12 September 2023


Gerald Marvin Schaefer

Gerald Marvin Schaefer

   Ger­ald Mar­vin Schae­fer, age 70, of Mayville,  passed away on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023, at Hope Nurs­ing Home in Lomira.    Ger­ald was born the son of Mil­ton and Vi­o­let (Nagel) Schae­fer on March 25, 1953, in the Town of Hus­tis­ford. He grad­u­ated from Mayville High School in 1971. He was united in mar­riage to Loris Finke on Sep­tem­ber 6, 1980, at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.    Ger­ald was em­ployed at Cres­cent Garage, Mayville Metal, and Cen­tro. Be­fore re­tir­ing, he worked at Lee Pre­ci­sion in Hart­ford. He loved camp­ing, going to stock car races, and spend­ing time with his dog, Blinky.   Ger­ald is sur­vived by his wife, Loris; brother, James Schae­fer; sis­ter-in-law, Joan Schae­fer; step­-brother, Jim Schae­fer; aunts, Car­olyn and Lor­raine Nagel; in-laws, Mar­i­lyn Finke, Betty Miller, Emily (Roy) Rass­mann, Judi (Ron) Bas­t­ian, Bonita (Wally) Za­s­trow, Leon (Marge) Finke, Roland Finke, Don (Donna) Finke. Ger­ald is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   Ger­ald was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; un­cles, Mar­vin and George Nagel; sis­ter-in-law, Joy Finke; broth­ers-in-law, Robert Finke and Vilas Miller.    A fu­neral ser­vice for Ger­ald will be held on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023, at 2 p.m. at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville with Rev. James Mall­mann of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will take place at the fu­neral home on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023, from 12 p.m. until the time of ser­vice at 2 p.m. In­ter­ment will fol­low the ser­vice at St. John’s Ceme­tery in Mayville.   The fam­ily wishes to ex­tend a heart­felt thank you to the staff at Hope Nurs­ing Home in Lomira and SSM Hos­pice for all the com­pas­sion and care they showed to Ger­ald and their fam­ily.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www. Koepsellfh.com


Sandra L. Smith

Sandra L. Smith

   San­dra L. Smith, 69, of Beaver Dam, died sud­denly at her home in Beaver Dam on Mon­day, Sept. 11, 2023.   San­dra Louise was born on De­cem­ber 18, 1953, in West Bend to the late Hel­muth and Gladys (Zip­perer) Lu­b­itz and was raised by her uncle and aunt, Rus­sell and Erna Neu­man.   San­dra grad­u­ated high school in 1972 in West Bend.   On Sep­tem­ber 23, 1978, she was united in mar­riage with David Gor­don at St. Malachy Catholic Church in Hori­con.   San­dra en­joyed going to flea mar­kets and craft shows. She had a love for music and par­tic­u­larly the group Steely Dan.   Sur­vivors in­clude her hus­band, David Smith of Beaver Dam; her mother-in-law, Jan­ice Smith of Hori­con; two sis­ters-in-law, Mar­i­lyn (Bruce) John­son of Rice Lake and Suzanne (Den­nis) Mehltret­ter of Wa­ter­town; other rel­a­tives and friends.San­dra was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her uncle and aunt that raised her; and her fa­ther-in-law, Gor­don Smith.   Vis­i­ta­tion for San­dra will be at Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam on Mon­day, Sept. 18, from 10 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. Fu­neral ser­vices will fol­low at the fu­neral home on Mon­day be­gin­ning at 11 a.m. Bur­ial will fol­low at Oak­wood Ceme­tery in Beaver Dam.   The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
11 September 2023


William H. Grams

William H. Grams

   William H. Grams of Sun City West, AZ; Tuc­son, AZ; Chero­kee Vil­lage, AR, and for­merly of Hori­con and Mil­wau­kee, passed away Au­gust 24, 2023, at Brookhaven As­sisted Liv­ing Fa­cil­ity in Sur­prise, AZ.   He was born on No­vem­ber 11, 1940, in Hori­con, to Harry and Olive (Kiekhae­fer) Grams. He was bap­tized on De­cem­ber 8, 1940, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con. Spon­sors were Edwin Grams, George Nehring and Rose Haas(e). Bill was con­firmed in his Lutheran faith on April 11, 1954. He was a three-sport ath­lete in high school, play­ing foot­ball and bas­ket­ball and run­ning track.   Bill mar­ried his high school sweet­heart, Bev­er­ley Ann Tesch, of Hori­con and sub­se­quently moved to Mil­wau­kee to work at A.O. Smith, a man­u­fac­turer of au­to­mo­bile and truck frames.   Bill en­joyed play­ing sheepshead, camp­ing with his fam­ily, play­ing soft­ball and trav­el­ing to visit fam­ily.    He also worked as a ref­eree for high school foot­ball and bas­ket­ball games in his spare time.   He re­tired from A.O Smith, after work­ing there his whole adult life and moved to Chero­kee Vil­lage, AR, sev­eral years later. He and Bev split their re­tire­ment years, liv­ing be­tween Arkansas and Tuc­son, AZ. They en­joyed time with friends in both states, trav­el­ing, and host­ing fam­ily get-to­geth­ers. The pair shared a love of hik­ing trails in State Parks around the coun­try. Bill was a life­long church-goer and sup­porter of Wis­con­sin Synod Churches. His gen­eros­ity [in part] led to the build­ing of the new Early Child­hood cen­ter at Cross of Glory Lutheran School and Preschool in Peo­ria, AZ.    Sur­vivors in­clude sons, Michael L. Grams and wife, Sue Ann (nee Hess), of Big Bend and Tim­o­thy H. Grams and wife, Brenda K. (nee Schmidt), of Sun City West, AZ; sis­ter, Kay Schepp and hus­band, Jerry, of Hori­con; six grand­chil­dren and 11 great-grand­chil­dren; many cousins, nieces and nephews..   Bill was pre­ceded in death by his son, Neal An­thony, in Jan­u­ary of 1994; by a sis­ter, Yvonne Pieper, in 1996; and by his wife, Bev­er­ley in Jan­u­ary 2016.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice will be held on Sep­tem­ber 15, at Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Peo­ria, AZ, at 5:30 p.m.   Memo­ri­als may be given to St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con; a State Park of your choice, or The Cross of Glory build­ing fund.
06 September 2023


Trent Dean Twardokus

Trent Dean Twardokus

   Trent Dean Twar­dokus en­tered the arms of his lov­ing Sav­ior on Mon­day, Sept. 4, 2023.   Trent was born on Au­gust 30, 1995, to Dean and Car­rie (Bunkoske) Twar­dokus. The fol­low­ing day he was bap­tized and be­came a Child of God. Trent was a life­long mem­ber of Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church in Huils­burg. He at­tended and grad­u­ated from the spe­cial ed­u­ca­tion pro­gram at Hori­con High School.    Trent touched the lives of many peo­ple through­out his life. Whether it be his ther­a­pists, teach­ers, friends, or fam­ily, Trent made a big im­pact on so many peo­ple. Trent did things in his own way and taught oth­ers to see the world through his eyes.    Trent loved being in his com­fort zone with his fam­ily. In his younger years, Trent en­joyed trav­el­ling to base­ball and foot­ball games to watch his brother, Nathan, play. He was a huge fan of the Green Bay Pack­ers. Many spe­cial mem­o­ries were made cheer­ing on the Pack­ers with his fam­ily. GO! PACK! GO!   Trent is sur­vived by his par­ents, Dean and Car­rie Twar­dokus; his brother and sis­ter-in-law, Nathan (Jes­sica) Twar­dokus; niece, Olivia; ma­ter­nal grand­par­ents, Thomas and LuAnn Bunkoske; pa­ter­nal grand­fa­ther, Mar­vin Twar­dokus; aunts and un­cles, Kevin and Kyle Bunkoske, Ronald Twar­dokus, Lori (Bruce) Braun, Dale (Kathy) Twar­dokus, Sharyl (Bill) New­bury. Trent is fur­ther sur­vived by his cousins and other rel­a­tives and friends.    Trent was pre­ceded in death by his grand­mother, Ar­lene Twar­dokus.   Fu­neral Ser­vices for Trent were held on Sun­day, Sept. 10, at 3 p.m. at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church in Huils­burg, with Rev. Jef­fery Drake of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Trent was held at church on Sun­day from 1 p.m. until the time of ser­vice at 3 p.m. In­ter­ment fol­lowed the ser­vice at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Ceme­tery in Huils­burg.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www. Koepsellfh.com.


Debbie M. Cappelli

Debbie M. Cappelli

   Mrs. Deb­bie Marie Cap­pelli of Hori­con, for­merly of Grafton, passed away late Mon­day evening, Sep­tem­ber 4, 2023, at Au­rora Zil­ber Hos­pice in Wauwatosa. She was 59 years old.   Deb­bie was born in Port Wash­ing­ton on Oc­to­ber 22, 1963, daugh­ter of Low­ell and Ar­lene (nee West) Lieben­stein. She grew up in Grafton and at­tended local schools, grad­u­at­ing from Grafton High School, Class of 1982. Deb­bie con­tin­ued her ed­u­ca­tion at Fox Val­ley Tech­ni­cal Col­lege, ob­tain­ing a cer­tifi­cate in truck dri­ving, be­fore earn­ing her bach­e­lor’s de­gree in busi­ness ad­min­is­tra­tion from UW-Mil­wau­kee in 1990.   While dri­ving 18-Wheel­ers over the road, she met the love of her life, John “JC” Cap­pelli. They were united in mar­riage on Jan­u­ary 27, 2001 in Ger­man­town and set­tled down in Hus­tis­ford, be­fore mov­ing to their home in Hori­con in 2010. They en­joyed a won­der­ful 22 years to­gether.   Deb was very artis­tic. She de­signed and made jew­elry for many years. She en­joyed trav­el­ing, tak­ing care of her home and yard, flower gar­den­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. Fam­ily meant every­thing to her, and she was al­ways there if some­one needed help.   Those left to cher­ish her mem­ory in­clude her hus­band, John “JC”; her mother, Ar­lene Lieben­stein; brother, Troy (spe­cial friend Dawn Dieringer) Lieben­stein; mother-in-law, Adele Cap­pelli; and brother-in-law, Wal­ter Cap­pelli. She is fur­ther sur­vived by niece, Nic­hole Lieben­stein; nephew, Noah Narlock; cousins, Car­rie (Rick) Scheel-Bath, Todd (Carol) Lieben­stein, and Craig (Lisa) Lieben­stein; aunt, Lyn (Mark) May; other fam­ily and friends.   Deb­bie was pre­ceded in death by her grand­par­ents; fa­ther, Low­ell Lieben­stein; fa­ther-in-law, Odino Cap­pelli; aunts and un­cles, Mar­jorie (Daniel) Szy­ch­lin­ski and Neal (Marie) Lieben­stein; and close fam­ily friend, Lori Man­thei.   A Memo­r­ial Ser­vice was held at 6 p.m. on Mon­day, Sept. 11, at the Eernisse Fu­neral Home, 1167 Wash­ing­ton Ave., Cedar­burg. Rev. Linda West­phal-Buth presided. The fam­ily re­ceived guests at the Eernisse Fu­neral Home on Mon­day from 4 p.m. until ser­vices began at 6 p.m.   Eernisse Fu­neral Home is hon­ored to as­sist the fam­ily with arrange­ments. On­line con­do­lences may be left at www.​eer​niss​efun​eral​home.​com.
05 September 2023


Jason James Heinecke

Jason James Heinecke

Jason James Heinecke of Allenton, age 42, passed away unexpectedly on Friday, September 1, 2023. He was born on January 28, 1981 to Allen and Jayne (nee Glock) Heinecke of Allenton. Jason graduated from Slinger High School in 1999. He became a Certified Master ASE Mechanic. Jason married his soul mate, his best friend, Kristen (nee Konrath) on September 17, 2011, at St. Peter Catholic Church in Slinger. Jason was the owner of Heinecke Auto located in Campbellsport. He enjoyed his time motor bike racing from the age of eight to present, winning many first place trophies. Some of his proudest moments were when his daughter, Ashley, joined him racing her bike and they both won first place in different classes and teaching his son, Collin, how to ride his 4-wheeler. Jason also enjoyed UTV adventures with his family and friends and just having a great time. Most of all, he loved his family and cherished his two children, Ashley and Collin. Jason is survived by his wife of 11 years, Kristen; two children, Ashley (10) and Collin (8); his parents, Allen and Jayne (nee Glock) Heinecke; his parents-in-law, Paul and Roxanne (nee Reiser) Konrath; siblings, Andy (significant other, Kristina) and Jody (Jim) Fellers; sibling-in-law, Jamie (Marty) Harris, Jr. He is further survived by his nieces and nephew, Breanne and Bristol Harris and Luke and Abby Fellers; aunts, uncles, cousins, and his many close friends. Jason is preceded in death by his uncle, Kenny Heinecke; his paternal grandfather, Lester Heinecke, and his maternal grandfather, Charles Glock. A Mass of Christian Burial will be at 6 p.m. on Friday, September 8, 2023, at St. Peter Catholic Church (200 E. Washington Street, Slinger, WI 53086) with Fr. Richard Stoffel presiding. Visitation will be at church Friday, September 8, from 1:30 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. Interment will be Saturday, September 9, 2023 at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Allenton. Please, in lieu of flowers, memorials are appreciated to assist Jason’s family in these difficult times. The Phillip Funeral Home of West Bend is assisting the family. www.phillipfuneralhome.com 262-338-2050


Alan H. Stutzman

Alan H. Stutzman

Alan “Foxy” H. Stutzman, 90, of Campbellsport passed away peacefully on Sunday, September 3, 2023, at his home with his family, He was born on January 31, 1933, to the late Elmer and Hannah (nee Suter) Stutzman in Milwaukee. Alan attended North Division High School in Milwaukee. On June 28, 1952, he was united in marriage to Mary Joyce Gruber at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Kewaskum. Alan honorably served in the United States Army during the Korean War. Alan went on the Honor Flight with his grandson. He worked for the United States Postal Service for many years until retirement. He enjoyed the outdoors, fox and mink trapping, deer hunting and trout fishing. Alan enjoyed music. After a trip to Branson, he began to build dulcimers and made 45 of them. He sold a few and gave the rest to family and friends. One dulcimer was given to an Amish boy, Aaron Stutman of Middlebury, IN; another traveled home with an exchange student, Ninelle, from Estonia. He especially enjoyed spending time with his family and all his grandchildren and will be missed by all who knew him. Those Alan leaves behind to cherish his memory include his loving wife of 71 years, Mary Stutzman; five children, Mary (Douglas) Kleinhans, Andrew Stutzman, Jennifer (Kevin) Sippel, Russell Stutzman, and Jerome (Connie) Stutzman; 12 grandchildren, Jeannie, Daniel, Kathryn, Susan, Rachel, William, Timothy, Rebecca, Uriah, Nichole, Shawn, and Michael; 27 great-grandchildren; a sister, Rachel Stutzman; two sisters-in-law, Alice Gruber and Darlene Gruber; many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, he is preceded by his sister, Cynthia “June” (Hayden) Kelley; five brothers-in-law, Ernest “Bob” Gruber, Walter Gruber, Andrew (Gene) Gruber, Harlan Gruber, and Joseph Gruber; and three sisters-in-law, Jeanette Gruber, Joyce Gruber, and Taeko Gruber. A private Celebration of life for Alan will be held. Myrhum Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Alan’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
01 September 2023



Vincent J. Nigh

Vincent J. Nigh

Vincent J. Nigh, 91, of Kewaskum, passed away unexpectedly on August 28, 2023, at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa. Vincent was born on July 28, 1932, the son of the late Elmer and Evaline (nee Schmidt) Nigh. On April 24, 1954, he was united in marriage to Elvira Meyer at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Kewaskum. Vincent proudly served his country in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and was stationed in Alaska. He attended the Honor Flight, was a long-term member of the Kewaskum Robert G. Romaine American Legion, and a long-term member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Kewaskum. He enjoyed playing sheepshead with his brothers and sisters monthly. In his earlier years, he enjoyed fishing, pheasant hunting with his friends to Iowa, and golfing. Vincent loved polka music, especially listening to the Good Time Dutchmen. After his retirement from Regal Ware as a production scheduler, Vincent and Elvira spent their days of retirement full of travel to places such as, Germany, Hitlers Hideaway, New York; they shared many cherished memories and adventures together. Above all else, he deeply loved his wife, Elvira, and his entire family. Those Vincent leaves behind to cherish his memory include two children, Michael Nigh and Connie (William) Wolf; four grandchildren, Lindsey (Jason) McClaren, Amy Nigh, Stephanie Knight and Melanie Knight; four great-grandchildren, Kaylynn Faulkner, Cole Faulkner, Noah McClaren, and Jonah McClaren; his siblings, Agnes Bird, Jerry (Beverly) Nigh, David Nigh, and Barb (Dale) Timmler; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Laura Nigh, Jerry Darmody, and Bonnie Meyer; other relatives and friends. In addition to his wife, Elvira, and parents, Vincent was preceded in death by an infant son, Randy; a daughter, Karen Kleinke; his brothers and sisters, Gregor (Anna) Nigh, Alban (Dorothy) Nigh, Marion Darmody, Marge (Willard) Blanke, Leo (Esther) Nigh, and Lawrence Nigh; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Barb Nigh, Virgil Bird, Dolores (Melvin Hackbarth – 1st) (Earl – 2nd) Kurth, Valeria Meyer, Bill (Janet) Meyer and Carl Meyer. Visitation: Vincent’s family will greet relatives and friends at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 305 Main Street, in Kewaskum on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, from 9 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. Service: A Mass of Christian Burial for Vincent will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Cremation will follow the traditional service and burial of his cremains with military honors will take place on Thursday at Holy Trinity Cemetery in Kewaskum at 11 a.m. The Myrhum – Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Vincent’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
30 August 2023


Mark David Knickel

Mark David Knickel

Mark David Knickel, 72, of Fond du Lac, passed away Monday, August 28, 2023, peacefully in his sleep. Mark was born on May 5, 1951, to Bruce and Jean (Rosenberger) Knickel of Campbellsport. On October 22, 1977, Mark married Elizabeth Anne “Lisa” Edwards. Love brought Mark and Lisa together in life and they remarried on November 22, 2000. Lisa passed away July 28, 2017. Mark was a 1969 graduate of Campbellsport High School, and loved commiserating with classmates at their reunions. He looked forward to them all. He was a trucker all his life, and was proud of his partnership with his brother in Knickel Transportation. He was successful at it, and enjoyed traveling the country. He felt he had the best job ever. Mark was also a committed Patriot, and enjoyed Facebook friends from all over the country. He made friends wherever he went, and considered his current neighbors some of his best. Mark is survived by his brother, Steven (Barbara) Knickel; sister, Jill (Scott) Koerwitz, and sister, Nancy (Gary) Bindas. He is further survived by nieces and nephews, Kristina (Knickel) Meilahn (Michael) and their children, Alayna, Aydan, and Aydryan; Michael Wagner (Jennifer Karpinsky); and Stephanie Wagner and her children, Gabriella and Lucas. Also surviving him are his family: (Lisa’s children) Kyle Edwards (Miranda Junyor) and their children, Lillian, Nathaniel, and Melody; Kevin (Amber) Edwards and their children, Jaydn, Stevie, and Liam; and Kristofor (Danielle) Edwards and their children, Mykenzy and Landon. Mark was preceded in death by his parents, Bruce and Jean; his grandparents, Martin and Lazetta Knickel, and Alfred and Henrietta Rosenberger; his aunts and uncles, Joyce Knickel, Joan (Knickel) Malson, Art and Al Rosenberger, and Jane (Rosenberger) Miller. A time of gathering and visitation will be held on Friday, September 1, 2023, from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at Twohig Funeral Home, 305 Fond du Lac Ave., Fond du Lac, WI. 54935. The service will follow at 6 pm. He will be buried with his beloved wife on Saturday, September 2, 2023, at 10 a.m. at Union Cemetery in Campbellsport. Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.