19 September 2024



Peter J. “Pete” Albers, Jr.

Peter J. “Pete” Albers, Jr.

   Peter J. “Pete” Albers, Jr., 93 years, of Kewaskum, was called home to be with the Lord on August 28, 2024, at Kathy Hospice in West Bend, surrounded by his loving family.   Peter was born on August 8, 1931, in De Smet, SD, to Peter and Emma Albers (Hasche).   He was united in marriage to Joan Bossler January 14, 1956, and they celebrated their 67th Wedding Anniversary, prior to Joan’s passing in February 2023.   He graduated from Cedarburg Wisconsin High School.   Pete was an auto and heavy equipment mechanic/operator, truck driver for Mercury Marine, and an active Army reservist prior to employment with the Village of Kewaskum as Superintendent of the Water Pollution Control Facility until 1994; and after retirement as client liaison for Applied Technologies Inc. Environmental Engineers until 2018.   His passion was the education of future state certified operators and provided multiple years of internships at his facility. He was the recipient of numerous awards and Past President of the Wisconsin Wastewater Operators Association, an Honorary Member (bestowed upon a very few) and recognized for 50 years of service to the organization. Further, Pete was a life member of the Central States Water Environment Association and the American Water Works Association. He was also very involved with the Kewaskum Lions Club, as Past President and 45 plus years of volunteering.   Pete enjoyed the outdoors, RV camping, hunting, and fishing with friends and family. He appreciated mechanics and working on automobiles and motorcycles, and was a riding enthusiast until age 79. He enjoyed traveling, and visiting with his industry colleagues, sharing their mutual past and future experiences over cocktails and a meal.   Those who Peter leaves behind to cherish his memory include his two sons, Scott (Julie) Albers, and LaMont (Penny) Albers; his two adoring granddaughters, Paityn (Istvan) Biro and Griffyn Albers; great-grandson Theodore Biro; and brother, Art (Lorraine) Albers.   Peter was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, three brothers, and three sisters.    A Celebration of Life Reception was held on Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service (1315 W. Washington Street, West Bend, Wisconsin).   A private family inurnment was in St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Port Washington.   In lieu of flowers, cards, or gifts, Pete’s family wants you to express love to those closest to you!The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff at Froedtert MCW and Kathy Hospice for their care and compassion.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Peter’s arrangements. Please consider signing our online guest book (www.myrhum-patten.com) to share your condolences with the family.
17 September 2024


Elaine E. Schulz

Elaine E. Schulz

   Elaine E. Schulz (nee Meyer,) 91 of Rubicon, passed away Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, in her home surrounded by her loving family.   Elaine was born November 10, 1932 in Hillpoint (Sauk County), to Hedwig D. (nee Brandt) and Silas M. Meyer. She was baptized on November 24, 1932, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hillpoint by Rev. J. H. Wiening. She graduated from Reedsburg High School on June 1, 1950, and worked for a law office in Baraboo for a short time.   She was united in marriage to Elmer J. Schulz on May 17, 1951, at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hillpoint, officiated by her brother-in-law, Rev. Gilmore Lueck. Elaine and Elmer worked the family farm until their retirement in 1996. Elaine was a dedicated longtime member, choir member, and organist at Trinity Lutheran Church in Huilsburg.   She was a member of Poh-Rab Snowmobile Club, Ridge & Valley Cruisers, FFA Alumni, AMPI, Partners of America, and Hartford Senior Friends, where she helped with ticket sales and played Sheepshead. Elaine enjoyed selling Sarah Coventry Jewelry, putting puzzles together, crossword puzzles, crocheting doilies and latch hooking, computer games, and baking cookies for children of all ages.   Elaine is survived by her children, Richard (Jolene), Gerald (Linda) of Neosho, Jeffrey (Bonnie) of Rubicon, Susan (Glenn) Wagner of Watertown, Terry (Robin) of Hartford and Rodney (Amy) of Slinger; 18 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren. She is further survived by her sister-in-law, Irmgard Meyer, among many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    Elaine was preceded in death by her parents; her beloved husband of nearly 60 years, Elmer; sisters, Viola (Rev. Gilmore) Lueck, Margaret (Robert) Jensen, Valera (Rev. Willard) Koch; and brother, Elmer Meyer; parents-in-law, Thekla (nee Quandt) and Walter Schulz; brother-in-law, Armin (Gladys) Schulz and sister-in-law, Norma (Hillary) Strehlow.   Funeral Services for Elaine will be held Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, W691 County Trunk S, Hartford (Huilsburg).   Family will greet relatives and friends on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Shimon Funeral Home, 824 Union Street, Hartford, WI 53027. Additional visitation will be held Sunday, Sept. 22, at the church from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.    Immediately following service, interment in the church cemetery and further fellowship will be held at the Trinity Community Center, N6409 County Road P, Mayville, WI 53050.    In lieu of flowers, memorials to Trinity Lutheran Church or to a charity of one’s choice, are appreciated.   The Shimon Funeral Home is serving the family. (262) 673-9500.  Condolences and tributes may be shared online at: www.shimonfuneralhome.com


13 September 2024


Jeanne M. Bauer

Jeanne M. Bauer

   The food jour­nal­ism in­dus­try lost a re­spected pro­fes­sional, friend and men­tor to many with the pass­ing of Jeanne M Bauer on May 24, 2024, at home in her beloved New York City.    Born on Sep­tem­ber 5, 1939, in Camp­bell­sport, Jeanne was pre­de­ceased by her par­ents, Floyd Thomas and Mil­dred (Schmitz) Bauer; brother, John F Bauer, Sr.; nephew, Joel Bauer; and great-great-niece, Hope Bauer.    She is sur­vived by six nieces and nephews, Gina Mohr, John Bauer Jr, Jill Carni (Al­bert), Jody Bauer (Laura), Jim Bauer (Shelly); and 16 great-nieces and nephews; and many cousins in Wis­con­sin and Ger­many.    Jeanne was a grad­u­ate of Alverno Col­lege, Mil­wau­kee.    She worked for Unilever early in her ca­reer, and then fol­low­ing her pas­sion for Jour­nal­ism, she moved to New York City to be­come Equip­ment Ed­i­tor at Amer­i­can Home Mag­a­zine. It was a job that helped de­fine Jeanne’s life in so many ways – from re­fin­ing her pas­sion for jour­nal­ism to meet­ing co-work­ers who be­came life-long friends.    In 1978, she was re­cruited by the mar­ket­ing firm Bots­ford Ketchum (now Ketchum Com­mu­ni­ca­tions) and re­lo­cated to San Fran­cisco, where she ex­celled at man­ag­ing food mar­ket­ing pro­grams for clients rang­ing from The Cal­i­for­nia Raisin Ad­vi­sory Board and Cal­i­for­nia Al­monds to Nor­way Sar­dines, Dole Foods, and Cham­bord Liqueur.    Jeanne bal­anced work with her love of travel, the­ater, mu­se­ums, and fre­quent week­end jaunts (in her bright red VW Bug con­vert­ible) to the wine coun­try in Napa and Sonoma Val­leys.    In the mid-1980s, Jeanne re­turned to her much-loved NYC and con­tin­ued her food mar­ket­ing ca­reer at Chiq­uita Brands.    Over the course of her ca­reer, Jeanne de­vel­oped a spe­cial fond­ness for the food­ser­vice in­dus­try. She found great joy in work­ing di­rectly with many top NYC chefs on be­half of her clients.    Ul­ti­mately, Jeanne left the cor­po­rate world and built her own busi­ness, serv­ing as a con­sul­tant to clients in the food and bev­er­age in­dus­try.    Through­out her ca­reer, Jeanne never hes­i­tated to share her wealth of knowl­edge with oth­ers en­ter­ing the in­dus­try, and be­came a val­ued friend and men­tor to many.    Her cre­ativ­ity and in­no­v­a­tive spirit melded seam­lessly with her pas­sion for food. She ex­celled at de­vel­op­ing new and sur­pris­ing ways of serv­ing up her clients’ food and bev­er­age prod­ucts.    Jeanne was a mar­velous cook and took great joy in using fresh sea­sonal in­gre­di­ents from New York’s farm­ers mar­kets as well as prepar­ing recipes she learned from her mother. She loved to en­ter­tain, prepar­ing de­li­cious meals that she served up in a con­vivial at­mos­phere that cel­e­brated her friend­ships as much as the food and wine she served. She fre­quently wel­comed out of town friends and col­leagues into her home, en­thu­si­as­ti­cally shar­ing the best NYC had to offer at that mo­ment in­clud­ing food, cul­ture and her lat­est shop­ping tips. Jeanne al­ways rel­ished the in­vi­ta­tions from her Amer­i­can Home friends who lived out­side the city and would reg­u­larly wel­come her into their homes for week­ends, hol­i­day fes­tiv­i­ties and week-long re­treat to the coun­try.    Giv­ing back to the city, she called home was very im­por­tant to Jeanne. For many years, she vol­un­teered through her church, St. John The Evan­ge­list Catholic Church, to bring food and com­pan­ion­ship to NYC shut-ins and se­niors.    Do­na­tions may be made in Jeanne’s mem­ory to The James Beard Foun­da­tion’s Women’s Lead­er­ship Pro­grams name as fol­lows:    Do­na­tion Link: https://​donate.​jamesbeard.​org/​give/​66854/#!/​donation/​checkout Donors should check the box “Ded­i­cate my do­na­tion in honor or in mem­ory of some­one” – Jeanne M Bauer. Al­ter­na­tively, checks can be mailed to: James Beard Foun­da­tion Attn: De­vel­op­ment 167 W. 12th St. New York, NY 10011 Please in­di­cate do­na­tion is for the Women’s Lead­er­ship Pro­grams in mem­ory of Jeanne M Bauer.


Leo N. Neis

Leo N. Neis

   Leo N. Neis, 83, of Cedar­burg passed away peace­fully on Wednes­day, Sept. 11, 2024, at Milan Es­tates As­sisted Liv­ing in Saukville with his beloved fam­ily gath­ered with him.   He was born in Fond du Lac on De­cem­ber 11, 1940, the son of An­thony and Hilda (nee Wag­ner) Neis and raised in Camp­bell­sport.   On Au­gust 23, 1963, Leo was united in mar­riage to Carol J. Ray­mond at St. Matthew’s Par­son­age in Camp­bell­sport.    Leo served his coun­try in the US Army from 1963 until 1965. He worked at Lowrance Com­pany for many years be­fore re­tir­ing.   Leo loved the out­doors, hunt­ing, and fish­ing. He en­joyed trav­el­ing the coun­try and Leo and Carol spent the last 30 years win­ter­ing in Puerto Val­larta, Mex­ico.   Leo was a great fan of the Brew­ers and Pack­ers. He al­ways en­joyed re­mod­el­ing pro­jects whether it was for him­self or his fam­ily and friends. Leo was al­ways the first to vol­un­teer if some­one needed help with any­thing.    Sur­vivors in­clude his wife of 61 years, Carol; son, Brent (Tori nee Theisen) Neis of East New­burg; grand­sons, Con­nor An­thony Neis and Hay­den Robert Neis, both of East New­burg; brother, Sylvester (Joan) Neis; nephews, Craig (Sarah) Neis and Corey Neis, all of Camp­bell­sport; other rel­a­tives and friends.   Leo was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, An­thony and Hilda; grand­son, Tyson Neis; brother and sis­ter-in-law, Robert and Dee Neis; in-laws, Gor­don and Edna Ray­mond; and brother-in-law and sis­ter-in-law, Ken­neth and Irma Ray­mond.   A grave­side ser­vice with Mil­i­tary Hon­ors will be held on Fri­day, Sept. 27, at 12 p.m. at Union Ceme­tery, Camp­bell­sport, with Pas­tor Ash­ley of­fi­ci­at­ing.   The fam­ily ex­tends a spe­cial thank you to Dr. Kevin Goniu, and the nurses and staff of Milan Es­tates As­sisted Liv­ing and Allay Hos­pice for the care and con­cern shown Leo.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.


Annette L. Flasch-Steger

Annette L. Flasch-Steger

   An­nette L. Flasch-Ste­ger, 70, of St. Kil­ian passed away peace­fully on Tues­day, Sept. 10, 2024, at her home with her beloved fam­ily gath­ered around her.   She was born on March 25, 1954, in Rich­land Cen­ter, the daugh­ter of Lyman Glick and Keiko Oda Glick.   On No­vem­ber 11, 2017, An­nette mar­ried Mark D. Ste­ger in St. Kil­ian.   An­nette was a grad­u­ate of Cedar­burg High School and Beauty School in Mil­wau­kee. She worked as a hair­dresser for many years, a short time at Regal Ware, and then at Stein Op­ti­cal until re­tir­ing. An­nette was full of life; she en­joyed karaoke and so­cial­iz­ing with all the peo­ple she met. She in­ter­acted with many peo­ple on the in­ter­net who looked for­ward to An­nette’s morn­ing posts. An­nette had an ex­ten­sive snow­man col­lec­tion and most im­por­tant to her was her fam­ily and all the peo­ple in her life.   Those who are left be­hind to cher­ish An­nette’s mem­ory in­clude her hus­band, Mark; sons, Tyler Flasch, Brett Flasch, and Collin (spe­cial friend Julia Giese) Flasch;, spe­cial son, Nathan Luedtke; step-chil­dren, Joshua (Jerad) Ste­ger, Joseph Ste­ger, Jor­dan (Jaime) Ste­ger, and Kayla (fi­nance Levi Burns) Ste­ger; grand­chil­dren, Har­land and Au­drey Ste­ger and Emery Ste­ger; broth­ers, Ronald Glick and Rick Glick; sis­ter, Susie Glick John­son, other rel­a­tives, and many friends.   Pre­ced­ing An­nette in death are her hus­bands, John Flasch and Thomas Flasch; fa­ther, Lyman Glick; mother, Keiko Turk; and sis­ter, Karen Franzen.   The fam­ily ex­tends a spe­cial thank you to the doc­tors and nurses at Froedtert West Bend Can­cer Cen­ter and the nurses and staff of Hori­zon Home Care and Hos­pice of Mil­wau­kee.   A Cel­e­bra­tion of Life will be held at a fu­ture date; please watch for time, date, and place on the Twohig web­site.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
12 September 2024


10 September 2024

