officiating. Visitation for Don took place at church from 12 p.m. until the time of service at 2 p.m. Graveside military rights were conducted by Lomira American Legion Post #347.    In lieu of flowers memorials may be directed to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church or Hospice Home of Hope.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville cared for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Loraine T. Weyer

Loraine T. Weyer

   Loraine T. Weyer (nee Ruplinger), 97, longtime resident of Lomira, passed away on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022, at the St. Francis Home.   She was born on April 17, 1925, in the Town of Wayne, the daughter of the late Joseph and Alma Ruplinger (nee Weiland).   On May 22, 1946, she was united in marriage to Alphonse Weyer at St. Kilian Catholic Church in St. Kilian.   Loraine and Alphonse farmed in the Lomira and Theresa areas and she worked for 22 ½ years at the West Bend Company as a press operator. Loraine also volunteered at Hope Nursing Home and was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church. She liked to spend her time making crafts, knitting, crocheting, and quilting. She especially enjoyed making baby caps to donate for newborns at St. Agnes Hospital.   Alphonse and Loraine enjoyed traveling and enjoyed a trip to Germany and visits to the eastern and western parts of the United States. In their younger days, they enjoyed dancing, but throughout their lives, they were always playing Sheepshead.   Those Loraine leaves behind to cherish her memory include two sons, Donald (Melody) Weyer of Shorewood and Albert Weyer of Mesa, AZ; two grandsons, Nicholas (Rachel Davis) Weyer and Stephen (Alysha) Weyer; great-grandson, Frederick James Weyer; and sisters-in-law, RoseMary Ruplinger, Florence (Benno) Wagner and Florence Munroe. She is further survived by many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Alphonse; and brothers, Elmer (Charlotte), Joe (Helen), Orville, Harold, and Raymond.    The visitation will be held at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett St., Fond du Lac, WI on Thursday, Dec. 8, beginning at 1 p.m. followed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Adrian Staehler officiating. The burial will be on Friday at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Lomira at 10 a.m.   Loraine’s family would like to thank the staff at both St. Clare Terrace and St. Francis Home for their comfort and care.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral and Cremation Service has been entrusted with Loraine’s arrangements. Additional information and online guestbook may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
02 December 2022


Werner Emil Herman Steinbach

Werner Emil Herman Steinbach

   Werner Emil Herman Steinbach, 87, joined his Savior in Heaven on November 30, 2022.   Werner was born on April 30, 1935, to Arnold and Elsbeth (Keup) Steinbach in Theresa. He was baptized on May 5, 1935, and later confirmed on June 5, 1949, at Immanuel Lutheran Church.   On July 21, 1968, Werner married his sweetheart, Connie Mae Holle, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Sylvan Grove, KS.    Werner was a lifelong and active member of Immanuel Lutheran Church. He used the gifts and abilities that God gave him faithfully to serve as chairman, secretary, and treasurer at church. He used his voice to praise God by singing as a choir member; accompanying his wife, Connie, in the balcony while she played the organ. Werner worked with the committee that renovated the church basement into a fellowship hall and kitchen. When the congregation celebrated its 150th Anniversary in 1997, he compiled much of the early church history for the anniversary booklet.    Werner worked in area factories and enjoyed farming. He played hymns and polkas on his accordion and in his later years, listened to numerous recordings. He was pleasantly surprised to receive his official high school diploma at age 79.    Werner and Connie enjoyed travelling and experiencing new places. Together, they toured Germany three times, enjoyed lively entertainment in Branson, MO, and visited many historical sites in and around Washington, D.C.    Werner will be deeply missed by his loving wife, Connie; brothers, Norbert (Cheryl) Steinbach; William (Bonnie) Steinbach; and Gordon (Jackie) Steinbach; and his sister, Marian Griepentrog. He is further survived by other relatives and many friends.    Werner was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law, Don Griepentrog.   Funeral services for Werner were held on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 11 a.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church (The River Church), in the Town of Theresa, with Rev. Douglas Zahner officiating. Visitation for Werner was held from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. at the River Church. Interment followed the service at Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery in the Town of Theresa.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville cared for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Pamela Ann Levenhagen

Pamela Ann Levenhagen

   Pamela Ann Lev­en­hagen, 64, of Mon­tello passed away Wednes­day, Nov. 30, 2022, sur­rounded by her fam­ily at Martha’s As­sisted Liv­ing in Prince­ton.   Pam was born in Beaver Dam on March 28, 1958, to Robert and Mar­i­lyn (Whitrock) Henkel. She grad­u­ated from Hori­con High School in 1976 and on Sep­tem­ber 30, 1978, Pam was united in mar­riage to Dar­win Lev­en­hagen at Zion Lutheran Church in Hori­con. To­gether, Pam and Dar­win resided in Hori­con for 25 years, rais­ing their two daugh­ters; in 2003 they re­lo­cated to the Mon­tello area.   Pam worked sev­eral jobs through­out her life. She en­joyed her time help­ing chil­dren as an aide in the Hori­con area and the time she spent work­ing at Lake Ar­row­head Camp­ground on Lake Puck­away. Pam loved to be cre­ative. She had the abil­ity to make some­thing beau­ti­ful out of noth­ing. Pam en­joyed doing any­thing artis­tic, but loved draw­ing and wa­ter­color paint­ing most of all. She is known for her col­or­ful flow­ers and shar­ing her love of art with every­one around her.    Pam found the most joy in spend­ing time with her fam­ily; talk­ing and laugh­ing to­gether around the kitchen table, tak­ing golf­cart rides, an­tiquing, mak­ing funny videos with her grand­daugh­ter, and tak­ing evening rides with her hus­band to look for deer. Pam will be re­mem­bered for her in­fec­tious laugh, her warm hugs, her big heart, and her one-lin­ers. She was a sec­ond mom to any­one who needed one, a friend to any­one that could use a long talk or a lis­ten­ing ear, and she had a nat­ural gift to make peo­ple smile.    Pam leaves be­hind her hus­band of 44 years, Dar­win; mother, Mar­i­lyn Henkel of Moun­tain; two daugh­ters, Jenny (Ron) Laack of Mon­tello and Alissa (Dan) Wit­thuhn of Fond du Lac; and three grand­chil­dren, Alexis, Seth and Kai. She is also sur­vived by two sib­lings, Chrissy (Clay) Smith and Hans (Molly) Henkel; sis­ter-in-law, Chris Henkel; grand­pups, Stella Louise and Tucker, as well as other ex­tended fam­ily mem­bers.   Pam was pre­ceded in death by her fa­ther; brother, Jeff Henkel; uncle, Franny Henkel; as well as her ma­ter­nal and pa­ter­nal grand­par­ents.   A Cel­e­bra­tion of Pamela’s Life will be held on Fri­day, Dec. 9, at 3 p.m. at Craw­ford Fu­neral Home in Mon­tello. Vis­i­ta­tion will be held from 1 p.m. until the hour of ser­vice. Pas­tor Mike Vargo will of­fi­ci­ate and in­urn­ment will be pri­vate.   In lieu of flow­ers, do­na­tions to are pre­ferred to the fam­ily for a memo­r­ial that will be es­tab­lished in Pam’s name at Martha’s As­sisted Liv­ing.   Craw­ford Fu­neral and Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice of Mon­tello and Ox­ford is hon­ored to be serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​CrawfordFH.​com
01 December 2022


Werner Emil Herman Steinbach

Werner Emil Herman Steinbach

   Werner Emil Herman Steinbach, 87, joined his Savior in Heaven on November 30, 2022.   Werner was born on April 30, 1935, to Arnold and Elsbeth (Keup) Steinbach in Theresa. He was baptized on May 5, 1935, and later confirmed on June 5, 1949, at Immanuel Lutheran Church.   On July 21, 1968, Werner married his sweetheart, Connie Mae Holle, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Sylvan Grove, KS.    Werner was a lifelong and active member of Immanuel Lutheran Church. He used the gifts and abilities that God gave him faithfully to serve as chairman, secretary, and treasurer at church. He used his voice to praise God by singing as a choir member; accompanying his wife, Connie, in the balcony while she played the organ. Werner worked with the committee that renovated the church basement into a fellowship hall and kitchen. When the congregation celebrated its 150th Anniversary in 1997, he compiled much of the early church history for the anniversary booklet.    Werner worked in area factories and enjoyed farming. He played hymns and polkas on his accordion and in his later years, listened to numerous recordings. He was pleasantly surprised to receive his official high school diploma at age 79.    Werner and Connie enjoyed travelling and experiencing new places. Together, they toured Germany three times, enjoyed lively entertainment in Branson, MO, and visited many historical sites in and around Washington, D.C.    Werner will be deeply missed by his loving wife, Connie; brothers, Norbert (Cheryl) Steinbach; William (Bonnie) Steinbach; and Gordon (Jackie) Steinbach; and his sister, Marian Griepentrog. He is further survived by other relatives and many friends.    Werner was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law, Don Griepentrog.   Funeral services for Werner were held on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 11 a.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church (The River Church), in the Town of Theresa, with Rev. Douglas Zahner officiating. Visitation for Werner was held from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. at the River Church. Interment followed the service at Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery in the Town of Theresa.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville cared for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com
