14 February 2023


Verona Lucille Sterr

Verona Lucille Sterr

   Verona Lu­cille Sterr passed away peace­fully at Hope Health in Lomira on Mon­day, Feb. 13, 2023, with her fam­ily by her side.   Verona Lu­cille was born April 18, 1924, in the Town­ship of Wayne, Wash­ing­ton County, at the home of her par­ents, George and Es­ther (Schw­ertz) Pam­perin on Good Fri­day. She was bap­tized on May 4, 1924, and con­firmed, in the Ger­man lan­guage, on March 21,1937, at Zion Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church, Town of Wayne.    Verona was a mem­ber of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Brownsville. She had a strong faith.    She went to Eng­lish grade school in the coun­try from Sep­tem­ber to the end of April. Then Ger­man school from May 1 until July. She learned bible sto­ries, hymns and cat­e­chism in Ger­man and Eng­lish, while help­ing her dad and mother on the farm, dri­ving horses with the hay wagon, plant­ing beets and car­ry­ing milk pails every day.    After com­plet­ing grade school, there was no fur­ther ed­u­ca­tion avail­able in the area un­less she would room and board in the city. She de­cided to clean houses. Later worked at Amity Leather fac­tory in West Bend. Next, she boarded with a fam­ily mem­ber and worked at Mayville Can­ning Fac­tory and Mayville Shoe Fac­tory.    Verona mar­ried Don­ald Sterr, a WWII vet­eran, on Au­gust 28, 1946, at Zion Lutheran Church in the Town Wayne. The Lord blessed their mar­riage with three chil­dren.    Verona had many won­der­ful gifts from the Lord that she shared with many peo­ple through­out the years. She was a mem­ber of the church ladies aid, Sun­day school teacher, 4-H leader, and vol­un­teered 47 years at Bethesda Thrift Store. Verona was the head of the book de­part­ment and loved to read books; she also loved do word cir­cles. She won awards in cook­ing bake-offs and sewing con­tests. Verona wrote two cook­books on her fa­vorite fam­ily recipes. She stud­ied fam­ily ge­neal­ogy and co-au­thored The Sterr Fam­ily Newslet­ter. Verona also vol­un­teered to trans­late Ger­man let­ters and doc­u­ments to Eng­lish for any­one who needed it. She loved flow­ers, which she planted around her house. She trav­eled to Ger­many, Switzer­land, Aus­tria, Hud­son Bay, Mex­ico and many trips in the U.S. Pink was her fa­vorite color.    Verona and her hus­band, Don­nie, op­er­ated a dairy farm in Mayville. Verona was a hard-worker and al­ways helped in any way that she could. She drove trac­tor dur­ing har­vest sea­son and milked the cows, while lend­ing a hand in tak­ing care of her grand­sons. She also had her own chicken and egg busi­ness in which she had 500 chick­ens and fur­nished eggs for the Mayville School lunch pro­gram, three gro­cery stores in Mayville, and a bak­ery in Mil­wau­kee. She lived in her farm­house until No­vem­ber 29, 2022, when she moved to Hope Se­nior Liv­ing in Lomira.   Verona is sur­vived by her two chil­dren, Eu­nice Jun­gen­berg (Ron Clarin) and Jerome (Karen) Sterr, both of Mayville; her four grand­sons, Jason (Lori) Sterr, Jesse Sterr, Tim Sterr, and Lucas (Lacy) Sterr; four great-grand­chil­dren, Lyla, Leana, Leo, and Riley Sterr; one sis­ter, Adela Pamerin; and a brother-in-law, David (Sandy) Sterr. Verona is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.    Verona was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, George and Es­ther Pam­perin; her hus­band, Don­ald Sterr; her son, Allen; brother, Arthur Pam­perin; sis­ter, Lu­cille Czoschke; sis­ter-in-laws, Diana Pam­perin, Betty Nickel, and Dorothy Sterr; also, broth­ers in-law, Ar­mond Sterr, Ar­mond Czoschke, and Melvin Nickel; three nephews, Clyde Czoschke, Larry Nickel, And Brian Pam­perin.   A fu­neral ser­vice for Verona will be held on Sat­ur­day, Feb.18, at 1 p.m. at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brownsville with Rev. William Carter of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for Verona will be at church on Sat­ur­day, Feb. 18, from 11 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 1 p.m. In­ter­ment will fol­low the ser­vice at St. Luke’s Ceme­tery in Knowles.   Verona’s fam­ily would like to thank the staff at Hope Se­nior Liv­ing in Lomira for the care and com­pas­sion they showed Verona and her fam­ily dur­ing her time there.   Verona’s con­fir­ma­tion text, Psalm 37:4 “De­light your­self in the Lord and he will give you the de­sires of your heart.”   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
10 February 2023


Ruthanne C. Feucht

Ruthanne C. Feucht

   Ruthanne C. Feucht, 77, of rural Mayville, passed away peace­fully on Wednes­day, Feb. 8, 2023, at St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal in Fond du Lac with her fam­ily at her side.    Ruthanne was born the daugh­ter of Math­ias and An­ge­line (Beck) Schlad­weiler on Sep­tem­ber 29, 1945. She was a 1963 grad­u­ate of Ke­waskum High School.   Ruthanne was united in mar­riage to Jerome Feucht on May 7, 1966, at St. Michael’s Catholic Parish in Ke­waskum.   After many years of farm­ing, Ruthanne held var­i­ous ad­min­is­tra­tion roles in­clud­ing 17 great years at Mar­ian Uni­ver­sity in Fond du Lac in the Nurs­ing de­part­ment. Most re­cently, Ruthanne worked at Heier In­sur­ance in Beaver Dam.   She was a faith­ful mem­ber of St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville.   In her spare time, Ruthanne en­joyed quilt­ing, sewing, gar­den­ing, bak­ing, and cook­ing. She was well known for her green thumb and her beau­ti­ful flow­ers. Ruthanne also showed her flow­ers, bak­ing and sewing pro­jects at the Dodge Co. Fair. Many peo­ple were re­cip­i­ents of Ruthanne’s cook­ing, bak­ing and over­all kind­ness, in­clud­ing her many kind and en­cour­ag­ing posts on Face­book.    Ruthanne is sur­vived by her hus­band, Jerome of Mayville; her chil­dren, Jerome Jr. (Becky) Feucht of Mayville, Paul ‘Stubby’ (Candy) Feucht of Mayville, Fred Feucht of Bur­nett, Ed (Shel­ley) Feucht of Lomira, Matt (spe­cial friend April) Feucht of Mayville, Anne Marie (Lee) Pe­ter­son of Lake Mills, Greg (Michelle) Feucht of Fond du Lac, and Mary (Richard) Gun­drum of Hart­ford; her grand­chil­dren, David, Evan, De­r­ick (Sarah), Josh (Desi), Tyler (Lind­say), Brent, Grace, Sam, Char­lie, Jack, Austin, and Alex; her great-grand­chil­dren, Milly, Riley, Jay­den, and Au­drey; her sis­ter, Rita Pe­ters of West Bend; her sis­ters-in-law, Car­o­line Ster­nat and Char­lotte Feucht; her broth­ers-in-law, Nor­bert (Louise) Feucht, Clem (Elaine) Feucht, Clarence (Sharon) Feucht; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and many friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; sis­ter, Helen Doll; and broth­ers-in-law, Leroy Doll, Nor­bert ‘Nubby’ Ster­nat, Fran­cis Pe­ters, John (Char­lene) Feucht, and Louis Feucht (in in­fancy).   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial took place on Wednes­day, Feb­. 15, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville with the Rev. Fr. Joe Do­minic and Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held on Tues­day, Feb. 14, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville and again on Wednes­day, Feb. 15, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 11 a.m. at the church in Mayville. In­ter­ment took place at St. Mary Ceme­tery in Mayville.   The fam­ily would like to thank the staff at St. Agnes/SSM Health Can­cer Cen­ter and Hos­pi­tal of Fond du Lac for their kind­ness, com­pas­sion and lov­ing care.    Memo­ri­als in mem­ory of Ruthanne may be di­rected to Mar­ian Uni­ver­sity in Fond du Lac, St. Lawrence Sem­i­nary in Mt. Cal­vary or a char­ity of your choos­ing.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
09 February 2023


Marcella M. Jaeger

Marcella M. Jaeger

   Marcella M. Jaeger, 101, formerly of Brownsville, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023, at Harbor Haven Health & Rehabilitation in Fond du Lac, where she resided since January of 2020.    She was born May 6, 1921, the daughter of Emil and Frieda (Geschke) Schreier of Theresa. Marcella attended Sunny Slope School in rural Lomira. Marcella married Paul P. Jaeger on May 18, 1940, at St. John’s Rectory in Byron.    Marcella worked with her husband on the family purebred Chester White hog and Holstein dairy farm, while raising their children.   Marcella will be fondly remembered for the enjoyment she received from playing cards, dancing to polka music, and her love of flowers. Marcella also enjoyed taking flowers and house plants to the county fair. She was active in the Fond du Lac County 4-H program and was a house plant and flower leader for the South Byron 4-H Club for many years.   She was a member of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Oakfield, since her marriage in 1940. Marcella loved many things that started with the letter “P”: Paul, Pink, Pigs, Polkas and Peach Schnapps! Marcella was an only child; but made up for it by having a big family of her own!   Survivors include her two sons, Rudy (Agnes) Jaeger of Brownsville, and John (Joan) Jaeger of Brownsville; three daughters, Patricia Uttendorfer of Oakfield, Sandy Briese of Oshkosh, and Susan Jaeger of Fond du Lac. She is also survived by 16 grandchildren, Debra (Eric) Fessler, Daryl (Chrissann) Jaeger, Mark Jaeger, Renee (Scott) Schmitz, Randy (special friend, Sara Michels) Jaeger, Jeffrey (Judy) Jaeger, Joel (Tara) Jaeger, Brian Jaeger, Paul (Sue) Uttendorfer, Rhonda (Ron) Petersen, Louis (Kristin) Uttendorfer, Joe (Tina) Uttendorfer, Michael (Heidi) Jaeger, Rebecca (Craig) Scherer, Lisa (Joe) Failla, and Beth (Mike) Miller. She is further survived by 27 great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and cousins.   Marcella was preceded in death by her parents; her spouse in 1987; one son, Richard Jaeger; three sons-in-law, James Uttendorfer, Ronald Briese, and James Schraven; and one granddaughter, Mary Beth Tatham. She is further preceded in death by two brothers-in-laws, Clarence “Pat” (Ottilia "Tillie") Jaeger and Kenneth (Evelyn) Jaeger and special friend, Adolph Frederick, whom she met through polka dancing.   A Funeral Service and Burial has taken place for Marcella.    Marcella’s family would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to the entire Harbor Haven team, SSM Health Hospice caregivers and SSM Adult Day Services for their dedicated love, care and compassion extended to Marcella.    Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Marcella’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book can be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
07 February 2023


John Alois Stoffel

John Alois Stoffel

   John Alois Stoffel passed away on January 31, 2023, at the age of 72 at the V.A. Hospital in Largo, FL, after a lengthy illness.   John was born November 22, 1950, to Alois and Rita (Klumpyan) Stoffel of Campbellsport.   John was a graduate of St. Matthew's Grade School, and a 1968 graduate of Campbellsport High School. John excelled in high school sports, where he was an all-star football, basketball, and baseball player.   John was inducted into the Campbellsport High School sports Hall of Fame in 2021.   John attended UW-Oshkosh on a baseball scholarship and was drafted by the California Angels. John played for the Angels Farm System until being traded to the St. Louis Cardinals. He later had to retire from baseball due to a shoulder injury.   While in California, John was a member of the Army National Guard, and served his country for two years.   John moved to Florida in 1978, where he managed his landscaping business and raised his family until his retirement. He remained living in Largo until the time of his death.   John married his wife, Diane, on August 13, 1994, and she passed away on May 31, 2020.   John is survived by his daughters, Alissa (Jeremy) and Serena (Tim); grandchildren, Parker and Allison; three brothers, William (Barb) and Joseph (Beth) of Campbellsport; Randy of Fond du Lac; five sisters, Donna (Dan) Rohlinger of Campbellsport, Diane (Don) Gudex and Debra (Steve) Stephany, both of Eden, Denise (Dennis) Kemmel of Brownsville, and Dawn Lopez of Palm Harbor, FL; and many nieces and nephews.   In addition to his parents, John was preceded in death by his wife, Diane; his brothers, Andrew, James, Jeffrey, Patrick; his nephew, Rick Gudex; and brother-in-law, Rudy Lopez.   Cremation has taken place. Burial will be at the V.A. Cemetery at Bay Pines, FL.   A memorial will be held for John at a later date.
06 February 2023


Marian Meta Brandt

Marian Meta Brandt

   Marian Meta Brandt (nee Koepsell) peacefully passed away on February 4, 2023.   She was born on November 28, 1942, to her parents, Gotthold A. Koepsell and Verona A.M (nee Gloede) in the Town of Herman, Dodge County. Marian was baptized on December 6, 1942, by Pastor Herman Laabs, which led to her confirmation on April 28, 1957 by Pastor William Lauterbach at Immanuel Lutheran Church (River Church).   Marian was united in marriage with Ronald H. Brandt for 54 years on July 20, 1968. Together, their marriage was blessed with three children, Cheryl, Dean, and Brian.    Marian grew up in the Mayville area working alongside her parents on the family farm until moving to Hartford in 1965 where she worked at the Badger Lab in Jackson. Marian and Ronald soon made their forever home in Cedarburg. Aside from Marian taking care of the children, her full time job was working on the family farm with Ronald for 54 years.   Marian’s true passions included baking, talking to her loving family, polka dancing and traveling alongside her husband. Marian’s selflessness was expressed by always putting others first, her famous words were, “Don’t worry about me.”    Those Marian leaves to cherish her memory include her loving husband, Ronald; children, Cheryl (Brian) Ehmke of Hartford, Dean (Michelle) Brandt of Cedarburg, and Brian (Julie) Brandt of Cedarburg; grandchildren, Brandon (Shannon) Ehmke, Annette (Austin) Nerby, Kyle, Justin, Allison Ehmke, Brianna, Mallory, and Andrew Brandt, Nora and Katie Brandt; great-grandchildren, Alexis Nerby and Parker Ehmke, along with a great-grandchild coming along; step-great-grandchild, Braylen LeClair; two sisters, Lorraine Hahn and Elaine Gunst (Claude) Rex; brother-in-law, Robert Schultz; sister-in-law, Hildegarde Brandt; step-siblings, Gary Dummer and Connie (Mike) Thull; step-sister-in-law, Carol Dummer. She is further survived by many nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends.    In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her daughter, Doreen Kay; mother-in-law Eleanor Brandt; father-in-law, Herbert Brandt; step-father, Harvey Dummer; three sisters, Arlene Ohland, Marlis Glamann, and Edna Schultz; three brother-in-laws, Marvin Ohland, Earl Hahn and Leland Gunst; step-brother Duane Dummer; and step-sister-in-law, Sharon Dummer; brother-in-laws, Wilmer (Joanne) Brandt and Allen Brandt; sister-in-law, Lorraine (Russell) Pluedeman; and two nieces, Jean Kelley and Anola Ketelhohn.    Funeral services for Marian will be held on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Cedarburg. Family will welcome guests at 12 p.m. till 1:45 p.m. with a service time starting at 2 p.m. with Pastor Vicki Simon officiating. Marian will be buried at Immanuel Cemetery immediately following the service. The family would like to thank Serenity Villa for the continuous involvement, memories, and care for Marian.   In lieu of flowers, memorials to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, or memorials of your choice are appreciated.


Raymond E. Roskopf

Raymond E. Roskopf

   Raymond E. Roskopf, 85, of Iron Ridge passed away on Saturday, February 4, 2023.   Raymond (Ray) was born on April 21, 1937 to Alfred and Viola (Lauer) Roskopf.    He was united in marriage to Mardell Hagen on May 12, 1962, at St. Mary's church in Woodland.   Ray was a farmer all his life. First with his dad in Germantown and then he and Mardell bought a farm in rural Iron Ridge in 1968. He was a member of Sacred Heart Church in Horicon. He was an avid card player and especially loved playing sheepshead.   Survivors include his wife, Mardell, of 60 years; and their four children, Debra Layman of E. Palo Alto, CA, Marci (Jeff) Laufenberg of Malone,  Dennis (Shelley) Roskopf of Beaver Dam, and David (Monica) Roskopf, Iron Ridge; grandchildren, Ethan Laufenberg, Trevor and Brendan Roskopf; step-grandchildren, Cody Albrecht and Chelsey (Samantha) Albrecht;  one step-great-grandchild, Kloie; sisters, Cathy Daniels, Lorraine (Richard) Weiland; brothers, Kenneth (Karen) Roskopf, Joseph Roskopf, and Ronald (Sandra) Roskopf; further survived by many loving relatives and friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents; parents-in-law; son-in-law, Steve Layman; and brother-in-law, Terry Daniels.   A Mass of Christian Burial will take place on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. at Sacred Heart Parish in Horicon with Rev. Fr. Justin Lopina presiding. A visitation will take place on Saturday, February 11, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the church. Burial will take place at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Woodland.   A special thank you to the staff at Marvins Manor, Horicon and Generations Hospsice in Fond du Lac for all their care and support shown to Ray and his family.    In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to Sacred Heart Parish.


Bonnie L. Christian

Bonnie L. Christian

   Bon­nie L. Chris­t­ian, 75, of Tom­a­hawk, passed away on Thurs­day, Feb. 2, 2023, at home under the care of her fam­ily and Com­pas­sus Hos­pice.    Bon­nie was born Jan­u­ary 27, 1948, in West Bend, to the late Mar­vin and Marie (Mate­hial) Jack­lin. Bon­nie spent most of her time in the Iron Ridge area.   She was mar­ried to Bruce Chris­t­ian, Sr., on May 30, 1987. They moved to the Tom­a­hawk area in 1991. Bruce passed away in 2016. Bon­nie and Bruce for­merly owned and op­er­ated the Alamo Plaza Restau­rant in Tom­a­hawk for 16 years. She loved the time she spent at their house on the lake and was al­ways will­ing to lend a help­ing hand to her neigh­bors.Bon­nie en­joyed trap shoot­ing, bags, pool, four-wheel­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, and def­i­nitely had the gift to gab. She also liked telling sto­ries about her child­hood. Most of all, she loved spend­ing time with her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren, and great-grand­chil­dren.   Sur­vivors in­clude her chil­dren, Coz­ette Isom of Arkansas, Con­nie Pinkner of Hart­ford, John (Linda) Schultz of Bur­nett; Bruce (Mary) Chris­t­ian, Jr. of Hori­con, and Kelly (Den­nis) Mold­en­hauer of De­For­est. Bon­nie is fur­ther sur­vived by her grand­chil­dren, Jon­a­lyn Eglaclic, Stephanie (Re­nard) Bat­tle, Nathan (Julia) Schultz, Dylan Hanni, Spencer Hanni, Carter Pinkner, Alec (Heather) Schu­mann, and Pey­ton (Becca) Schu­mann; and her great-grand­chil­dren, Hailee Lehman, Har­low Bat­tle, RJ Bat­tle, Hadara Bat­tle, and Eli­jah Schultz. Bon­nie is fur­ther sur­vived by in-laws and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Mar­vin and Marie Jack­lin; her hus­band, Bruce Chris­t­ian, Sr.; her brother, Mike Jack­lin; and her sis­ter, Judy Mumper.   Fu­neral Ser­vices for Bon­nie Chris­t­ian were held Mon­day, Feb. 6, at 11 a.m., at Gen­er­a­tions Fu­neral Home. Her fam­ily re­ceived friends for vis­i­ta­tion at the fu­neral home on Mon­day from 9 a.m. until the time of ser­vices at 11a.m. Rev. Larry Math­ein of­fi­ci­ated with pri­vate fam­ily in­ter­ment that took place.
27 January 2023


Mary Ellen Fogarty

Mary Ellen Fogarty

   Mary Ellen Fog­a­rty, 76, of Hori­con, went to be with her Lord and Sav­ior on Tues­day, Jan. 24, 2023.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice for Mary will be held on Feb­ru­ary 3, at the Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam, at 1 p.m. A vis­i­ta­tion for Mary will be held from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.    Mary was born to Ralph and Murl Hutchins on July 11, 1946.   She was united in mar­riage to William Fog­a­rty on May 4, 1968, in Hazel Park, MI. To­gether they raised two daugh­ters.   She re­ceived a Bach­e­lor of Arts from Wayne State, MI and a Mas­ter’s in pas­toral min­istry from Mary­grove Col­lege, MI. Mary and Bill moved to Wis­con­sin in 2004 to be closer to their grand­chil­dren.    Mary was a mem­ber of Edge­wood Com­mu­nity Church in Waupun. While Mary never lead a con­gre­ga­tion, she en­joyed spread­ing God’s Word. Mary loved to make cards and send them to any­one whom she felt needed en­cour­age­ment. She had a soft spot for the shut-ins and made sure they knew she was think­ing about them often.    Mary loved to travel. Mary had a pas­sion for writ­ing. It was her writ­ing that helped get her through some of her final days, in which she com­piled two books.   Mary is sur­vived by her lov­ing daugh­ters, Jen­nifer (Brad) Freriks, and Amy (Bret) En­slen; six grand­chil­dren; her sis­ter, Patty Ar­se­nault; and brother Scott (Sandy) Hutchins. She is fur­ther sur­vived by other rel­a­tives and friends.    Mary was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her lov­ing hus­band, Bill; and her sis­ter, Linda Lee.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als in Mary’s honor may be di­rected to Edge­wood Com­mu­nity Church in Waupun.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is car­ing for fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
26 January 2023


Donald “Don” Arnold Collien

Donald “Don” Arnold Collien

   Donald “Don” Arnold Collien, 86, of Lomira was called home to be with the Lord on January 24, 2023, at Christian Home in Waupun surrounded by his loving family.   Don was born on January 15, 1937, in Fond du Lac to Arnold and Genevieve Collien (Jaber).   He was united in marriage to Linda Jean Samp on August 5, 1967, at St. Mary’s in Fond du Lac. Linda passed away June 26, 2003.   Don graduated from Oakfield High School in 1955. He proudly served in the United States Army National Guard. Don owned and operated Don’s Tap in Brownsville for fifteen years. Then he owned and operated Collien Insurance for over forty years.    Don was an avid sportsman; he loved hunting, fishing, and coaching Little League Baseball, Brownsville Women’s Softball Team, and the Brownsville Rock River Team where he won coach of the year several times. He was a member of the Sportsmans Athletic Club, Ducks Unlimited, and Lions Club. Don was also an accomplished woodworker and gardener.   Those Don leaves behind to cherish his memory include his three children, Jeffrey (Lisa) Collien, Julie (Robert) Scharschmidt, and Jodi (Michael Jr.) Batzler; nine grandchildren, Ashley (Eric) Schmitz, Brooke (Derrick) Straks, Jaden Collien, Sydney Scharschmidt, Nicholas Scharschmidt, Allison Batzler, Nathan Batzler, and Griffin Batzler; eight great-grandchildren, Kailey Wegener, Leighton Schmitz, Kendyl Schmitz, Reid Schmitz, Rielyn Straks, Emerie Straks, Landon Wegener, and Isaiah Wegener. He is further survived by two sisters, Karen Kay Schoepke and Jacqueline (Charles) Henke; brother-in-law, Richard Krudwig; and half-brother, Michael (Kathy) Collien; as well as nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    In addition to his parents and his wife, Linda, Don was preceded in death by his sister, Jilliane Krudwig; and grandson, Brennan Wegener.   A Graveside Service for Don was held on Friday, Jan. 27, at 11:30 a.m. at Avoca Cemetery (County Rd D. – just East of Oakfield).    The family greeted relatives and friends on Friday, Jan. 27, at Myrhum-Patten Funeral Home (350 Main St. – Lomira, WI 53048) from 1 p.m. until the time of Service.   A Memorial Service was held on Friday, Jan. 27, at the funeral home at 3:30 p.m.   The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff at Waupun Christian Home and Hospice Hope SSM for their care and compassion.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Don’s arrangements. Please consider signing our online guest book (www.myrhum-patten.com) to share your condolences with the family.
23 January 2023


Shirley M. Muche-Vollmer

Shirley M. Muche-Vollmer

   Shirley M. Muche-Vollmer, 82, of Mayville, passed away peacefully on Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, at her son Scott’s home in Mayville surrounded by her family.   Shirley was born the daughter of Raymond and Evelyn (Milbrot) Walters on March 27, 1940.   She was a 1958 graduate of Mayville High School.   Shirley had worked various jobs throughout her life, such as Purity Cheese, Beatrice Cheese, and Mayville Metal.   Her greatest job was Grandma and she loved taking care of her family.   Shirley was united in marriage to Glenn Muche on August 2, 1958, and later married Claude Vollmer on November 26, 2010.   Shirley was an active member of St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville. She served her church on Altar Guild, Dorcas Society, quilting, and helped serve funeral luncheons for many years. Shirley was also a member of the Mayville Senior Center.   In her spare time, Shirley enjoyed fishing, playing cards, and bingo. Sports were important to her as well and she enjoyed rooting for the Brewers, Packers, and the Bucks. Shirley loved nature, birds, and driving around looking for deer. She was an excellent cook and baker and was always willing to bring a dish to pass. In later years, she enjoyed motorcycling and traveling with her husband. Shirley will be fondly remembered as a kind loving friend to all.   Shirley is survived by her children, Bruce (Kindra) of Mayville, Scott (Melissa) Muche of Mayville, and son-in-law, Richard Becker of Iron Ridge; her step-children, Cole (Pam) Vollmer of Oakfield and Chet (Jaynell Gulseth) Vollmer of McFarland; her grandchildren, Clint (fiance' Teresa) Muche of Menomonee Falls, Jared Muche of Mayville, Danielle (Mike) Schraufnagel of Wausau, Chelsey (Jason Price) Muche of Mayville, Alaina (Ben) Vorlob of West Bend, Nick (Stefanie) Muche of Eagle River, Alaska, Mariah (Keith) Hovland of Glendale, Kirsten (Nick) Pilsner of Mayville, Samantha Muche of Menomonee and Benjamin and Brock Becker of Iron Ridge; her step-grandchildren, Colton (Katie) Vollmer of Greenville, Shelby (fiance Patrick Metke) Schmitz of Fond du Lac, Dalton (Amie Gruening) Vollmer of Fond du Lac, Brandon Ruehl of North Fond du Lac, and Alaina Vollmer of Milwaukee; her great-grandchildren, Taelyn, Allison, Fiona, Eloisa, Cameron, Jaxon, Aiden, Ben, Berkeley, Parker, Nash, and Benji; her step-great-grandchildren, Brigham, Kennedy, Hadleigh, and Beckham; her brother, Arnold (Marsha Schwartzmiller) of Leroy and sister, Gloria (Dave Dayton) Gentz of Kewauskum,; her brothers-in-law, Curt (Carol) Muche of Mayville, Ronald (Rosemary) Vollmer of West Bend; sister-in-law, Joyce Ann Hechimovich of Mayville; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives, and many friends.   She was preceded in death by her parents; husbands, Glenn and Claude; daughter, Cheri; brother, Raymond; and grandson, Brandon.   A funeral service for Shirley will take place on Thursday, Jan. 26, at 11 a.m. at St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville with the Rev. Dr. Mark Cutler officiating. A visitation will be held from 9:30 until the time of the service at 11 a.m. at the church. Interment will take place at St. John Cemetery in Mayville.   Memorials in memory of Shirley can be directed to the St. John's Altar Guild, Dorcas Society, Quilters, or Promedica Hospice of Fond du Lac.   Special thanks to Promedica Hospice for the care and support shown to Shirley and her family.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com