05 January 2023


Duane R. “Melf” Gourlie

Duane R. “Melf” Gourlie

   Duane R. "Melf" Gourlie, 76, life­long Mayville res­i­dent, passed away peace­fully on Jan­u­ary 3, 2023, at An­gels Grace Hos­pice in Oconomowoc, with his lov­ing wife, Denise, by his side.   Melf was born on Sep­tem­ber 9, 1946, to Bertha and Ray­mond Gourlie in Hart­ford. He was a 1965 grad­u­ate of Mayville High School and true Car­di­nal Alumni. He humbly re­ceived the Katie award in 2014.   Melf mar­ried his high school sweet­heart, Denise Bonack, at St. An­drew’s Parish on De­cem­ber 9, 1967, and they raised their two chil­dren in Mayville.   He worked for Mayville En­gi­neer­ing Com­pany as a CAD en­gi­neer, re­tir­ing in 2003.   Melf lived his life by the Golden Rule and the 4Fs, Fam­ily, Friends, Foot­ball and Fun. Fam­ily was very im­por­tant to Melf and if you had the plea­sure of know­ing him, he treated every­one like fam­ily. He was a proud fa­ther and an even prouder grand­fa­ther. Melf was a ded­i­cated fam­ily man that was al­ways pre­sent at his chil­dren’s and grand­chil­dren’s events. He also loved his fam­ily of blue­birds that re­turned each spring. He fed, housed and nur­tured them, so that he and Denise could enjoy them.   Friends were fam­ily to Melf. He loved shar­ing a vodka gim­let or two, golf­ing, trav­el­ing, va­ca­tion­ing, line danc­ing, fish­ing and just shoot­ing the breeze. When he was out for his daily walk, he would al­ways stop and say hi. He was a pas­sion­ate golfer and spent his free time on the course with his bud­dies. He was blessed to have two hole in ones. Melf was also a huge Cubs fan, and his friends gave him a good rib­bing about that one.   Car­di­nal Foot­ball ran through his veins. He was proud to be a part of the Mayville sev­enth and eighth grade foot­ball pro­gram for many years. Melf had the plea­sure of work­ing with so many boys, be­com­ing their role model and men­tor, even his grand­son. He be­lieved in work ethic and that hard work pays off. He was es­pe­cially proud see­ing his final sev­enth grade team take the field this year at Camp Ran­dall and fol­lowed them every step of the way.   Melf loved to laugh and loved it even more when he could make peo­ple laugh. He thought life should be full of fun and to live every mo­ment to its fullest. He used humor to spread joy. If you were lucky enough to catch him on the stage, you know what I am talk­ing about. Melf had some great roles with the Marais Play­ers, KML play­ers and the Hart­ford Play­ers, not to men­tion his Lip Sync Days. He had fun por­tray­ing the Judds, Blues Broth­ers, Hill­bil­lies and many more with his part­ner in crime, Den­nis, and even one with his other broth­ers, Don and Dale. He had the role of Candy in “Of Mice and Men” where he showed his se­ri­ous side. Melf’s final role was Bud the Stud and he had so much fun with it.“All the World’s a stage and all the men and women are merely play­ers; They have their exits and their en­trances, And one man plays many parts” – William Shake­sp­heare   Melf leaves be­hind his wife and biggest sup­porter, Denise; his two chil­dren, Car­rie (Scott) Hurst and Mike (Renee) Gourlie. He was a proud grand­fa­ther to Corbin and Carly Schroeder. Melf wel­comed Ryan (Kath­leen) and Randy (Cassi) Hurst into his fam­ily along with their chil­dren, Berkley, Kol­bie and Stephen. He loved his broth­ers, sis­ters-in-law and broth­ers-in-law, Don (Dorie), Den­nis (Pam), Dale (Karen) Gourlie, May­nard Laufen­berg, Dean Bonack, Dale (Sue) Bonack, Lee (Steph) Bonack; and many nieces, nephews, rel­a­tives and friends.   Melf was pre­ceded in death by his lov­ing mother, Bertha Gourlie; fa­ther, Ray­mond Gourlie; sis­ter, De­lores Laufen­berg; mother-in-law, Ruth Bonack, and fa­ther-in-law, Oscar Bonack.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial took place on Mon­day, Jan. 9, at 12 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville with the Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion was held on Mon­day, Jan. 9, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 p.m. at the church. Bur­ial took place at St. Mary’s Ceme­tery in Mayville. A con­tin­ued cel­e­bra­tion of Melf’s life took place at The Meat­ing Place in Mayville fol­low­ing the ceme­tery prayers.   The fam­ily would like to thank the nurses and care­givers at An­gels Grace Hos­pice, Oconomowoc, for keep­ing Melf com­fort­able and pass with dig­nity and peace. They would also like to thank the Mayville com­mu­nity for all the kind words and sup­port through this dif­fi­cult time.   In lieu flow­ers, the fam­ily would like to honor Melf’s name by send­ing do­na­tions to Bag­gin’ for a Cure (Na­tional Ex­change Bank) as they sup­ported Melf and his wife through this tough time or do­na­tions in Melf’s mem­ory to An­gels Grace Hos­pice, Oconomowoc.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville served the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
04 January 2023


Gerald A. Becker

Gerald A. Becker

Gerald “Jerry” A. Becker, 65, of Campbellsport passed away Sunday, Jan uary 1, 2023, unexpectedly at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac. He was born on March 26, 1957, the son of John P. and Laurene M. (nee Vorderbruggen) Becker. On April 19, 1986, Jerry was united in marriage to Sharon L. Legate at St. Kilian Catholic Church in St. Kilian. Jerry was an electrician and had worked at Regal Ware for 45 years. Jerry worked harder than most and was often found working on projects until they were to his standard of perfection. Jerry was an avid woodworker and shared his talents by leading the 4-H woodworking youth in many projects. He had a generous heart and was always willing to lend a hand to those in need. He planted his vegetable garden bigger than he knew he would need, knowing he would share most of the produce with friends and family. He enjoyed raising and showing rabbits, snuggling with his dog, and, most of all, spending time with his family.Those Gerald leaves behind to cherish his memory include his wife, Sharon; children, Morgan Legate, Robert Becker, and Elizabeth (Timothy) Twohig; grandson, Brandon Jacobson; mother, Laurene Becker; siblings, Corrine Preston, Grace Loehr, Angela (Stephen) Galleske, Arnold Becker, Daniel Becker, and Steven (Jessica) Becker. He is further survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and friends.Gerald was preceded in death by his father, John Becker; brother-in-law, Dan Loehr; and sister-in-law, Cyndi Kemeny.Visitation will be Saturday, January 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Twohig Funeral Home, 109 W. Main St., Campbellsport. A funeral service will follow at 1 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev. Neil Zinthefer officiating; and cremation will follow the traditional service.The family extends a special thank you to the Campbellsport EMTs and Ambulance crew and the Lomira 1st Responders.Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals. com.


Barbara A. Krezman

Barbara A. Krezman

Barbara A. Krezman, 83, of West Bend, passed away on Saturday, December 31, 2022, at her home with her family at her side. Barb was born on December 19, 1939, in Milwaukee, the daughter of the late Leo and Helen (nee Rumocki) Stroik. On August 9, 1969, she was united in marriage to Jerome Krezman in Waukegan, Illinois. Jerome preceded Barb in death on November 30, 2008. Barb adored her grandchildren and family meant everything to her. She was a social butterfly and loved to please people. Barb loved Christmas time and got to spend one last Christmas with her family. She loved traveling with friends and playing card games, Sheepshead and Uno in particular. Barb is finally getting to see and hold her precious baby girl, Lynne.Those Barb leaves behind to cherish her memory include three children, Robert (Terri) Poznanski, Russell (Jeannine) Krezman, and Julie Krezman; 12 grandchildren, Katie Poznanski, Jacob Poznanski, Nicholas Hamann, Brandon Hamann, and Dakota Hamann, Emmalynn Schoonover, Cheryl Ledebuhr, Jessica Schroeder, Mark Poznanski, Elizabeth Hill, Jesse Hill, and David Murphy; 15 great-grandchildren; a brother, Alan Stroik; two nieces, Kelly and Kathy; two nephews, Scott and Matt; other relatives and friends.In addition to her husband and parents, Barb was preceded in death by two sons, Paul Poznanski and Bruce Krezman; a daughter, Lynne Poznanski; and a sister, Patricia Lambro.Visitation: Barb’s family will greet relatives and friends at the Myrhum – Patten Funeral and Crema - tion Service, 1315 W. Washington Street, West Bend, on Thursday, January 5, 2023, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.Funeral Service: A service for Barb will be held at 2 p.m. at the funeral home in West Bend on Thursday, January 5. Deacon Mike Koebel will officiate, and burial will follow at Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery in Kewaskum.The Myrhum – Patten Funeral and Cremation Service has been entrusted with Barb’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
03 January 2023


Helen M. Jaquet

Helen M. Jaquet

   Helen M. Ja­quet, 77, of Hori­con passed away peace­fully on Wednes­day, Dec. 28, 2022, at the Re­mem­brance Home in Beaver Dam.   Helen was born Au­gust 9, 1945, the daugh­ter of Au­gust and Dorothy (Kruel) Ja­quet in Hori­con. She was a grad­u­ate of Con­cor­dia Lutheran Col­lege.    Helen was a Lutheran school teacher and began her teach­ing ca­reer in Michi­gan. Later, she moved back to Hori­con to care for her mother, Dorothy. At this time, she also taught at St. Stephen’s Ev. Lutheran School in Hori­con for many years. Helen was a fos­ter par­ent and later op­er­ated the Ja­quet Day Care Cen­ter out of her home.   She was a life­long faith­ful mem­ber of St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   Helen en­joyed gar­den­ing with her mother. She loved craft­ing and sewing. Helen es­pe­cially en­joyed the com­pan­ion­ship of her three golden re­triev­ers and her cats.   Helen is sur­vived by her sis­ter, Ruth Ul­rich of Hori­con; her adopted son, Michael (An­nick) Ja­quet and their daugh­ters, Au­tumn and Eliyana; her adopted daugh­ter, Maria Ja­quet and her daugh­ter, Trin­ity; her nieces and nephews, Lisa (Todd) Wanie (Helen’s guardian), Linda (Robert) Wil­son, Larry (Jamie) Ul­rich, Diane (Doug) Flouro, Sherry Ja­quet, Chris­tine Villa, Carol Car­lin, Con­nie (Roger) Mack­lin, Cur­tis Ja­quet and Colleen (James) Hoth-Ja­quet. She is fur­ther sur­vived by other rel­a­tives and friends.    She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her sis­ter, Em­i­lie; and her broth­ers, Robert, Arthur and Ed­ward; and her nephew, Carl Ja­quet.   A memo­r­ial gath­er­ing for Helen was held at St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con on Wednes­day, Jan. 4, from 10:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. A Memo­r­ial Ser­vice began at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Daniel See­hafer of­fi­ci­at­ing. In­urn­ment will be at Oak Hill Ceme­tery at a later date.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­r­ial do­na­tions in Helen’s name may be made to St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church or St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran School.   The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Hori­con is car­ing for the fam­ily. On­line con­do­lences may be made at www.​koepsellfh.​com.


Raymond C. Roll

Raymond C. Roll

   Ray­mond C. Roll, 94, Town of Hub­bard, went home to be with his Lord and Sav­ior on Sun­day, Jan. 1, 2023, at his home sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily.    Ray­mond was born Sep­tem­ber 3, 1928, to Ar­mond and Irma (Krue­gar) Roll at home in Kekos­kee.   He mar­ried El­dine I. Franke on Sep­tem­ber 24, 1949, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con.    Ray loved his Lord and lived his faith daily. He was a faith­ful mem­ber of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Hori­con serv­ing as an usher, elder, and choir mem­ber for many years.    Ray was a farmer from the start. He lived and worked on the fam­ily farm in Hori­con since 1939. Later, Ray and El­dine bought the farm and raised their fam­ily there. They found time to al­ways be to­gether whether it be milk­ing cows, plant­ing, or har­vest­ing crops.   Ray en­joyed all the typ­i­cal Wis­con­sin ac­tiv­i­ties. He loved root­ing for the Wis­con­sin sports teams and en­joyed fish­ing, lis­ten­ing to polka music, and trav­el­ing, and play­ing cards with his many friends and fam­ily mem­bers. He es­pe­cially loved tak­ing rides just to take in the beauty of the crops. Ray con­stantly was think­ing about oth­ers and called every morn­ing to check in on all of his friends and fam­ily.   Ray is sur­vived by his daugh­ter, Joan (William) Suprna; son, Larry Roll; grand­chil­dren, Kristyne (Mark) Case; Melissa (William) Kreis; Stephanie (Dar­rell) Mint­zlaff; Tri­cia Roll; and Tiffani Roll; great-grand­chil­dren: Clarice Case; Lydia Case; Lily Kreis; Ryan Teson; Great Great Grand­son: Mad­dox Teson. He is fur­ther sur­vived his sis­ter, Norma Pluck­ham; sis­ter-in-law, Cor­raine Roll; brother-in-law, Vern (Jean) Franke. Fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.    Ray was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his par­ents-in-law, Arnold and Mable Franke; his wife, El­dine; brother, Mil­ton; sis­ters, Verna Well­nitz, Dar­lene Schwantes, and Lor­raine Roll.   Vis­i­ta­tion for Ray­mond will be held on Thurs­day, Jan. 5, at 12 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Hori­con, with Rev. Daniel See­hafer of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for Ray will be at church from 10 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 12 p.m. on Thurs­day, Jan. 5. In­ter­ment will fol­low at Oak Hill Ceme­tery in Hori­con.   The fam­ily wishes to ex­tend a heart­felt thank you to Rev. Daniel See­hafer for his vis­its and prayers; Waupun Hos­pi­tal; and all the spe­cial care Ray re­ceived from the SSM Hos­pice Team.   Memo­ri­als can be di­rected to St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Fern H. (Kohnke) Wagner

Fern H. (Kohnke) Wagner

   Fern H. (Kohnke) Wagner, 93, formerly of Mayville, passed away on Wednesday evening, Dec. 28, 2022, at The Residence Assisted Living, Oshkosh.    She was born on October 5, 1929, daughter of August and Anna (Steinberg) Kohnke in Ripon. Fern graduated from Fond du Lac High School. She married William (Bill) Wagner, Jr. on June 11, 1949, and had four children.   Fern and her husband, Bill, loved to go camping and they traveled throughout Wisconsin and the United States with their camper. They had many memorable adventures together while doing this along with times camping in Wisconsin Dells with their children and their families. Fern loved being with her family. She kept busy volunteering for Meals on Wheels, bowling, working in her flower gardens, playing sheepshead and other card games and bingo. She belonged to the Women’s Auxiliary at the American Legion Post #69 in Mayville. She was also a member of the Mayville Senior Center where she spent many happy hours with her many friends.   She is survived by her four children, Delores (Dee) Wagner-Okon of Oshkosh, Sandy Martinsen and her special friend, Pat McCarthy of Fond du Lac, Dale (Pat) Wagner of Las Vegas, NV, and Cheryl (Michael) Sigl of Weyauwega; five grandsons, Shawn (Tracey) Okon of Oshkosh, Dan Okon and friend, Kelly Krasemann of Maple Valley, WA, Adam (Heather) Schepp, of Horicon, Erik Henkel and friend, Jodie Hull of Hustisford, and Jon (Jessica) Henkel of Hortonville; 12 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews. She is also survived by a brother, Eldon Kohnke and a sister, Gladys Godfrey.    She was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; one son-in-law, Tim Martinsen; one grandson, Troy Schepp; seven brothers, Art, Harvey, Gordon, Norman, Harold, Earl and Leonard Kohnke; and one sister, Marion Rychcik.   Visitation will take place at Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville on Thursday, Jan. 5, from 10 a.m. until Noon. A private service officiated by Rev. Dean Desilet, will follow at Shrine of Rest Mausoleum Chapel in Ledgeview Memorial Park, Fond du Lac.    The family would like to express their gratitude to the staff at The Residence of Oshkosh and ProMedica Hospice for their loving care they gave to our Mother.   Mom, we will miss you and you will always be in our hearts.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Ruben M. Wegner

Ruben M. Wegner

   Ruben M. Wegner, 91, formerly of Neosho and Hartford passed away on Friday, Dec. 23, 2022, at Aurora Medical Center in Hartford.   Ruben was born on March 25, 1931, to Otto and Margaret (Sell) Wegner at his family’s home in the Township of Hubbard.   He was a farmer in the Neosho area for many years. In his spare time on the farm, Ruben enjoyed hunting especially deer.   Ruben is survived by his brother, Jerome Wegner of West Bend and his niece, Katherine Dei of West Bend; as well as other relatives and friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Adeline Baugartner.   A graveside service for Ruben will take place at St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery in Mayville at a later date and cremation is to take place.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. Online condolences may be made at www.koepsellfh.com.
30 December 2022


Alan Clarence “Buddy” Kanas

Alan Clarence “Buddy” Kanas

   "I just want to go home"; were his final words, as Alan Kanas peace­fully left his earthly home sur­rounded by his fam­ily, to join Our Sav­ior on Fri­day, De­cem­ber 23, 2022, at the age of 65.   Alan, af­fec­tion­ately known to many as "Buddy", was born on Oc­to­ber 5, 1957, the son of Bar­bara and the late Clarence Kanas Jr., in Beaver Dam.   He mar­ried his lov­ing wife, Donna G. Pe­ters on June 17, 1989.   Alan worked for Mayville Lime­stone for most of his ca­reer, and most re­cently with Rite­way Bus Com­pany, in Hart­ford. He was a mem­ber of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, WI Bow Hunters, and the Team­sters. He was an ac­tive vol­un­teer every year at the Al­len­ton Pic­nic. Alan en­joyed hunt­ing, fish­ing, and rem­i­nisc­ing of the days when he coached wrestling or what­ever ac­tiv­i­ties his boys were in­volved in. He also en­joyed hobby farm­ing and was thrilled that the tra­di­tion was being car­ried on by the next gen­er­a­tion.   Alan is sur­vived by his wife, Donna G. Kanas of 33 years; chil­dren, Tony (Mi­randa) Kanas, Ben (Made­line Wal­ton) Kanas, and Patrick Kanas; his pride and joy, the grand­daugh­ters, Made­lyn and Alexan­dra Kanas; mother, Bar­bara Kanas; sib­lings, Melanie (Bill) Lackas, Lisa Kanas, and Heidi (Dan) An­to­nioni. He is fur­ther sur­vived by broth­ers and sis­ters-in-law, Henry Pe­ters, Jane (Barry) Graff, Mary (Paul) Petri, Chris Eshun, Carol Beis­tle, Mike (Mary Pat) Pe­ters, and Jim (Wendy) Pe­ters, many nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his beloved son Joel Kanas; fa­ther Clarence; mother & fa­ther-in-law Don­ald and Har­riet Pe­ters.   A vis­i­ta­tion was held on Mon­day, Jan. 2, from 1 p.m. until 4:45 p.m., with a fu­neral ser­vice at 5 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 308 Her­man St., Iron Ridge, WI. Bur­ial was pri­vate at Sa­cred Heart Ceme­tery in Al­len­ton.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als to the fam­ily, for char­i­ties to be de­ter­mined at a later date would be ap­pre­ci­ated.   Spe­cial thanks to the Hart­ford Po­lice De­part­ment, Hart­ford EMS, and Au­rora Med­ical Cen­ter Emer­gency De­part­ment for the com­pas­sion­ate care pro­vided to Alan and his fam­ily.    The Phillip Fu­neral Home of West Bend is as­sist­ing the fam­ily.(262) 338-2050 / www.​phi​llip​fune​ralh​ome.​com


Lloyd M. Musack

Lloyd M. Musack

   Lloyd M. Musack, 83, of Mayville, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022, in Beaver Dam.    Lloyd was born the son of William and Selma (Krueger) Musack on October 9, 1939, in Theresa. He graduated from Mayville High School.   Lloyd was united in marriage to Patricia Wurtz on October 24, 1964, at St. John Lutheran Church in Mayville, where he was a devoted member. Lloyd proudly served his county in the United States Navy. He worked and retired from AT & T as a communications technician.    Family was incredibly important to Lloyd. He cherished and looked forward to the time he spent with them. He enjoyed camping, deer hunting, fishing, and dancing to polkas. Lloyd was a member of the Mayville Lions Club.    Lloyd is survived by his children, Jennifer (John) Alexandrowicz, Nathan (Laura) Musack; grandchildren, Michael, Sara, Anastasia, Matthew, Adam, Natalie, and Noah; siblings: Allan Musack, Gerald (Betty) Musack, Virginia Wendorff, and Jeanine Streblow. He is further survived by other relatives and friends.    Lloyd was preceded in death by his parents; beloved wife, Pat; and his three brothers, Clarion, Donald, and Bill Musack.   Funeral services for Lloyd were held on Monday, Jan. 2, at 12 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church in Mayville with Rev. Dr. Mark Cutler officiating. Visitation for Lloyd was at church on January 2, 2023, from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m., the time of the service. Following the service, graveside military honors were conducted by the Mayville American Legion Post #69 at St. John Cemetery in Mayville.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville cared for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com
28 December 2022


Carol Ann Stanchfield

Carol Ann Stanchfield

Carol Ann Stanchfield, 87, of Fond du Lac, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at her home.Carol was born on April 8, 1935, in Fond du Lac, the daughter of Roy and Laura (Wietor) Salter. Carol was born into a quaint family farm, where she learned the value of family and hard work. Carol would tell stories of going to church with her mom on Sundays, and getting home in time so her mom could watch the Packers. While Carol didn’t carry on the same love for the Packers that her mom did, she often spoke of the lessons learned from her parents like hard work, kindness, caring, compassion and always treating people well. Carol went to LP Goodrich High School in Fond du Lac, where she met the love of her life, George. Upon George’s return from the Korean War, they were married in 1953 and began their wonderful life together.Both growing up on farms, Carol and her husband, George, began their own family farm, which celebrated its 100th year in the Stanchfield family this year. This is where Carol exhibited her never-ending dedication to hard work as she worked the farm while George worked his job at Mercury Marine. The two made a great team, George giving Carol the Farm to-do list before he left for work and her enjoying every task on the list. Carol would work the fields to ensure George could plant when his working day was done. Carol’s dedication to hard work through the operation of the family farm while being a mother was never lost on anyone and showed her true strength.George brought a passion for agriculture and fairs to Carol’s life and the two quickly made that a focal point of their relationship, family, and life mission. As George would serve on the fair board, Carol would work just as diligently as a volunteer to make the annual event a success. Carol’s giving was recognized in 2005 as the recipient of the Wisconsin Association of Fairs VIP and in 2009 as the Friend of the Fair award winner from the Fond du Lac County Fair. She valued what fairs meant to the community as she experienced that value first-hand when she watched her daughters participate as exhibitors as well as many of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Carol’s family members were not the only exhibitors, Carol herself was an exhibitor at the Fair through 2021. Carol always had her camera and loved to exhibit her photos in the photography project every year. The subjects of her pictures were always kids, mostly her grandkids, but sometimes kids she didn’t even know. She loved to capture people when they were happiest. Beyond capturing smiles on her camera, Carol loved sunsets and clouds. Carol loved the beauty and uniqueness in every single one, no two were alike and you would often find her looking to the sky reminding anyone around to look with her and recognize the masterpiece. Carol’s recognition of these simple things was a constant reminder to her family to slow down and take in the beauty around you. And if you missed it, Carol has a picture of it.Carol has much to be proud of and has lived a wonderful life, but her biggest pride and source of joy was her husband. There was no greater role that Carol cherished than being George’s sidekick. Wherever George went, Carol was right by his side. The perfect pair spent countless hours raising their children together, taking care of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, driving in the van touring Wisconsin to hit every county Fair or go on a road trip or make it to the next ball game. No matter what they were doing, they did it together and adored every minute of it. The greatest legacy Carol leaves behind was the example of true love she exhibited throughout her life. From this love, Carol and George had four wonderful daughters who gave them 11 beautiful grandchildren that then blessed them with 16 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. This family was Carol’s purest source of joy. Carol was small in stature and quiet in nature, but her heart was big, and she shared it with many. It would not be right to talk about Carol and not mention the one thing she shared the most often, ‘grandma bars’ – her simple chocolate chip bars that cannot be reproduced no matter how often people try. Her family is sure the magic ingredient was grandma’s love, because love she did.Carol is survived by three daughters, Sue (Gary) Edwards of Fond du Lac, Pat Immel of Eden, and Jean (Gerard) Kohlman of Fond du Lac; 11 grandchildren, Rick (Cathy) Van Buren, Dawn Van Buren (Mark), Nicole (Anthony) Lo Bionco, Nathan Van Buren, Angie Benson, Tim (Erin) Edwards, Matt (Ramsey) Immel, Lisa Immel, Kim (Brad) Wagner, Jennifer Kohlman and Kayla Kohlman; 16 great-grand children; one great-great grandchild; and nieces and nephews.Carol is preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Laura; her husband, George; her brothers, Robert and James; and her daughter, Mary Meinke.While Carol was an angel to many, her family certainly was surrounded by a team of angels in her final days. They would like to extend an enormous amount of gratitude to the hospice nurses, the CNA, and the entire staff at SSM hospice; you are all truly angels.A visitation will be held on Saturday, December 31, 2022, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Uecker-Witt Funeral Home. A funeral service will follow the visitation at the funeral home at 1 p.m. Private family burial will follow the service at Rienzi Cemetery.In lieu of flowers, the family will accept donations which will be forwarded to a charity of choice in Carol’s name.Services are in the care of Uecker-Witt Funeral Home, 524 North Park Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI, 54935. Additional information and guestbook can be found at ueckerwitt.com