30 December 2022


Alan Clarence “Buddy” Kanas

Alan Clarence “Buddy” Kanas

   "I just want to go home"; were his final words, as Alan Kanas peace­fully left his earthly home sur­rounded by his fam­ily, to join Our Sav­ior on Fri­day, De­cem­ber 23, 2022, at the age of 65.   Alan, af­fec­tion­ately known to many as "Buddy", was born on Oc­to­ber 5, 1957, the son of Bar­bara and the late Clarence Kanas Jr., in Beaver Dam.   He mar­ried his lov­ing wife, Donna G. Pe­ters on June 17, 1989.   Alan worked for Mayville Lime­stone for most of his ca­reer, and most re­cently with Rite­way Bus Com­pany, in Hart­ford. He was a mem­ber of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, WI Bow Hunters, and the Team­sters. He was an ac­tive vol­un­teer every year at the Al­len­ton Pic­nic. Alan en­joyed hunt­ing, fish­ing, and rem­i­nisc­ing of the days when he coached wrestling or what­ever ac­tiv­i­ties his boys were in­volved in. He also en­joyed hobby farm­ing and was thrilled that the tra­di­tion was being car­ried on by the next gen­er­a­tion.   Alan is sur­vived by his wife, Donna G. Kanas of 33 years; chil­dren, Tony (Mi­randa) Kanas, Ben (Made­line Wal­ton) Kanas, and Patrick Kanas; his pride and joy, the grand­daugh­ters, Made­lyn and Alexan­dra Kanas; mother, Bar­bara Kanas; sib­lings, Melanie (Bill) Lackas, Lisa Kanas, and Heidi (Dan) An­to­nioni. He is fur­ther sur­vived by broth­ers and sis­ters-in-law, Henry Pe­ters, Jane (Barry) Graff, Mary (Paul) Petri, Chris Eshun, Carol Beis­tle, Mike (Mary Pat) Pe­ters, and Jim (Wendy) Pe­ters, many nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his beloved son Joel Kanas; fa­ther Clarence; mother & fa­ther-in-law Don­ald and Har­riet Pe­ters.   A vis­i­ta­tion was held on Mon­day, Jan. 2, from 1 p.m. until 4:45 p.m., with a fu­neral ser­vice at 5 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 308 Her­man St., Iron Ridge, WI. Bur­ial was pri­vate at Sa­cred Heart Ceme­tery in Al­len­ton.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als to the fam­ily, for char­i­ties to be de­ter­mined at a later date would be ap­pre­ci­ated.   Spe­cial thanks to the Hart­ford Po­lice De­part­ment, Hart­ford EMS, and Au­rora Med­ical Cen­ter Emer­gency De­part­ment for the com­pas­sion­ate care pro­vided to Alan and his fam­ily.    The Phillip Fu­neral Home of West Bend is as­sist­ing the fam­ily.(262) 338-2050 / www.​phi​llip​fune​ralh​ome.​com


Lloyd M. Musack

Lloyd M. Musack

   Lloyd M. Musack, 83, of Mayville, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022, in Beaver Dam.    Lloyd was born the son of William and Selma (Krueger) Musack on October 9, 1939, in Theresa. He graduated from Mayville High School.   Lloyd was united in marriage to Patricia Wurtz on October 24, 1964, at St. John Lutheran Church in Mayville, where he was a devoted member. Lloyd proudly served his county in the United States Navy. He worked and retired from AT & T as a communications technician.    Family was incredibly important to Lloyd. He cherished and looked forward to the time he spent with them. He enjoyed camping, deer hunting, fishing, and dancing to polkas. Lloyd was a member of the Mayville Lions Club.    Lloyd is survived by his children, Jennifer (John) Alexandrowicz, Nathan (Laura) Musack; grandchildren, Michael, Sara, Anastasia, Matthew, Adam, Natalie, and Noah; siblings: Allan Musack, Gerald (Betty) Musack, Virginia Wendorff, and Jeanine Streblow. He is further survived by other relatives and friends.    Lloyd was preceded in death by his parents; beloved wife, Pat; and his three brothers, Clarion, Donald, and Bill Musack.   Funeral services for Lloyd were held on Monday, Jan. 2, at 12 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church in Mayville with Rev. Dr. Mark Cutler officiating. Visitation for Lloyd was at church on January 2, 2023, from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m., the time of the service. Following the service, graveside military honors were conducted by the Mayville American Legion Post #69 at St. John Cemetery in Mayville.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville cared for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com
27 December 2022


Barbara E. Kerchoff

Barbara E. Kerchoff

 Barbara E. Kerchoff (nee Tautges), 82, Iron Ridge, (formerly Mayville, Germantown) passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at the Kathy Hospice in West Bend.     Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 12 p.m. on Thursday, December 29, 2022, at St. Andrew’s the Apostle, LeRoy with Rev. Fr. Joe Dominic presiding. Visitation will be at church on Thursday, December 29, 2022, from 11 a.m. until the time of service at 12 p.m. She will be laid to rest at Resurrection Mausoleum, Mequon.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Willard Walter

Willard Walter

Willard (Willie) E. Walter, age 86, formerly of Mayville, passed away swiftly and peacefully on Sunday, December 25, 2022.  Willie was born on January 8, 1936, in Mauston to a large farming family. He was born the 11th of 12 children. Willie was united in marriage to Marie Adele Nelson in 1955, in Mauston. Together they had three children, Jerry, Sherry and Kerry.  Willie built strong and long-lasting relationships with everyone he met; he was a beloved son, brother, uncle, husband, father, grandfather, and friend to many.   Willie spent his entire life working in the agricultural industry as a farmer and well-respected salesman of silos equipment and natural liquid fertilizer. Spending most of his farming career in Illinois and Wisconsin, he lived in and served his customers in Dodge County for over 60 years.    Willie was a self-taught musician, who could sing and play many instruments by ear. In his younger years, he played accordion in a band. Willie also loved to dance. He met his wife, Adele, at a dance, and from that moment on, they danced together for nearly 70 years. Everyone who watched them dance knew how connected they were as soul mates. They went to any dance they could and were always the last to leave.    Willie’s greatest joy and deepest passion was his family. Anyone who knew him, knew how much he loved his wife and family, as he shared stories about them with anyone he met.   Willie was an eternally positive, grateful, and funny person, as he always had a joke ready for any occasion. His ingenuity and creativity were ever present in all he did, allowing him to create the fulfilling and wonderful life he lived. He had an innate ability to make people laugh, smile, and most importantly, feel unconditionally loved, even those he met for only a moment. These characteristics, and more, are his legacy.    Willie is survived by his children, Gerald (Adena) Walter of Fond du Lac, Sherry (Mark Boushele) Boushele-Walter of Neenah, Kerry Walter of Menasha; his grandchildren, Angela Roberts, and Bailey, Abbigayle, Brayden, and Beau Boushele-Walter; his great-grandchildren, Clair and Cassel Roberts; his Godchildren, Gary Williams, Ann Matuszak, Janette Martin and Sonja Nelson. He is further survived by many other relatives and dear friends.    He was preceded in death by his wife, Adele; his parents, Herbert and Irma; all 11 of his siblings, Ray, Reine, Bill, Howard, Laura, Herbie, Erv, John, Don, Bud, and Bob; and many other treasured friends and relatives.    A visitation will be held for Willie on Friday, December 30th from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon) at Immanuel Lutheran Church (The River Church) in Mayville with the funeral at 12 p.m. and burial service to follow at Immanuel Cemetery Tn. Theresa. The Rev. Douglas Zahner will be officiating.    Willie’s family would like to thank all the caregivers and loved ones who helped him in countless ways, over the past three and a half years.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Marie Sauer

Marie Sauer

Marie Sauer passed away on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Marie was born on July 2, 1929, to Edgar and Mar­garet (Horsch) Guelig. She was united in mar­riage to Ray­mond L. Sauer on July 27, 1948, at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Theresa.  Marie and her hus­band owned and op­er­ated Sauer’s Meat Mar­ket and Locker Ser­vice in Lomira from 1955 until 1985.   Marie was a vol­un­teer for the Amer­i­can Red Cross Blood Bank for 50 years. She was also a mem­ber of Bint­zler-Waehler Amer­i­can Le­gion Aux­il­iary Post 347 in Lomira. There, she served as Sec­re­tary for the Post. She was a vol­un­teer and mem­ber of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Lomira.   Marie was an avid reader and en­joyed trav­el­ing, walk­ing, and bird watch­ing.   She loved her fam­ily dearly. Sur­vivors in­clude her two daugh­ters, Donna Pa­trie and her hus­band, Charles, of Avon Park, Florida, and San­dra of Visalia, Cal­i­for­nia; two sons, Richard Sauer and his wife, Mary of North Fond du Lac, and Ger­ald of Mal­one; five grand­chil­dren, 10 great-grand­chil­dren, and one great-great-grand­child.   Pre­ced­ing Marie in death are her par­ents; hus­band, Ray­mond; five broth­ers; five sis­ters; four sis­ters-in-law; and six broth­ers-in-law.   As per Marie’s re­quest, there will be no pub­lic vis­i­ta­tion or fu­neral ser­vice. Cre­ma­tion has taken place.   Myrhum - Pat­ten Fu­neral and Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Marie’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest book may be found at www.​myrhum-​pat­ten.​com.


Thomas J. Weymier

Thomas J. Weymier

 Thomas J. Weymier, age 92, passed away peace­fully sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily and was wel­comed home to Heaven on Fri­day, De­cem­ber 23, 2022, in Mayville.   Tom was born in Beaver Dam to Thomas Sr. and Anna (Weg­ner) Weymier on Feb­ru­ary 5, 1930. He was a long­time mem­ber of St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville and was a very de­voted Catholic. Tom grad­u­ated from Hori­con High School in 1947.    Tom mar­ried the love of his life, Sheila Duck­ert, on June 27, 1953, in Madi­son at St. Bernards. They were blessed with 69 ½ years of mar­riage. He worked for over 40 years at Maysteel Corp at both the Mayville and Al­len­ton lo­ca­tions.    Tom had a heart of gold. He was al­ways will­ing to help those in need. Tom trea­sured the time he spent with his fam­ily and friends. He en­joyed going out to din­ner with them and tak­ing many trips, in­clud­ing to his Navy ser­vice re­unions. Tom proudly served his county in the United States Navy from 1948-1953. He served on the USS John A Bole dur­ing the Ko­rean War. Tom be­longed to the Mayville Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #69, Knights of Colum­bus, and was a Mayville Al­der­man. Tom was also an usher at church, helped with Meals on Wheels, and was a mem­ber of the John A. Bole As­so­ci­a­tion, the de­stroyer he was serv­ing on.    Tom is sur­vived by his wife, Sheila; daugh­ter, Debra (Den­nis) Coda; son, Tim­o­thy (Julie) Weymier; sis­ter, Clau­dine Ger­mer; brother-in-law, Greg Duck­ert; and many other nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   Tom was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his mother and fa­ther-in-law: Har­land and Max­ima Duck­ert; his in­fant son at birth, Patrick; brother-in-law, Bill Ger­mer; and sis­ters-in-law, Eilleen Dean and Dena Duck­ert.    A Memo­r­ial Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial for Tom will be held on Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 6, 2023, at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville at 12 p.m. with Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will take place at church on Jan­u­ary 6, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. the time of the ser­vice. Mil­i­tary Hon­ors will be con­ducted by the Mayville Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #69.    Many thanks to his great neigh­bors and friends who were al­ways there when­ever needed to lend a help­ing hand. Also, many thanks to his great helper, Richard David­son, for keep­ing up with his won­der­ful flow­ers, gar­dens, and lawn.    Memo­ri­als may be di­rected to St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville or to the Mayville Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #69.   “I’ll be home for Christ­mas, but only in my dreams.”- With love al­ways, Tom.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​koepsellfh.​com
19 December 2022


Glenn A. Haddy

Glenn A. Haddy

   Glenn A. Haddy, 83, of Mayville passed away unexpectedly on Friday, Dec. 16, 2022 at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.   Glenn was born the son of Arthur and Marie (Titel) Haddy on October 6, 1939.   He was united in marriage to Carol Feucht on June 15, 1963, in LeRoy.   Glenn spent his life farming on the family farm in the Township of Theresa.   Racing was Glenn’s passion; he was involved in many aspects of racing with multiple different teams/drivers for 63 years. In his spare time, Glenn loved to socialize with friends and enjoyed playing sheepshead and shooting trap.   He was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mayville.   Glenn is survived by his children, Tim (Sarah) Haddy of Waupun and Jenni Haddy of North Fond du Lac; his grandchildren, Jordyn (fiance’ Coltin Eddy) Haddy, Rebecca Haddy, TJ Haddy, Kaitlyn Haddy, Anthony Haddy, Tyler Haddy, and Zachary Haddy; his special friend, Judy Fassbender of Theresa; further survived by niece, nephews, other relatives and friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Carol; and his only sister.   A funeral service for Glenn will be held on Thursday, Dec. 22, at 11 a.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mayville with Rev. Traci Maass officiating. A visitation for Glenn was held on Wednesday, Dec. 21, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville and again on Thursday, Dec. 22, from 10 a.m. until the time of the service at 11 a.m. Burial will take place at St. Petri Cemetery in the Township of Theresa. A continued celebration of Glenn’s life will follow the cemetery at Ski & Bev’s in Lomira.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
16 December 2022


Ermanelda Dora Franke

Ermanelda Dora Franke

   Ermanelda Dora Franke, 82, passed away peacefully at home on December 15, 2022.   Erma was born on July 4, 1940, at home in LeRoy, to Reuben and Vida (Indermuehle) Sperger.    Erma was united in marriage to Donald Franke, on April 30, 1960, at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, LeRoy.   Erma and Don bought the family farm they lived on all their life in April of 1960. They worked together on the farm milking cows, planting and harvesting crops, working together doing assessing work, and welcoming goose hunters for many years.    In 1973 Erma was appointed deputy assessor and worked with her father who was the assessor.   In December of 1976, she was appointed by the Town of LeRoy as their full-time assessor. She held this position for 40 years. She also was the assessor for the Towns of Ashippun, Lomira, Williamstown, Villages of Kekoskee, Brownsville and then Town of Wayne in Washington County. She was also the Clerk/Assessor for 20 years for Town of LeRoy and retired in 2016. Erma was the Treasurer for the Dodge County Farm Bureau and past President of the LeRoy/Lomira Farm Bureau. She was a member of St. Andrew Catholic Church in LeRoy and sang in the St. Andrew's Choir for many years.   She is survived by her son, Scott (Laura) Franke; daughters, Mary (Jerry) Cooper and Kay Franke; grandchildren, Ashley (Andy) Vande Zande, Emily (Ryan) Vander Grinten, Ryley and Madison Cooper, Samson, Mike (Gina) Zuehlke, and Joe Zuehlke; great-grandchildren, Alexa and Axel Vande Zande, Collin, Deszion, and Linden Zuehlke; sisters, Henrietta Gremminger, Romona (Bernard) Werner, Ruby (Richard) Stommel; brothers-in-law, Eugene Hanke and Arnold Walters.   She was preceded in death by her husband, Donald; son Myron; daughter, Cynthia; parents, Rueben and Vida Sperger; in-laws, Alphonse and Erna Franke; brothers, Donald and Courtland Sperger; brother-in-law, Ray Gremminger; sisters-in-law, Shirley Sperger, Cathy Walters, Berniece Hanke, and Romona Sperger.   A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Wednesday, Dec. 21, at 12 p.m. at St. Andrew Catholic Church in LeRoy. Visitation was held on Wednesday, Dec. 21, from 9 a.m. until the start of the service at 12 p.m. at the church. Family Entombment took place at the Shrine of Rest Mausoleum in Fond du Lac.   Memorials may be directed to the Waupun Dialysis Center or the Knowles Fire Department.    Special thank you to the Waupun Dialysis Center, St. Agnes Hospital, Edenbrook Rehabilitation Center, St. Croix Hospice Care, and all of the wonderful neighbors and friends of mom who have given her such great care and love over these past few months. We are eternally grateful for all of you in making mom’s transition to be with dad again a beautiful journey.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
15 December 2022


Carolyn A. Smith

Carolyn A. Smith

   Car­olyn A. Smith, a re­tired For­eign Ser­vice Of­fi­cer, of Wau­paca, passed away at the age of 71 on Wednes­day, Dec. 14, 2022, of can­cer.   Car­olyn was born on Feb­ru­ary 9, 1951; daugh­ter of the late Thomas and Eu­nice (Just­man) Smith. She lived in north­east­ern Wis­con­sin.   Car­olyn joined the De­part­ment of State in 1975 and later, the US In­for­ma­tion Agency. Car­olyn served in Ecuador, Tan­za­nia, Turkey, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Bul­garia, Mex­ico, Rus­sia, Ger­many, Afghanistan, and Wash­ing­ton DC. She loved to read and travel and en­joyed vol­un­teer ac­tiv­i­ties in re­tire­ment. She was an ar­dent fan of Wis­con­sin sport teams.   Car­olyn had a very spe­cial re­la­tion­ship with all of her nieces and nephews and loved spend­ing time with them. She had a deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and her faith brought her through her final trial.   Car­olyn is sur­vived by her sis­ter, Laura (Ker­mit) Mold­en­hauer of Wau­paca; brother, Alan (Dana) Smith of Fre­mont; also many nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   Fu­neral Ser­vice was held at 11 a.m. on Tues­day, Dec. 20, at Im­manuel Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church in Wau­paca. Rev. Ben Kempfert of­fi­ci­ated. Vis­i­ta­tion was held from 10 a.m. until time of ser­vice at the Church.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als ap­pre­ci­ated to Im­manuel Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church or WELS World Mis­sions at https://​community.​wels.​net   Holly Fu­neral Home of Wau­paca as­sisted the fam­ily with arrange­ments. On­line con­do­lences avail­able at www.​hol​lyfu​nera​lhom​e.​com


Ronald E. Meyer

Ronald E. Meyer

   Ronald E. Meyer, 79, unexpectedly died at his home in Lomira, on December 13, 2022, and went to his forever heavenly home with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.    Ronald (Ron) E. Meyer was born on May 20, 1943, in Chicago, IL, to Matthew and Augusta (Walters) Meyer.   On May 1, 1981, he was united in marriage to the love of his life Annette Pribnow Neitzel at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Town of Lomira. With this marriage, he also gained a son, Brian, that he loved as his own. Their family grew with the birth of their daughter, Amy, and he was the proudest father.    Ron retired from Mayville Engineering Company (MEC), where he was employed for 30 years.    Through the years, he enjoyed traveling and a cruise with Annette, endless nights of bowling and tournaments and had a love for cooking. He was an avid Wisconsin sports fan, especially the Packers, Brewers and Badgers, and never missed a Nascar race. But his absolute pride and joy in life were his two youngest grandchildren that made his smile even bigger the last few years. His days were brighter when cooking or playing games with Makena, who he called princess or his little pumpkin and when racing cars or playing catch with Dawson, who he called Buddy and who will always be Grandpa’s little boy.   Ron will be dearly missed by his wife, Annette; children, Brian (Danielle) and Amy (Heidi); five grandchildren, Brock, Dustin, Caitlin, Makena and Dawson; siblings, Matthew (Sally) Meyer, Mary Collins, Anita Odekirk and William (Mary) Meyer; father-in-law, Reuben Pribnow; brothers-in-law, Ronald Pribnow, Rodney (Dee) Pribnow, Ralph (Donna) Pribnow, Randall (Anita) Pribnow; sisters-in-law, Audrey (Randy) Greene, Arlette (Marv) Lindert, and Arlesse (Dave) Groth; additionally many nieces, nephews and friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents, Matthew and Augusta Meyer; and mother-in-law, Arlene Pribnow.   Funeral services for Ron Meyer were held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Town of Lomira with Rev. Matthew Kuske officiating on Saturday, Dec. 17, at 1 p.m. A visitation was held at the church from 10:30 a.m. until the time of service. Burial took place at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery, Town of Lomira.   The family has requested that memorials be directed to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church or to an organization dear to your heart.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com