24 April 2023


Arlene F. Meyer

Arlene F. Meyer

   Ar­lene F. Meyer, 91 of Wau­na­kee, died April 18, 2023, at the Sun Prairie Health Care Cen­ter, Sun Prairie.   Ar­lene was born in Mason City, IA, on May 11, 1931, to Carl and Fran­cis “Fan­nie” Ent­ner. Ar­lene grew up in Mason City and grad­u­ated from Mason City High School. She also at­tended sec­re­tar­ial school there.   Ar­lene mar­ried Del­bert Meyer April 19, 1952.   Ar­lene worked at var­i­ous places in Mason City, but much of the time was at Mercy Hos­pi­tal in the billing de­part­ment. She also worked briefly in the of­fice for John Deere in Wa­ter­loo, IA, and Hori­con. After work­ing for John Deere, Ar­lene took a job at Allen Bradley in Mil­wau­kee, be­fore her re­tire­ment in July of 1997.    Ar­lene en­joyed spend­ing time with her kids, grand­kids, and great-grand­kids. Ar­lene’s hob­bies in­cluded play­ing bingo, play­ing cards, bowl­ing (in her younger years), vis­it­ing the river boat casi­nos, and shop­ping. She also en­joyed plants and flow­ers, cheer­ing for the Green Bay Pack­ers, bak­ing for cof­fee club, and watch­ing her fa­vorite soap op­eras. You didn’t dare call dur­ing the soap opera time, as she most likely wouldn’t an­swer. Christ­mas bak­ing meant a lot to Ar­lene, sup­ply­ing every Christ­mas party with ample sup­plies and mak­ing sure every­one went home with ex­tras. She would bake and freeze for Christ­mas al­most year-round.    Ar­lene is sur­vived by daugh­ters, Debra (Tim) Schmidt of Cedar Falls, IA, Susan Hill of Blue Springs, MO, Lori (Mark) Wei­der­haft; and son, Ronald Meyer of Wau­na­kee; five grand­chil­dren, Kelsey (Matt) Weiss of Lawrence, KS, Spencer (Jodie) Schmidt of Cedar Falls, IA, Ash­ley (Nick) Leiker of Blue Springs, MO, Lacey (Bobby) Bren­nan of Over­land Park, KS, and Carsyn Wei­der­haft of Wau­na­kee. Ar­lene is also sur­vived by 10 great-grand­chil­dren, Arlo Schmidt of Cedar Falls, IA; Josh, Gavin, and Nolan Schmidt all of Cedar Falls, IA; Lily and Wil­low Weiss of Lawrence, KS; Kin­ley, Allie, and Nash Leiker of Blue Springs, MO; and Levi Bren­nan of Over­land Park, KS.   Ar­lene was pre­ceded in death by her hus­band, Del­bert Meyer; her grand­son, Tyler Schmidt and his wife, Sarah Schmidt, along with her great-grand­daugh­ter, Lula Schmidt; and her par­ents, Carl and Fran­cis Ent­ner; her brother, Dale Ent­ner; and sis­ter, Dorothy Kline.   Memo­ri­als may be sent to the fam­ily.   Fam­ily ser­vices are cur­rently pend­ing. Please share your mem­o­ries at www.​cre​ssfu​nera​lser​vice.​com.    Cress Fu­neral Ser­vice, 1310 Emer­ald Ter­race, Sun Prairie, WI 53590, 608-837-9054.


Thomas P. Leigl

Thomas P. Leigl

   Thomas P. Leigl passed away on Thursday, April 20, 2023, peacefully at home surrounded by his favorite people in the world, his loving wife and two daughters. Tom battled pancreatic cancer for over a year with grace and courage.    Tom was born on November 5, 1953, to Phillip and Mary Jane Leigl of Mayville. He lived and worked in the Mayville and Brownsville area throughout his life.    Tom’s joy in life came from his passion for hobbies such as golfing, trips to the Northwoods, sitting by a campfire and walleye fishing, he even held the nickname Walleye King! Although he would probably tell you he did more fishing than catching. Tom was a funny guy; he told a lot of great jokes and kept his sense of humor to the very end.   His greatest joy, however, came from his family; he loved his family more than anything else in life. Tom spent 46 years married to his greatest love, Debra, whom he married on June 11, 1977. Tom and Debra enjoyed traveling, concerts, walking and just being together. Tom would often say how lucky he was that Debra picked him to share her life with; their love was something so very special.   Those Tom leaves behind will miss him so greatly, they include his loving wife, Debra; daughter, Jessica (Ryan) Toellner and daughter, Danica, (Brian) Lause; also his three grandchildren, Charlotte, Willis and Jack. He is further survived by his siblings, Patrick Leigl, Michael Leigl, Kathleen (David) Lynch, Patricia Leigl and also mother-in-law, Jeanine Streblow and sister-in-law, Doreen (Tom Schnaderbeck) Streblow.   Tom was preceded in death by his parents, Phillip and Mary Jane Leigl, and father-in-law, Raymond Streblow.    Funeral services will be held on Thursday, April 27, at St John’s Lutheran Church in Mayville at 1 p.m. with Rev. Phillip M. Enderle and Rev. Dr. Mark G. Cutler officiating. A visitation will be held on Thursday, April 27, at the church from 11 a.m. to the time of service at 1 p.m. Burial will take place at St. John’s Cemetery in Mayville. A meal and gathering will follow at The Meating Place restaurant at the Mayville Golf Course.    The family would like to thank the nurses and caregivers from Promedica Hospice that helped care for Tom with such care and compassion.
21 April 2023


Eileen N. Sellnow

Eileen N. Sellnow

   Eileen N. Sell­now, 89, of Mayville, passed away peace­fully on Tues­day, April 18, 2023, at Hope Health and Rehab in Lomira.    Eileen was born on No­vem­ber 17, 1933, to Carl and Viola Ham­mann.    She was united in mar­riage to Ken­neth Sell­now on May 1, 1954, at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville, where she was also a faith­ful mem­ber.    Eileen loved tak­ing care of lit­tle ones and worked for many years in child care.    In her spare time, she en­joyed bak­ing treats for her fam­ily, knit­ting, and cro­chet­ing. She also was a mem­ber of the Star­craft Stargaz­ers Campers.    Eileen is sur­vived by her chil­dren, Troy (Kim­berly) Sell­now and Kay Sell­now; her grand­chil­dren, Melissa, Kyle, and Bryan; her sib­lings, Dorothy (Roland) Schroeder, Art (Joanne) Ham­mann, and Betty (Russ) Kempf. Eileen is fur­ther sur­vived by other rel­a­tives and friends.    Eileen was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her hus­band, Ken­neth in 2021; her brother, Ken­neth; and sis­ters, Ber­nice Metke and Helen Sauer.    In fol­low­ing with Eileen’s wishes, a pri­vate fam­ily fu­neral has taken place. En­tomb­ment at Shrine of Rest Mau­soleum in Fond du Lac, Wis­con­sin.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Donald L. Gourlie

Donald L. Gourlie

   Don­ald L. Gourlie, 86, of Mayville, passed away peace­fully on Thurs­day, April 20, 2023, at his home sur­rounded by his fam­ily.   Don­ald was born the son of Ray­mond and Bertha (Heimerl) Gourlie on March 14, 1937, in a cot­tage-type house near the Town­ship of Ru­bi­con.    Don was united in mar­riage to his high school sweet­heart, De­lores Plan­sky, on Oc­to­ber 6, 1956, at St. Mary’s in Mayville.   He had worked for Grande Cheese, Ven­tura Cheese, Maysteel Cor­po­ra­tion, and Dorst Met­al­craft (later be­came Met­al­craft of Mayville) as a tool and die maker for over 42 years.   He was a mem­ber of St. Mary’s in Mayville and a mem­ber of the Knights of Colum­bus. Don was a life­long sports fan, Brew­ers #1, Bad­gers and Pack­ers. He loved to golf, even had his own golf cart. He loved to vol­un­teer as a coach for Rock River base­ball, Le­gion base­ball, women's soft­ball and LeRoy pony base­ball. He also would um­pire for both men's base­ball and women’s soft­ball. He was well known for call­ing his own chil­dren out if it was a close play. He was in­ducted into the The Rock River Base­ball League of Wis­con­sin and The Old­timer’s As­so­ca­tion Hall of Fame in 1990. He also loved the out­doors, fish­ing, and hunt­ing deer, pheas­ants, and rab­bits with his sons. Every year he would travel with his sons to Black River Falls to set up deer camp, rough­ing it in the woods. Also trav­eled to North Dakota to hunt pheas­ants with the boys and dogs. Bingo was an­other huge love of Don's, whether it was at St Mary's or the Le­gion in Mayville (both had great desserts). Don had a deep love of play­ing card games, such as sheepshead and crib­bage. He was al­ways up to play­ing, even the day be­fore he passed, skunk­ing both his wife and daugh­ter. His love for his fam­ily was his great­est love of all. Fam­ily gath­er­ings al­ways brought many smiles to his face.    Don is sur­vived by his wife, De­lores, of Mayville; his chil­dren, Dawn (Peter Witt) Gourlie Witt of Mayville, Don Jr. ‘Guy’ (Cheryl) Gourlie of Mayville, Diann (spe­cial friend Fred Stro­bel) Gourlie of Hori­con, Denette (John ‘Fruity’) Falk of Kekos­kee, Denise (Roger) Dusso of Beaver Dam, Dan (She­lia) Gourlie of Farm­ersville, and Dar­ren (Kristy) Gourlie of Oak­field; his broth­ers, Den­nis (Pam) Gourlie and Dale (Karen) Gourlie; broth­ers-in-law, May­nard Laufen­berg and Art Plan­sky; and sis­ters-in-law, Denise Gourlie, Judy Behnke, Elaine Sch­a­bel, Mary Bonack, and Peggy Streit; half-sis­ter, Romona Rhodes; his 18 grand­chil­dren and 24 great-grand­chil­dren; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and many friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; brother, Duane ‘Melf’; sis­ter, De­lores; three broth­ers-in-law; and two sis­ters-in-law.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial was held on Tues­day, April 25, at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville. A vis­i­ta­tion was held from 10 a.m. until the time of the Mass at 1 p.m. at the church. Bur­ial took place at St. Mary Ceme­tery in Mayville. A lun­cheon fol­lowed the ser­vice at St. Mary’s School.    Memo­ri­als in mem­ory of Don can be di­rected to the LeRoy Ath­letic As­so­ci­a­tion.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Ronald L. Margelofsky

Ronald L. Margelofsky

   Ronald Lee Margelofsky, 82, of Kaukauna passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.   Ron was born August 20, 1940, in Mayville, the son of Frederick and Irma Margelofsky. Ron graduated from Mayville High School in 1958 and from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in 1962.   On August 24, 1963, Ron married Susan Hayward, and they made their home in Kaukauna.    In January, 1963, Ron began his teaching career at Kaukauna High School, where he taught business education until his retirement in 1997. Ron’s service to the students in Kaukauna extended far beyond the classroom. Ron coached basketball for 22 years and track for 27 years and served as the school’s athletic director from 1976 to 1982. He was inducted into the KHS Hall of Fame in 1996. He also organized a track meet for Kaukauna youth through the Lions Club and helped to coordinate the event for 17 years. Ron was a WIAA official for more than 50 years, officiating basketball, football, track, and cross country. He officiated events at the grade school, high school, and college level. He was the starter for every Fox Valley Association Conference Cross Country meet, shooting his starting gun for the last time in October of 2022.    Ron’s greatest joy was his family and the friends he made family. He enjoyed golfing and his Thursday morning breakfast club with his longtime friends, and he brought joy to many with the treats from his garden. Mostly, Ron could be found in the bleachers supporting his nine grandchildren in whatever activity they participated. And that meant he had a variety of options including football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, soccer, cross country, softball, water skiing, and marathons. He travelled thousands of miles every year to be at as many events as he could! He also enjoyed treating the whole family to Brewers and Timber Rattlers games and tailgates.    Ron is survived by his three children, Cindy (Hank) Moen of De Pere, Scott (Dominic) of Wauwatosa, and Mark (Liza) of Bonduel; and nine grandchildren, Stacy Nehring of DePere, Tyler (MacKenzie) Nehring of Marco Island FL, Molly (Marcus) Ruch of Neenah, Emily Moen of DePere, Jake Moen of Madison, Aaron Margelofsky of Indianapolis, IN, and Brett, Colin and Mary Sue Margelofsky of Bonduel; his first great-grandchild is expected in September. He is further survived by his sister, Shirley Polster of Menomonee Falls and brother, Wayne (Ruthie) of Mayville.    Ron was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Sue; and daughter, Julie.    Funeral services were held on Monday, April 17, at 11 a.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church, 124 W 10th St. Kaukauna. Visitation was held on Sunday, April 16, from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Fargo Funeral Home, 400 W Wisconsin Ave., Kaukauna and also at 10 a.m. on Monday prior to the service. Burial at Union Cemetery in Kaukauna was immediately following the service.    The family would like to thank Unity Hospice in De Pere for their outstanding care for Ron and the entire family during his last days.
19 April 2023


William “Bill” Suprna

William “Bill” Suprna

   William (Bill) Suprna, 71, of Town of Hub­bard, went home to be with his Lord and Sav­ior on April 19, 2023, sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily.   William was born on Feb­ru­ary 6, 1952, to Matthew and Veron­ica (Ros­tia) Suprna in Mil­wau­kee.   Bill mar­ried Joan Roll on Au­gust 2, 1975, at St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   Bill was em­ployed by Mil­wau­kee Pub­lic Works and farmed in Hori­con. He later had var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs.   In re­tire­ment, he en­joyed sea­sonal work with the City of Hori­con Pub­lic Works De­part­ment.   Bill was al­ways ready to lend a help­ing hand. He en­joyed work­ing out­doors or re­lax­ing in the shed. Dogs loved him and he was al­ways pre­pared with a treat for them. Bill and Joan en­joyed camp­ing and fish­ing in north­ern Wis­con­sin at state parks. He was al­ways sup­ply­ing local an­glers with night crawlers.    Bill is sur­vived by his wife, Joan; won­der­ful daugh­ters, Kristyne (Mark) Case, Melissa (William) Kreis, and Stephanie (Dar­rell) Mint­zlaff; grand­chil­dren, Clarice and Lydia Case, Lily Kreis, Ryan Teson; great-grand­son, Mad­dex Teson; brother, Matthew (Pa­tri­cia) Suprna; sis­ter, Diane Mil­liken; broth­ers-in-law, David Jaeshke and Larry Roll. Bill is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.    Bill was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; par­ents-in-law, Ray­mond and El­dine Roll; sis­ter, Susan Jaeschke.    A fu­neral ser­vice for Bill was held on Tues­day, April 25, at 12 p.m. at St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con with Rev. Daniel See­hafer of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion was held on Tues­day, April 25, from 10:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 12 p.m at church.    The fam­ily wishes to ex­tend a heart­felt thanks to Pas­tor See­hafer for all the vis­its and prayers, Waupun Hos­pi­tal and SSM Hos­pice Team and vis­its from all friends and rel­a­tives.    Memo­ri­als in honor of Bill may be di­rected to St. Stephen’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


June H. Hartwig

June H. Hartwig

   June H. Hartwig, 93, of Mayville, passed away Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at St Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.    June was born the daughter of William and Lenora (Schlegel) Ihde on June 17, 1929, in Neda. She was a graduate of Mayville High School.   June was united in marriage to Wilbert ‘Bill’ Hartwig on September 4, 1948, at St. John’s Lutheran Church-Browns Corners.   She had worked for Metalcraft of Mayville in accounting for over 26 years and then as secretary to the president and was also the corporate secretary.   June was an active member of St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville and served her church faithfully on the Dorcas Society, where she served as past president. June also was active in the Lutheran Woman’s Mission League and the Senior Bowling League in Mayville, of which she served as past president and treasurer.   June is survived by her children, Richard (Bev) Hartwig, Debra (Michael) Baerwald, Wayne (Laure) Hartwig, Lori (Don) Baumann, Greg (Vicky) Hartwig, and Don (Becky) Hartwig; her grandchildren, Stephanie Hartwig, Jim (Ashley Petersen) Hartwig, Michele (Kevin) Smith, Jenni (Matt) Wiese, Jodi (Lee) Zimmer, Kelly (Bryan) Jones, Dawn (Chad Newell) Arndt, Wayne (Amanda) Hartwig Jr., Nicci (David) Post, Dani Shady, Abby Baumann, Aaron (Marissa) Hartwig, Mitchell Hartwig, Nate Hartwig, Brianna Hartwig, Hunter Hartwig, Paige (Justin) Coulter, and Tony Giese; 29 great-grandchildren; her sister, Eileen Pilsner. June is further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends.    June was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bill in 2003; three sisters, Elvira Hein, Ester Frost, Dolores Ihde; her brother, Wayne; and two great-grandchildren, Will Arndt and Bo William Hartwig.   A funeral service for June took place on Friday, April 21, at 11:30 a.m. at St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville with the Rev. Dr. Mark G. Cutler and Rev. Joshua Frazee officiating. A visitation was held from 9 a.m. until the time of the service at 11:30 a.m., all at the church. Burial took place at St. John Cemetery in Mayville.   Memorials in memory of June can be directed to St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com



Rose Mary Lackas

Rose Mary Lackas

Rose Mary (Brill) Lackas, age 87, passed away on April 13, 2023, in Campbellsport after a lengthy battle with Multiple Myeloma.Rose was born on May 4, 1935, in Ashford to John and Mary (Zweck) Brill. She married the love of her life, Don Lackas, on September 3, 1955, at St. Martin’s Catholic Church in Ashford.Rose filled her life with music, family and community. Growing up, she enjoyed singing and playing music with her parents, sister and brother. Rose sang in the St. Matthew’s Catholic Church choir for over 50 years. She also shared her love of music with her children. Every family vacation included campfire sing-a-longs and rowdy renditions of “My Red Wagon” during car rides. While her husband, Don, served with the Campbellsport Fire Department, Rose helped establish the CFD Auxiliary in 1980. Rose was an active part of the Christian Women’s Society and she volunteered at the St. Matthew’s Parish Center for many years. She also donated many hours of her time with the annual St. Matthew’s Fall Festival and CFD 4th of July Picnic.Rose is survived by her loving husband, Don, of 67 years; her 11 children, Bonnie (Terry) Debroux, Mary (Rod) Baumhardt, Sharon (John) Schwartz, Judy (Rick) Sarauer, Donna (Peter) Schmidt, Kay (Dave) Hensen, Lisa (Steve) Hensen, Carol (John) Mitton, Amy Lackas, Bill (Amy) Lackas and Jim Lackas; 22 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. She is survived by sisters-in-law, Eileen Petri, Rita Lackas; and many nieces and nephews.She is preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Rose Ann Brill and Agnes Kattevold; brother, Jim Brill; son-in-law, Merlin Soyk; niece, Sue Stanaway; and other family members.A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Thursday, April 20, at 4 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, E. Main St. Campbellsport. Rev. Neil Zinthefer will officiate and burial will follow in St. Matthews Cemetery.Visitation will be held on Thursday, April 20, from 1 p.m. to time of Mass at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church.In lieu of flowers, donations can be made SSM Health Cancer Center in Fond du Lac, who gave her strength and laughter for over nine years and SSM Health Hospice Services in Fond du Lac for providing compassion to her and her family. (https://www. ssmhealth.com/donate/wisconsin/agnesian-healthcare-foundation) Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with Guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.


William Joseph Mayer

William Joseph Mayer

William “Billy” Joseph Mayer, 33, passed away Sunday, April 16, 2023, at St. Agnes Hospital from injuries due to a motorcycle accident. He was born in Fond du Lac on August 19,1989, the son of Michael and Lori (Bassill) Mayer. Billy was a 2008 graduate of Campbellsport High School, where he was active in football, baseball and wrestling in which he was a State Champion. He was a 2013 graduate of UW LaCrosse, where he was a three-time All American in Wrestling HWT. Billy was employed at Greymont in Marblehead. He loved hunting and fishing, but mostly just being outdoors. Very important to Billy was the time spent with family and friends.Those left behind to cherish Billy’s memory include his parents, Mike and Lori; fiancée, Jennifer Mozuch and her son, Alek; sister Kim (special friend, Mark) Rowe; brother, Tim (special friend, Emily); nephews and niece, Braelon Allen, Devin Neal and Nevaeh Neal; grandmother, Joan Bassill; aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends.Billy was preceded in death by grandpa, Norbert Bassill; grandpa, Charles Mayer; grandma, Patricia Moon; cousin, Nick Martiny; and uncle, Larry Martiny.Visitation will be Sunday, April 23, from 3 p.m. until time of mass at Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church, W1562 County Road B, Eden.A Mass of Christian Burial will be at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 23, at Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church, Eden. Rev. Mark Jones will officiate and cremation will follow the traditional service.Twohig Funeral home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.