09 October 2023


04 October 2023



Marvin Twardokus

Marvin Twardokus

   Mar­vin Twar­dokus, 86, of rural Hart­ford passed away peace­fully at Au­rora Med­ical Cen­ter in Hart­ford on Sep­tem­ber 28, 2023.   Mar­vin was born on Au­gust 17, 1937, to Frank and Hilda (nee Quandt). He was bap­tized and con­firmed in the Chris­t­ian faith at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church, Huils­burg (Hart­ford).   Mar­vin grew up work­ing along­side his par­ents on the fam­ily farm.    He mar­ried Ar­lene Schwarze on No­vem­ber 10, 1956, at Zion Lutheran Church in Hori­con and they were blessed with a happy mar­riage for over 49 years. They made the fam­ily farm their home and raised five chil­dren.   Mar­vin was an ac­tive life­long mem­ber of Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church and served on Church Coun­cil, as a KML del­e­gate and as build­ing su­per­vi­sor. His faith and trust in the Lord were so im­por­tant to him. His life's work was farm­ing. He loved clear­ing and work­ing the land, wood­work­ing, build­ing, chain saw­ing, weld­ing, and milk­ing cows, along­side his fam­ily on their farm.   Over the years he re­ceived an Out­stand­ing Young Farmer Award as well as a Land Con­ser­va­tion Award with his fam­ily. He served as an AAL pres­i­dent for years and en­joyed mem­ber­ship in the Farm Bu­reau in his com­mu­nity. He al­ways loved to visit with fam­ily and friends and al­ways greeted every­one with a smile.   Mar­vin is sur­vived by his five chil­dren, Ronald Twar­dokus of Hart­ford, Lori (Bruce) Braun of Hart­ford, Dale (Kathy) Twar­dokus of Mayville, Sharyl (Bill) New­bury of Fontanelle, IA, and Dean (Car­rie) Twar­dokus of Mayville; grand­chil­dren, Andy (Rachel) Braun, Katie (Cam) Ausen, Rachel (Kyle) Bacon, Jacob Braun, Karo­line (fiancé, Cody Homan) Twar­dokus, Kevin (fiancée, Amanda Strupp) Twar­dokus, Kaitlin (Kyle) Jenks, Shan­non and Nora New­bury, and Nathan (Jes­sica) Twar­dokus; great-grand­chil­dren, Glo­ria and Evan­ge­line Braun, Miles and Mar­got Ausen and Olivia Twar­dokus. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his sis­ter, Ir­m­gard (Elmer) Meyer; brother-in-law, Ervin But­zlaff; sis­ter-in-law, Louise (Charles) Wag­ner; and many nieces, nephews, rel­a­tives, and friends.   Mar­vin was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; brother, Ray­mond; sis­ter, Lor­raine (in in­fancy); wife, Ar­lene (2006); par­ents-in-law, Vic­tor and Lucy Schwarze; sis­ters-in-law, June But­zlaff and Mary Ellen Ras­mussen; and grand­son, Trent Twar­dokus.  Fu­neral ser­vices for Mar­v­in­were held on Wednes­day, Oct. 4, at 1 p.m. at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church in Huils­burg, with Rev. Jef­fery Drake of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Mar­vin was held at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville on Tues­day, Oct. 3, from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. and again at church on Wednes­day, Oct. 4 from 11:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 1 p.m. In­ter­ment fol­lowed the ser­vice at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Ceme­tery in Huils­burg.    Memo­ri­als in honor of Mar­vin may be di­rected to Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com.
28 September 2023


Jerome E. Geiger

Jerome E. Geiger

Jerome E. “Jerry” Geiger, 93, of Fond du Lac, passed away at Edenbrook Fond du Lac on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. He was born on March 3, 1930 to Ernest and Lorena (Kiester) Geiger in Fond du Lac, WI. He attended Daniel Boone School in the Town of Empire. On January 26, 1957, he married Marjorie Immel at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Town of Forest. They were married for 66 years. Jerry was a life-time member of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church where he was baptized and confirmed. He drove truck for Motor Transport and Zinke Company. Jerome and Marge bought a farm in the Town of Empire in 1962. He enjoyed farming, playing sheepshead, bingo, and polka music. He is survived by his wife, Marjorie; daughter, Janet (Alan) Ramthun and their son, Craig (friend Bridget Murphy); son, Randall (Amy) Geiger and their children, Sarah (Justin) Hamilton and their son Landon, Rebecca (Julio) Alonzo and their expected baby boy due in November. Jerry is further survived by sisters-in-law, Delores Mielke, Barb Immel, Carolyn Immel, and Verna Immel; brother-in-law, Vernon (Lila) Immel; and many other family members and friends. He was preceded in death by his son, Jerome Jr., on April 5, 1975; his parents; father and mother-in-law, Walter G. and Dora Immel; sister-in-law, Mildred (George) Keys; brothers-in-law, Raymond (Charlotte) Immel, Fred Mielke, Myron (Susan) Immel, Lyle Immel, Gordon G. Immel, and Harlan Immel. Visitation will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1600 S Main St, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. The funeral service will begin at 12 p.m. with Rev. Luke Boehringer officiating. Burial will be at Rienzi Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials are appreciated to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Jerry’s family would like to thank the nurses and staff at Edenbrook and SSM St. Agnes Hospital 6th floor, Twohig Funeral Home, and Rev. Luke Boehringer for their comfort and care. Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.
22 September 2023


Leola Viola Elsa (Budahn) Christian

Leola Viola Elsa (Budahn) Christian

   Leola passed away qui­etly on Sep­tem­ber 16, 2023, at age 92 after a full life.   Leola was born at home in Theresa on April 19, 1931, to Al­fons and Mar­cella (Schrab) Bu­dahn. She was bap­tized on May 10, 1931, and con­firmed on April 2, 1944, at Trin­ity Lutheran Church, Hart­ford.   Leola was mar­ried to Darvin Chris­t­ian on March 18, 1950, at Trin­ity Lutheran Church in Hart­ford.   Leola and Darvin have three daugh­ters, Susan Wem­mert (Gary) of Bai­leys Har­bor, Bon­nie Ur­diales (Tom) of Sun Prairie, and Carol Lon­dre (Jon) of Racine.   Leola and Darvin moved from Theresa to Racine in the early 1950s. They were long-time mem­bers of Saint John’s Lutheran Church of Racine. At the church, Leola spent many hours with the sewing group, mak­ing quilts for Lutheran World Re­lief. She also par­tic­i­pated and sup­ported the Saint John’s Mis­sion Guild and the Lutheran Girl Pi­o­neers as a group leader. Leola and Darvin, 'The Tomato Man', al­ways planted huge veg­etable and flower gar­dens, but Leola did most of the can­ning and pre­serv­ing of the gar­den fruits and veg­eta­bles, using old fam­ily recipes. Leola was a long time em­ployee and a re­tiree of Sears and Roe­buck in Racine, where she spe­cial­ized in sell­ing fur­ni­ture and sewing ma­chines.   Leola used her sewing skills to make many of her daugh­ters' out­fits. She was a found­ing mem­ber and trea­surer of the Pheas­ants For­ever Chap­ter of Racine. She also was a mem­ber of the Racine County Con­ser­va­tion League. Leola and Darvin loved to travel and camp. They trav­eled all over the United States, in­clud­ing Alaska (twice) and Hawaii, re­sult­ing in bins full of pic­tures and slides.   She is sur­vived by two daugh­ters, Susan Wem­mert (Gary) and Carol Lon­dre; grand­chil­dren, Jill Num­rich (Phil), Chris­t­ian Wem­mert (Dana), Sarah Ste­in­feldt (Eric); great-grand­chil­dren, Em­i­lie Num­rich, Wyatt Num­rich, Leo Wem­mert, Carly Ste­in­feldt and Bri­anna Hogan; sis­ter-in-law, Mar­lene Bu­dahn; many nieces, nephews and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Al­fons and Mar­cella Bu­dahn; her hus­band of more than 60 years, Darvin Chris­t­ian; her only brother, Ronald Bu­dahn of West Bend; her daugh­ter, Bon­nie Ur­diales of Sun Prairie; and her son-in-law, Jon Lon­dre of Racine.   Fu­neral ser­vices were held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1501 Erie St., Racine, on Tues­day, Sept. 26, at Noon with Pas­tor Jack Gilbert of­fi­ci­at­ing. Rel­a­tives and friends met prior to the ser­vice from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Leola was buried in Mayville, at Im­manuel Lutheran Church Ceme­tery (N8092 County Rd. AY, Mayville WI, 53050) next to her hus­band, Darvin, on Wednes­day, Sept. 27, at 11:30 am.    The fam­ily wants to thank the car­ing em­ploy­ees of Parkview Gar­dens in Mount Pleas­ant, Lynn O'Neil of Com­mu­nity Care/ Fam­ily Care, and Mike Hintz and his sup­port staff from Saint Croix Hos­pice who took spe­cial care of Leola in her final days.   Loved by all, she will be missed.   Maresh-Mered­ith And Ack­lam Fu­neral Home And Cre­ma­tory, 803 Main St., Racine, WI 53403, (262) 634-7888. Please send con­do­lences to www.​mer​edit​hfun​eral​home.​com
20 September 2023


Jean G. Kleinke

Jean G. Kleinke

Mrs. Jean Kleinke of Port Washington passed away at Aurora Medical Center in Grafton on Saturday, September 16, 2023, following a lengthy hospital stay. She was 78 years old. Jean was born Chippewa County on March 16, 1945, daughter of Walter and Ellen Hillebink Schultz. On December 13, 1975, Jean was united in marriage with Gerald “Jerry” Kleinke at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Port Washington. Together they raised four children. Mrs. Kleinke was a packer at Kleentest, retiring in 2004. Jerry preceded Jean in death on November 18, 2021. Jean was a very social person and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. She liked camping, shooting pool, playing cards- especially sheepshead, and an occasional trip to the casino (where she was always lucky!). She is survived by children, Daniel (Michele) Bichler of Random Lake, Cherie (Steve) Ewig of Port Washington, Phil (Lisa) Kleinke of Campbellsport and Scott Kleinke of Jackson. She is also survived by grandchildren, Zack Kleinke, Amanda Bichler, Brad Bichler, Alysia Gibes, Hunter Kleinke (RaeAnna Stover) and Taylor Kleinke; great-grandchildren, Xavier, Scarlet, and Emmerlynn Kleinke. Jean is further survived by brother, Harold Schultz; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. Jean is preceded in death by her husband, Jerry; her parents; and sister-in-law, Carol Schultz. Funeral Services will be held at 12 noon on Tuesday, September 26, at St. John’s Lutheran Church 217 Freeman Drive, Port Washington. Rev. Dustin Anderson will preside. Jean will be laid to rest beside her husband at Union Cemetery, Saukville later that afternoon. The family will receive visitors at the church Tuesday, September 26, from 10 a.m. until services begin at 12 p.m. If desired, memorials are suggested to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Port Washington. Eernisse Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements; online condolences may be left at www.eernissefuneralhome.com.


Norma M. Lechner

Norma M. Lechner

   Norma M. Lechner, 87, of Mayville, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023, at Hope Nursing Home in Lomira.  Norma was born on January 23, 1936, to George and Nora (Reese) Oechsner.   Norma was united in marriage to George E. Lechner on February 14, 1956, at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy.   She was a faithful member of St. Andrew’s Catholic Church.    Norma was employed for over 40 years at Mayville Metal.   She was a lifetime member of the Mayville Gun Club, where she also was a trap shooter. She was an avid bowler and golfer. She enjoyed getting the family together for Packer games, where she would bake and cook for them. She was a proud Green Bay Packers Fan and held season tickets with George, for over 50 years.    Norma is survived by her sister, Elinor Zahn, as well as many dear nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends.    Norma was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, George; her sisters, Edna (Jack) Schraufnagel and Marion (Milton) Youngbeck; siblings-in-law, Glen Zahn, Roger (Joan) Wild, and Ed (Lujack) Lechner; as well as other dear relatives and friends.   A private family Memorial Service for Norma will be held at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville with Rev. Fr. Joe Dominic presiding. Inurnment will take place at St. Andrew’s Cemetery in LeRoy.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.Koepsellfh.com.
18 September 2023


Max D. Rosplock

Max D. Rosplock

Max D. Rosplock, age 93, passed away on the family farm in the Town of Scott on September 9, 2023, with his two daughters by his side. Born on March 31, 1930, at home to the late Max Frank and Caroline M. (nee Mahnke) Rosplock in Milwaukee, WI. He was baptized Max David Rosplock and was the eldest of five children. Max attended Milwaukee Public School grades 1 thru 8. He attended Catechism class at Holy Redeemer Parish. After grade school, Max attended Boys Tech, but sometime before finishing there, Max applied for an apprenticeship with the Milwaukee Carpenters Union. He was accepted and he applied his skills even with one eye due to a birth injury. Max was hired by Jeffer’s Mill Work of Milwaukee. He earned the title of Master Cabinet Maker and later Mr. Jeffers’ made Max a foreman in his company. While Max was working as a Cabinet Maker and Foreman, Max’s friends were enlisting into various Military Branches due to the Cold War situation. Max was American proud and applied to all branches of the Military even the Coast Guard in Milwaukee on Lake Michigan, however Max was turned down due to his birth injury to his eye. On September 7, 1951 he joined the Carpenters Union Local 344. It was during the early 50s that Max bought land in the NW part of Milwaukee near 92th and Hampton Ave. His intention was to build a home for his parents. Max built a two story, four- bedroom cape cod home having no electricity nearby or even running city water. He was a Charter Member of St. Margaret Mary in 1955. He met Grace Maxine Kreiger on the steps of the Milwaukee VA Home and the two started dating and the two were married on October 12, 1958. Max continued to work for Jeffers, until one day he took a new job with a large construction company. He began working on big projects such as the First Wisconsin Building, in its beginning, the Milwaukee Post Office in Downtown, St. Mary’s Hospital on the Lakefront, Quad Graphics and the Westbury Bank on Main Street in West Bend. In the spring of 1968, Max and Grace bought the farm in the Town of Scott. The Family moved there in August of 1974. Max was a hobby farmer. Even though the farmhouse was not completed, the home was filled with love. Max retired from Berghammer Corporation in 1995 and thought he would have more time to do projects on the farm. He continued to hobby farm until Grace’s health was a concern. Yet Max continued to work on projects around the farm and for his family. Max loved spending time with his family especially Christmas. In August of 2021, Max was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. From that point on, he stood strong and lived his time left here with us with courage and an unending amount of love for us. Those left to cherish Max’s memory include his two daughters, Linda Sue (Mark) Enright and Jane Anne (Robert) Foeckler; five grandchildren, Nicole (Todd) Krahn, Daniel (fiancé, Nicole Meloy) Enright, Patrick Enright, Lauren Foeckler, and Jacob Foeckler; three great-grandchildren; two sisters, Dorothy Clayborne and Florence Murr; two sisters-in-law, Kathleen Krieger and Sharon Fullington; cousin, Bonnie (Dennis) Walling; nieces and nephews; other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents and wife, Max is preceded in death by his infant son, Stephen Rosplock; two brothers, John Rosplock and David Rosplock; brothers-in-law, Robert Murr and Jim Fullington; cousin, Norman Mahnke; parents-in-law, Phillip and Cathrine Krieger; other aunts, uncles, and close friends. Visitation: Max’s family will greet relatives and friends on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at St. Matthias Catholic Church, N1081 County Road S, New Fane, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial: A Mass of Christian Burial will follow visitation for Max at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at St. Matthias Catholic Church, N1081 County Road S, New Fane, with Father Patrick Magnor saying mass and leading us in prayer at the Burial immediately after in the church’s cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family would like you to plant a tree in memory of Max or donate to a Veterans organization of your choice. A celebration of Max’s life will take place at a later date. Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Max’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book can be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
14 September 2023


Michael G. Pfeiffer

Michael G. Pfeiffer

Michael G. “Mick” Pfeiffer, 80, of Kewaskum, peacefully passed away on Friday, September 8, 2023, at Kettle Moraine Gardens in Kewaskum. Mick was born on November 23, 1942, in Racine, the son of the late Michael and Ann (nee Seibert) Pfeiffer. He attended Horlick High School. Mick married the former Josephine “Josie” Woodland in 1965. Mick was employed at Hamilton Beach Company as a time study man until moving to Kewaskum where Mick was employed by Regal Ware Incorporated from 1968 to 2004, retiring as Manager of Industrial Engineering. Mick had a very active life. He enjoyed golfing, hunting, fishing trips, and playing on softball teams. He was a member of Hon-E-Kor in Kewaskum and Kettle Moraine Sportsmen’s Club. Those Mick leaves behind to cherish his memory include his wife, Josie; two children, Dave (Dawn) Pfeiffer and Matt Pfeiffer; four grandchildren, Whitney (Steve) Volm, Jordyn (Kyle) Kopplin, Mitchell Pfeiffer, and Nick Pfeiffer; four great-grandchildren, Madison Strom, Carson Strom, Rosie Volm, and Spencer Volm; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Judy (Bob) Yuhas, Lester (Linda) Woodland, and Mary Pfeiffer; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, Mick was preceded in death by two sisters, Donna (Dan) LaPlante and Carol (Gay) Stewart; a brother, Ed Pfeiffer; and a sister-in-law, Joan (Paul) Zierk. Private family services will be held for Mick. Myrhum – Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Mick’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.


Dianne Marie Slater

Dianne Marie Slater

Dianne Marie Slater, 77, of Mayville passed away after suffering from health issues on Friday, September 1, 2023, at St. Agnes Hospital Home Care in Fond du Lac surrounded by family. Dianne was born on July 6, 1946, to Kathryn Giblin and Robert Slater in Dixon, IL. Dine, as she was affectionately known, served in the U.S. Army. She enjoyed attending classic car shows to reminisce of her time spent at the drag strip and the cars she grew up driving. She loved to bowl, especially with “the girls” in Milwaukee. Dine loved music; you couldn’t walk in the house without hearing a radio going somewhere. She couldn’t resist a rummage sale and was always up for a spontaneous road trip. But most importantly, she loved spending as much time as she could with her large family. Dianne is survived by her significant other, Dale Kriescher; daughter, Kathy (Kent) Shivers; granddaughters, Jackie (Jonathan) Gibson, Jessie Johnson, and Mercy Shivers; grandsons, Grant Shivers and Brett Shivers; great-granddaughters, Bryn Gibson, Monroe Gibson, and Amari Taylor; siblings, Rita Jean (Jim) Hermes, Mary Kay (Terry) Mageland, Nancy (Perry) Sommer, Bob (Pam) Slater, Marilyn Robinson, Jim (Char) Slater, Ron (Roxanne) Slater, Jerry Slater, and Theresa (Dave) Smith. As well as numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. Dianne is preceded in death by her parents; daughter, Roxanne Johnson; sisters, Virgina Britz and Paula McCarns. Visitation will be held Saturday, October 21, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Twohig Funeral Home, 109 W. Main Street, Campbellsport. Dianne will be inurned next to her daughter, Roxanne, at Union Cemetary in Campbellsport following the visitation. Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.