06 March 2023


Thomas J. Vollmer

Thomas J. Vollmer

   Thomas J. Vollmer, 80, of Mayville passed away peacefully on Friday, March 3, 2023, at ThedaCare in Neenah with his family by his side.   Tom was born the son of Gilbert and Elizabeth (Schnaderbeck) Vollmer on March 20, 1942, in Fond du Lac.   He was a 1960 graduate of Mayville High School.   Tom had retired from Gleason Reel in 1997 after 37 years of service to the company serving as past Vice President, engineer, and part owner.   He was united in marriage to Jane Thornton on January 16, 1998, at St. Mary’s in Mayville.   Tom loved life. The self acclaimed “Polka King” was a member of the Mayville Golf Club and the Polka Booster’s Dance Club for many years. He was a faithful member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Mayville. He loved spending time with his family. Tom’s kind heart and sense of humor will not be forgotten and he will be fondly missed. ‘See you in the movies!’   Tom is survived by his wife, Jane, of Mayville; his children, Jeff (Kerry) Vollmer of Mayville and Randy (Lisa) Vollmer of Waupun; his step-children, Gary (Diane) Snyder of Fond du Lac, Jenny Snyder of Fond du Lac, and Patty (Dave) Levorson of Mosinee; his grandchildren, Tawny Lee Vollmer, Angus Vollmer, and Braedon Vollmer; his step-grandchildren, Devon Snyder, Amairis Godfrey, Natisha Godfrey, Janaya Godfrey, Mitch Snyder, Morgan Snyder, Taylor Snyder, Eric Levorson, and Heidi Levorson; his siblings, Richard (Darlene) Vollmer of Appleton, Mike (Diane) Vollmer of Mayville, John (Jean) Vollmer of Pickerel, and Dan (Dori) Vollmer of Iron Ridge; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives, and many friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents and nephews, Tony and Greg.   A Mass of Christian Burial will take place on Thursday, March 9, at 1 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville with the Rev. Fr. Tom Biersack presiding. Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. until the time of the Mass at 1 p.m. at the church. Interment will take place at St. Mary Cemetery in Mayville.   Memorials may be directed to St. Mary Catholic Church or St. Mary Catholic School.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com


David D. Sterr

David D. Sterr

   David D. Sterr, 80, of Kekoskee, passed away on Friday, March 3, 2023, at SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.   David was born the son of Alvin and Lydia (Heldt) Sterr on January 20, 1943.He was united in marriage to Sandra Lee Shrehmel on June 1, 1963, at Salem United Church of Christ in Wayne.   David had retired from Mayville Metal after 40 years of employment.   He was a member of St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church in Kekoskee. David was a past dedicated member of the Kekoskee Fire Department and First Responders.   In his spare time, he kept a good ear listening to the fire department/first responders scanner, polka, and enjoyed racing.   David is survived by his wife, Sandy of Mayville; his children, Michael (fiance’ Dorothy) Sterr and Deborah (Casey) Nowak; his grandchildren, Zachary Sterr, Ashley Sterr, Brady Laabs, Evelyn Nowak, Wayne Nowak, Miguel Nowak, and Penelope Nowak; further survived be nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Armond and Donald; sisters, Betty Nickel and Diana (Art) Pamprin; and his sister-in-law, Verona Sterr.    A funeral service for David will take place on Friday, March 10, at St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church in Kekoskee at 1 p.m. with the Rev. William Carter officiating. Visitation will be held on Friday, March 10, from 11 a.m. until the time of the service at 1 p.m. at the church. Interment will take place at Kekoskee Cemetery in Kekoskee.    Memorials in loving memory of David can be directed to St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church in Keksokee.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
03 March 2023


Carl C. Beauprey

Carl C. Beauprey

   Carl C. Beauprey, 82, of Mayville passed away peace­fully on Wednes­day, March 1, 2023, at his home sur­rounded by his fam­ily.   Carl was born on Oc­to­ber 10, 1940, to Clif­ford and Agnes (Dob­bratz) Beauprey in Hart­ford.   He was a 1958 grad­u­ate of Mayville High School.   He was united in mar­riage to Mar­lene Pip­kin on June 9, 1961. Mar­lene pre­ceded Carl in death in 2007. He was later united in mar­riage to Ann Ferge on June 12, 2010.   Carl had started his ca­reer in auto re­pair but soon found his call­ing in the min­istry. Carl helped start sev­eral area churches and was in­stru­men­tal in start­ing Promise Land Church in Wa­ter­town, where he served as as­so­ci­ated pas­tor. Carl al­ways had a peace­ful and calm way. Al­ways let­ting oth­ers know that he was gen­uinely in­ter­ested in their lives and was able to show God’s love and grace. In his spare time, Carl en­joyed soft­ball, col­lect­ing bells and ea­gles, and loved to go on walks.   Carl is sur­vived by his wife, Ann, of Mayville; his chil­dren, James Beauprey of Fed­eral Way, WA, William ‘Bill’ (Kate) Beauprey of Ed­mond, OK, Jeff (Pa­tri­cia Moreno) Beauprey of Beaver Dam, and Mark (Kelli Kruse) Beauprey of Red­mond, WA; his five grand­chil­dren and six great-grand­chil­dren; his sib­lings, Sheri­dan (Don­ald) Ker­stern of Beaver Dam, Faye (Wal­ter) Blank of TX, and Jean Lin­den of Hori­con; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and many friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his first wife, Mar­lene; daugh­ter, Veron­ica; grand­daugh­ter, Bri­anna; and sib­lings, Betty Braun, Robert Beauprey, Sally Mae Beauprey, and Pas­tor John (Alice) Beauprey.   A fu­neral ser­vice for Carl took place on Mon­day, March 6, at 12 p.m. at Promised Land Church in Wa­ter­town with Pas­tor Jeff Steiner of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held on Mon­day, March 6, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 p.m. Bur­ial fol­lowed the ser­vice at High­land Mem­ory Gar­dens in the Town­ship of Tren­ton. A lun­cheon fol­lowed the bur­ial back at Promised Land Church.   Memo­ri­als in lov­ing mem­ory of Carl can be di­rected to the Promise Land Church in Wa­ter­town.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville served the fam­ily. www.​KoepselFH.​com
02 March 2023


David D. Sperger

David D. Sperger

   David D. Sperger of Janesville, for­merly of Mayville, passed away peace­fully, on Sun­day, Feb. 26, 2023, at Agrace Hos­pice­Care, Janesville.   David was born on July 24, 1931, to Roland and Marie (Scheberl) Sperger in LeRoy.   In De­cem­ber of 1951, he went into the United States Navy where he served in the Ko­rean War and was hon­or­ably dis­charged in No­vem­ber of 1955.   He mar­ried Mary Jean Raml on Sep­tem­ber 13, 1958, in She­boy­gan, and they had three chil­dren, Greg, Jean and Gary.   David en­joyed danc­ing to big band/swing music, buy­ing new cars, read­ing, bik­ing, and play­ing crib­bage.   David is sur­vived by his wife, Mary; his chil­dren, Greg (Lau­rie) Sperger, Jean (Thomas) Bink­ley, Gary (Cyn­thia) Sperger; his sib­lings, Mary Jo “Tootie” Huh­n­dorf, Geral­dine Ben­nett, Marlys Sperger, Dar­lene (Clint) Nel­son, Clarence Tab­batt and Mar­vin Tab­batt. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his grand­chil­dren, Jo­hanna (Kishon) Mon­teith, Thomas (Anna) Bink­ley, Matthew Sperger, Sarah (Bray­den) Reese, Bradley (Kaylee) Sperger, Katie Sperger; one great-grand­child, Ava Reese; and spe­cial niece, Terry Wester.   David was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Roland and Marie Sperger; step-par­ents, Au­gust Krueger and Velma Sperger, and grand­daugh­ter, Jen­nifer Sperger; broth­ers-in-law, Carl Huh­n­dorf, Robert Ben­nett and James Fortier.   The fam­ily would like to thank Agrace Hos­pice­Care of Janesville for the lov­ing care they pro­vided.   Per his wishes, there will be no for­mal ser­vices at this time.   The Al­brecht Fu­neral Homes & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vices in Mil­ton is as­sist­ing the fam­ily with arrange­ments.
01 March 2023


Eunice M. Koch

Eunice M. Koch

   Eu­nice M. Koch (nee Butz), en­tered eter­nal life on Feb­ru­ary 27, 2023, under the watch­ful eyes and car­ing staff at Cross­roads Care Cen­ter in Mayville.   Eu­nice was born on April 22, 1931, in Mil­wau­kee to the late Gus­tave and Elsie (nee Risch) Butz.   She was united in mar­riage to Nor­man A. Koch on May 20, 1950, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con. Nor­man passed away in 2003. Eu­nice en­joyed polka danc­ing with her hus­band, Nor­man, trav­el­ing the U.S and vis­it­ing her brother, Roy, in Texas. You’d say HoChunk, and she would say when. Eu­nice was al­ways ready for a trip to the casino and she most of the time came home happy. She was a proud grandma and great-grandma, who loved her fam­ily dearly.   Those left to cher­ish Eu­nice’s mem­ory in­clude her daugh­ter, Bar­bara (Den­nis) Mold­en­hauer; son-in-law, Ralph Breuer; daugh­ter-in-law, Cindi Koch; five grand­chil­dren, Shawn (Tom) Atkin­son, Re­becca Volmer, Nathan (Renee) Mold­en­hauer, Bren­dan (Erin) Mold­en­hauer, and Kristin (Peter) Plashko; five great-grand­chil­dren, Joshua Volmer, Peter Plashko Jr., Theodore Plashko, Ade­line Mold­en­hauer, and Jas­mine Mold­en­hauer; nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   In ad­di­tion to her par­ents and hus­band, Eu­nice was pre­ceded in death by her four chil­dren, John, Wayne, David and Karin; brother, Roy Butz; and sis­ter, June Koch.    A pri­vate Cel­e­bra­tion of Life will occur at a later date.   The fam­ily would like to thank Gen­er­a­tions Hos­pice of Fond du Lac for sup­port­ing Eu­nice and her fam­ily dur­ing this stress­ful time. They also would like to thank the staff at Cross­roads Care Cen­ter in Mayville for their care and com­pas­sion dur­ing this time.    Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral and Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Eu­nice’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest book can be found at www.​myrhum-​pat­ten.​com.


Melissa Elizabeth Lombardo-Lafalgio

Melissa Elizabeth Lombardo-Lafalgio

   Melissa Eliz­a­beth Lom­bardo-Lafal­gio, 47, passed away un­ex­pectedly on Feb­ru­ary 24, 2023, at her home.   Melissa was born on Au­gust 8, 1975, in Gar­nerville, NY, to William and Eliz­a­beth (nee Fusco) Lom­bardo. Melissa was a mother of two and step-mother to three. She loved being a mom. She was re-united with her high school sweet­heart, An­thony, and united in mar­riage on March 11, 2021.   Melissa owned the Paw Shop in Lomira and loved being around her dogs. She loved groom­ing and being around an­i­mals.   Those left to cher­ish Melissa’s mem­ory in­clude her hus­band, An­thony Lafal­gio; two chil­dren, Micheal Vogel and Tori Vogel; her par­ents, William and Eliz­a­beth (nee Fusco) Lom­bardo; a sis­ter, Cheryl Lom­bardo; a niece, Gia Lom­bardo; three step-chil­dren, An­gelo Lafal­gio, Kayla Lafal­gio, and Gia Lafal­gio; other rel­a­tives and friends.    Per Melissa’s wishes there will be no ser­vices held at this time.    Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral and Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Melissa’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest book can be found at www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.


Anne Elizabeth (Hughes) Uelmen

Anne Elizabeth (Hughes) Uelmen

Anne passed away February 23, 2023, at SSM Hospital in Fond du Lac. Anne was born May 15, 1932 to Clyde and Margaret Hughes in Campbellsport. Anne graduated from Campbellsport High School. She married Donald Uelmen on January 14, 1950. Anne was a dedicated farm wife and accomplished homemaker. She reared seven children, gardened, and was the bookkeeper for the farm. Known for her skills in the kitchen, Bick never had a hard time hiring farm hands because they were always well fed by Mom. She loved to cook and bake - quantities were not limited! Anne was beautiful, graceful, and kind. She excelled at crossword puzzles and could beat anyone at Wheel of Fortune. She loved cards and became an ace at Skip-Bo, happy to take nickels in winnings.Anne was preceded in death by her husband, Bick; a son, Donald J.; granddaughter, Michelle Volm; grandsons, Levon Guell and Pearson Galloway; and son-in-law, Gary Volm. She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Jennifer Uelmen, and children including Deborah (Kenneth) Grube, Deanna Uelmen, Denise (Timothy) Guell, Dr. Dean Uelmen, Darcy (Jeffrey) Budnik, and Dana (Paul) Berger. She is also survived by her 17 grandchildren: Lori, Bradley, Ryan, Kelly, Benjamin, Tiffany, Terrell, Thomas, Bethany, Haley, Jonathan, Tyler, Leo, Margaret, Maxwell, Samuel, and Anna.She is survived by 24 great-grandchildren and her first great-great-grandchild is expected in the coming months. She was also preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Carol Brown and Janet Hanson; brother, Pearson Hughes; brothers-in-law, Gilbert Buechel, Leo Brown, Ronald Hanson, and Jack Eggers; and sister-in-law, Sharon Hughes. She is survived by her sister, Joan Eggers. She was also preceded in death by her in-laws, Dr. Leo and Daisy Uelmen, David and Patricia Uelmen, Daniel Uelmen, Daisy Ann and William Carey, and James Feiten. She is further survived by in-laws: Marilyn Uelmen, Douglas and Evelyn Uelmen, and Diane Feiten.The family would like to thank the staff at SSM Hospital. Special thanks to Serenity Villa in Campbellsport whose entire staff was loving and provided wonderful care to our mother. Mom considered this her second home. An additional thanks to her long - time neighbors, Jay and Phyllis Miller.Thanks also to the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department, EMTs and ambulance crews, who came to the family’s rescue many times over the years.A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11 a.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church, W1562 County Road B, Eden, with visitation from 9 am until time of Mass at the church. Rev. Mark Jones officiated and burial was in St. Matthews Cemetery in Campbellsport.Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.


Franklin Anthony Serwe

Franklin Anthony Serwe

Frank Serwe, 89, of Campbellsport, passed away peacefully Tuesday, February 21, 2023, with his wife of 63 years, and family at his side.Frank was born March 4, 1933, in Ashford, the son of Mathias W. and Frances (nee Volz) Serwe. He attended Campbellsport High School and went on to proudly serve in the U.S. Army - Air Force from 1951 – 1955 as Airman 3rd Class.On May 2, 1959, he married Patricia Ann Pierret at St. Martin’s Catholic Church in Ashford.His early years included work on the CNW Railroad as well as Weasler Engineering for 39 years until his retirement in 1998.Frank enjoyed golf, bowling, bingo, card playing, and deer hunting. He also enjoyed watching all Wisconsin sports teams, and especially loved watching his children and grandchildren compete. He was a lifelong member of St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, VFW, and American Legion.Frank is survived by his wife, Pat; children, Lori (Paul) Ruch, Debbie (Dan) Sippel, Brian (Michele) Serwe, Tim (Harriet) Serwe, Steve Serwe, and Stacy (Tom) Klein; grandchildren, Ethan (Cassie) Sippel, Emma Sippel (fiancé, JP), Michaela Fleischman (fiancé, Michael), Gage Fleischman, Paulina Wein - lich; great-grandchildren, Elizabeth Sippel and James Sippel; step-grandchildren; brother, Cyril Serwe; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Janet Serwe, Rose Pierret, Arlene (Bob) Kaehne, Ralph Herriges; and many nieces and nephews.Frank will be greatly missed and is preceded in death by his parents; in-laws, Reginald and Martha Pierret; siblings; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Rosemary and Carl Sether, Virginia and Al Ruf, Sylvester and Susie, Jeanette and Robert Gruber, Gerald and Donna, Catherine, Norbert and Gloria, Norman and Sally, Mathias, JoAnn and Roy Galli - gan, Kathleen Herriges, Pat (Mrs. Cyril) Serwe, Reginald and Eileen Pierret, Roger and Barbara Pier - ret, Francis Pierret; and nieces and nephews, Carl Serwe, Judy Serwe, and Mary Byle.Visitation for Frank was held on Saturday, February 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, 406 E. Main Street, Campbellsport, with a Mass of Christian burial at 11:30 a.m. Rev. Neil Zinthefer officiated. Frank will be laid to rest at St. Matthew’s Catholic Cemetery at a later date.Frank’s family extends a special thank you to the Campbellsport EMT team, the nurses and staff of SSM St. Francis Home and Hospice Home of Hope who provided exceptional care to Frank. The family also wishes to thank family and friends who visited and supported Frank throughout his journey.In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials in honor of Frank be made to St. Matthew’s Catholic Church at https://www.stmatthewofcsport.org/ Online-Giving, St. Matthew’s Catholic School, or Hospice Home of Hope, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals. com.
28 February 2023


George E. Lechner

George E. Lechner

   George E. Lechner, 88, of Mayville, passed away on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.   George was born on June 4, 1934, the son of Ed and Ester (Kliefoth) Lechner.   George was united in marriage to Norma Oechsner on February 14, 1956, at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy.   He was a member of St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. George proudly served his county in the United States Navy from 1956 to 1958 on the USS Wisconsin Battleship 64. George started his career at Maysteel as a welder and went on to retire from MEC as a purchasing buyer.    George was an avid outdoorsman. He enjoyed fishing and hunting and was a skilled woodworker. He was a lifetime member of the Mayville Gun Club as a trap shooter. George also loved to travel with Norma and Lujack to various places. George and Norma looked forward to cheering on the Green Bay Packers, as they were season ticker holders for over 50 years.    George will be deeply missed by his loving wife of 67 years, Norma; sister-in-law, Elinor Zahn, as well as many nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends.    George was preceded in death by his parents; his brother, Ed (Lujack) Lechner; his sister, Joan (Roger) Wild; in-laws, Jack (Edna) Schraufnagel, Milton (Marion) Youngbeck, Glen Zahn; and other dear relatives and friends.   A private family memorial service for George will be on Tuesday, March 7, at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville, with Rev. Fr. Joe Dominic presiding. Following the service, military honors will be conducted by the Mayville American Legion Post #69. Inurnment will be held at St. Andrew’s Cemetery in LeRoy at a later date.    The family would like to extend a special thank you to St. Agnes Hospital staff and doctors and to the staff at Hope Nursing in Lomira. Wonderful care was given to George by all involved in his care.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


David Elmer Buerger

David Elmer Buerger

 David Elmer Buerger of Iron Ridge, passed away February 16, 2023.    He was born February 27, 1957, son of Elmer and Sally (Smart) Buerger.    He is survived by his sister, Christine Wild; his niece, Marie (Jason) Fenske; his great-nieces and nephew, Ella and Katie and Tracy Wild. He is also survived by other relatives and friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law, Conrad Wild.    A graveside service will be held March 4, at 9:30 a.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Hartford.   The Berndt-Ledesma Funeral Home, Hartford is serving the family.   Condolences may be placed at www.berndt-ledesma.com