06 December 2023


04 December 2023



LaVern M. Pieper

LaVern M. Pieper

   LaV­ern M. Pieper, 85, of Bur­nett passed away on Thurs­day, Nov. 30, 2023.   LaV­ern was born on July 12, 1938, the son of Ervin and Leona (Woock) Pieper. He at­tended school in Bur­nett and also Hori­con High School.    On April 24, 1965, he was mar­ried to Ruth A. Binder at Zion Ev. Lutheran Church in Bur­nett.   LaV­ern was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Bur­nett Fire De­part­ment since 1956 and had served as Trea­surer and Cap­tain of the Mack Water Tanker. He was a mem­ber of the Dodge County An­tique Power Club and en­joyed help­ing with his skid steer.   LaV­ern was bap­tized and con­firmed at Zion Lutheran Church in Bur­nett, where he also had served as Trustee. He was a life­time farmer and en­joyed mak­ing hay and help­ing any­one he could. LaV­ern also loved going to watch his grand­chil­dren par­tic­i­pate in their sport­ing events.   LaV­ern will be deeply missed by his wife of 58 years, Ruth; his daugh­ter, Cyn­thia Pieper; and his son, Clint (Tr­isha) Pieper; his grand­chil­dren, Caitlin and Cody Pieper; his brother, Mer­lin Pieper; and his sis­ter, Jan­ice Pieper; niece, Pa­tri­cia (Andy) and nephew, Robert (Nan); also other rel­a­tives and friends.    He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his mother and fa­ther-in-law; son, Craig, in 1974; and brother-in-law, Vir­gil Binder in 1973.   A vis­i­ta­tion for LaV­ern was held on Mon­day, Dec. 4, from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at Zion Ev. Lutheran Church and on Tues­day, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. also at Zion Ev. Lutheran Church. A fu­neral ser­vice began at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Tim Sal­lach of­fi­ci­at­ing. Bur­ial fol­lowed at Stone Ceme­tery in the Town of Bur­nett.   Memo­r­ial do­na­tions in LaV­ern’s name may be di­rect to the Bur­nett Fire De­part­ment, Zion Ev. Lutheran Church, the Dodge County An­tique Power Club or the char­ity of one’s choice.   The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is serv­ing the Fam­ily. On­line con­do­lences may be made at www.​koepsellfh.​com.
28 November 2023


Charles D. Ebert

Charles D. Ebert

Charles D. Ebert, 68, of Fond du Lac, died on Friday, November 24, 2023, at Aurora Medical Center in Oshkosh. He was born on September 15, 1955, in West Bend, the son of Harold J. and Iona E. Ullrich Ebert. He served in the United States Army. On June 13, 1981, he married Kay L. Henke, at Faith Ev. Lutheran Church in Fond du Lac. She preceded him in death on July 10, 2022. Charles worked 34 years at Regal Ware in Kewaskum. He was a member of Faith Ev. Lutheran Church. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, woodworking and would make wood crafts for his family and neighbors. He would often help care for children with his wife. He is survived by his siblings, Donna (Don) Lepsch of Campbellsport, Harold (Mary) Ebert Jr. of Kissimmee, FL, Alvin Ebert of Campbellsport, June (Steve) Marquart of Fond du Lac, Thomas Ebert of Juneau, Glenn (Annette) Ebert of Mayville, Mark (Pat) Ebert of Fond du Lac, and Gail (Tim) Zorn of Fond du Lac; sister-in-law, Carol (James) Hounsell of Sauk City; brother-in-law, Dave (Nancy) Cronce; many nieces, nephews, and other relatives. He is preceded in death by his wife; his parents; his in-laws, Norman and Jane Henke; nephew, Justin T. Zorn; sister-in-law, Shirley Cronce; brother and sister-in-law, Dave (Kathy) Henke. VISITATION: The family will greet friends and family from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at Faith Ev. Lutheran Church, 55 Prairie Road, Fond du Lac. SERVICE: Funeral Services will be held at 12 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at Faith Ev. Lutheran Church, with Rev. Greg Pufahl officiating. Burial to follow at Ledgeview Memorial Park. Kurki Funeral Chapel & Crematory is serving the family, on-line guestbook can be found at www.kurkifuneralchapel.com. 920-921-4420.
27 November 2023


Elmer Silas Meyer

Elmer Silas Meyer

   Elmer Silas Meyer, 95, passed away on Tues­day, Nov. 21, 2023, with his wife at his side at their home in the Town of Her­man.   Elmer was born on July 29, 1928, to Silas and Hed­wig (Brandt) Meyer in Hill­point. He was bap­tized as an in­fant on Au­gust 12, 1928, and was later con­firmed in his faith as a youth on May 10, 1942, both at St. Paull Lutheran Church in Hill­point. He grad­u­ated from Reeds­burg High School in 1946 and con­tin­ued his ed­u­ca­tion with the Farm Short Course in Madi­son.   Elmer was united in mar­riage to Ir­m­gard Twar­dokus on Sep­tem­ber 12, 1951, at Trin­ity Ev. Lutheran Church in Huils­burg. The cou­ple was blessed with 72 years of mar­riage.   Elmer’s faith was very im­por­tant to him. He was a long­time mem­ber of St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge and served as Chair­man of the Con­gre­ga­tion. He was an elder, served on the church coun­cil, school board, and was in­stru­men­tal in many of the build­ing pro­jects for the church and school prop­er­ties.   Early in life, he farmed with his par­ents in the Town of Wash­ing­ton in Sauk County. He owned and op­er­ated Meyer Con­struc­tion Com­pany of Hart­ford for over 50 years. He was in­volved in his com­mu­nity and was on the Town of Her­man Board as a Su­per­vi­sor, was a Dodge County Su­per­vi­sor, and was a long-time mem­ber and Pres­i­dent of Pom­mer­scher Verein Freis­tadt.   Elmer looked for­ward to fish­ing and snow­mo­bil­ing at his cabin in Price County and hunt­ing for trea­sures at rum­mage sales and auc­tions. Deer hunt­ing near Hill­point was also a fa­vorite pas­time for Elmer and his fam­ily. Elmer truly en­joyed being with peo­ple. He will al­ways be re­mem­bered for his big smile and sto­ry­telling.   Elmer is sur­vived by his wife, Ir­m­gard; chil­dren, Bon­nie (Leo) Bor­den, Irene Bakken, Dawn (Ran­dal) Cut­ter, Court­ney (Amy) Meyer; 16 grand­chil­dren; 25 great-grand­chil­dren; and sis­ter, Elaine Schulz. Elmer is fur­ther sur­vived by many other rel­a­tives and friends.   Elmer was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; son-in-law, Richard Bakken; and three sis­ters, Viola Lueck, Mar­garet Jensen, Valera Koch, and their hus­bands.   Fu­neral Ser­vices for Elmer took place on Wednes­day, Nov. 29, at 1 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge with Rev. Larry Mose and Rev. Steve Neu­man of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held at church on Wednes­day, Nov. 29, from 11 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 1 p.m. In­ter­ment fol­lowed the ser­vice at St. Matthew’s Ceme­tery in Iron Ridge.    In lieu of flow­ers and plants the fam­ily is re­quest­ing memo­ri­als be di­rected to St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church Re­fur­bish­ing Fund.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily.


Bonnie Jean Kamrath

Bonnie Jean Kamrath

   Bon­nie Jean Kam­rath, 71, of Mayville, passed away peace­fully on Wednes­day, Nov. 22, 2023, with her fam­ily by her side, at St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal in Fond du Lac.   Bon­nie, born July 19, 1952, was the first-born daugh­ter of Palmer and Jane (Panzer) Schultz. She grew up with her four younger sib­lings on a dairy farm out­side of Hus­tis­ford. It in­stilled in her a strong work ethic, un­wa­ver­ing sense of em­pa­thy and com­pas­sion for all peo­ple and an­i­mals, and a strong foun­da­tion in faith, fam­ily, and friends. She was af­fec­tion­ately known as Bon­nie Jean “the beauty queen” or “Sissy” by her par­ents, sib­lings, and friends.   She was united in mar­riage to her beloved hus­band, Lloyd Glenn Kam­rath on Au­gust 18, 1973, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Neosho. To­gether, they would work their own dairy farm, build a fam­ily, es­tab­lish strong roots in the Mayville com­mu­nity, and cel­e­brate nearly 50 years of mar­riage.   Bon­nie was an in­cred­i­bly de­voted wife, mother, grand­mother, and the sweet­est, most lov­ing, and car­ing per­son to cross your path. Bon­nie worked tire­lessly dur­ing her life on this earth to sup­port her hus­band on their fam­ily farm, while cre­at­ing a home filled with struc­ture, re­spon­si­bil­ity, love, laugh­ter, hugs, and kisses for her chil­dren, and grand­chil­dren.   Later in life, Bon­nie would pos­i­tively im­pact count­less lives as an early child­hood teacher at the Punkin Patch Day­care and as a teacher's aide for the Mayville School Dis­trict. If the weather was nice, you would most likely find Bon­nie on the front porch with her hus­band, Lloyd, lis­ten­ing to her fa­vorite oldies on the radio or Bob Uecker call­ing a Brew­ers game. She en­joyed watch­ing the neigh­bor­hood chil­dren bike up and down Clark Street or her beloved grand­kids play­ing in the front yard.    She will al­ways be re­mem­bered for her love of car­di­nals, polka music, danc­ing, the color pur­ple, singing a Christ­mas tune or hum­ming an oldie but goody, play­ing her ac­cor­dion for her brother and sis­ters, and plan­ning sur­prise par­ties for her par­ents. She showed her love for bak­ing, cook­ing, or mak­ing some fam­ily fa­vorites like choco­late chip bars, cu­cum­ber salad, peanut clus­ters, pizza burg­ers, hot dish, meat­loaf, and mashed pota­toes, a Fri­day night fish fry, a strong whiskey sour old fash­ioned with olives or a brandy and coke. Ac­cord­ing to her sib­lings, she was fa­mously quoted as say­ing “Who­ever drinks the fastest, drinks the mostest." She wore her emo­tions on her sleeves most days, re­li­giously fol­lowed her Wis­con­sin sports teams and her home­town Mayville Car­di­nals. She loved her church and the Lord, was in­volved in the church choir for many years, at­tended hun­dreds of her kids and grand­kids sport­ing events, mu­si­cals, plays, birth­day par­ties, and other events. She loved going out for break­fast with Lloyd to the Back Street Cafe or Diner 67 on week­ends for some crispy bacon, or a good meal and cock­tail at Blanck’s Sup­per Club or the Iron Ridge Inn. She was the life of the party, and a so­cial but­ter­fly to those who would run into our par­ents at the Pub, Roxy’s or the Sher­wood Cafe.    Bon­nie cher­ished her close cir­cle of friends, loved a good game of sheepshead or hearts, and was al­ways there to lis­ten, laugh, give a hug, or pro­vide her kids, fam­ily, friends, or a com­plete stranger with a kind word or act of com­pas­sion and en­cour­age­ment. We will never for­get her big heart, kind spirit, and will­ing­ness to sac­ri­fice any­thing needed to make our lives bet­ter. She al­ways saw the best in peo­ple, dished out com­pli­ments like they were candy to any­one that crossed her path, and will be sorely missed by her fam­ily and friends.   Bon­nie is sur­vived by her four chil­dren, Joel (Chris) Kam­rath of Wa­ter­town, Jamey Kam­rath of Mayville, Benji (Melinda) Kam­rath of Wa­ter­town, and Nicole (Adam) Oestre­ich of Mayville; 10 grand­chil­dren, Alexus, Han­nah, Colin, Brae­dyn, Pax­ton, Reece, Olivia, Brevon, Nahla, Sul­ley; her sis­ters, Karen (Alvin) Hilde­brandt, Sharon (Steve) Pat­ter­son, Holly (Mike) Peltier; and brother, Gerry (Agnes) Schultz; as well as other rel­a­tives and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Palmer and Jane Schultz and her beloved hus­band, Lloyd Kam­rath.   The vis­i­ta­tion was held at Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville on Wednes­day, Nov. 29, from 4 until 7 p.m. Fu­neral ser­vices for Bon­nie will be held at St John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville on Thurs­day, Nov. 30, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Dr. Mark G. Cut­ler of­fi­ci­at­ing. There will be a brief sec­ond vis­i­ta­tion for Bon­nie at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 11 a.m. In­ter­ment will fol­low the ser­vice at St. John’s Ceme­tery in Mayville.   In lieu of flow­ers, all do­na­tions will be given to St. John’s Lutheran Church or the Mayville Booster Club.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


David E. Lentz

David E. Lentz

   David E. Lentz, 80, of Horicon, died Friday, Nov. 24, 2023, at Clearview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Juneau.   David Edward Lentz was born on October 13, 1943, in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin to Adelbert and Grace (Fagan) Lentz. He graduated from Horicon High School in 1961. Dave served his country in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War from October 15, 1964, to August 15, 1968.   On May 26, 1973, he was united in marriage with Marlene Froemming at St. Malachy Catholic Church in Horicon.   Dave worked at John Deere Horicon Works for many years, retiring in 2000.   He enjoyed gardening, reading, and watch watching military documentaries and history on Public TV.   Dave was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Horicon, where he served as sacristan and was on the Prayer and Worship committee. He was also a member of the Horicon American Legion Post #157.   Survivors include his wife, Marlene Lentz of Juneau; his daughter, Teresa (Chris) Sawyer of Horicon; two grandsons, Alexander Sawyer (Jennifer Schmidt) and Zachery Sawyer, both of Horicon; a brother-in-law, Robert Weiss of Horicon; a sister-in-law, Janice (Dan) Roethle; a brother-in-law, David (Kathy) Froemming; six nieces and nephews, Ellen (Mike) Christians, Marcia (Craig) Kadinger, Ryan (Nicole) Helmer, and their daughter, Sarah, Joel (Colleen) Christians, Caitlin (Brad) Engelmann, and Brian (Natalie) Froemming; other relatives and friends.   Dave was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Carol Weiss and Mary Helmer; a brother-in-law, Merlin Helmer; and a niece, Rachel Hammons.   Visitation for Dave will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Horicon on December 7, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will follow at church on December 7, at 11 a.m. Fr. Justin Lopina will officiate. Burial will be at St. Malachy Cemetery in Horicon, where military honors will be performed by Horicon American Legion Post #157.   If desired, memorials may be made in David E. Lentz’s name to Sacred Heart Church Food Pantry or the American Diabetes Association.   The Koepsell-Murray Funeral Home in Horicon is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com


Grant ‘Frenchy’ Leroy Flouro

Grant ‘Frenchy’ Leroy Flouro

   Grant 'Frenchy' Leroy Flouro, passed away peace­fully at Eden Mead­ows on Sun­day, Nov. 19, 2023, with his fam­ily by his side.   Grant was born on Jan­u­ary 1, 1926, (the same birth­date as his mom) in the Town­ship of Clyman to Louie and Lil­lie (Rash) Flouro.   Grant farmed with his dad for many years until he met his wife, Manette Heller. They mar­ried on Oc­to­ber 25, 1947, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con. They resided in Hori­con for many years until they moved up to Rome, on the lake where they had a lake home for many years.   Grant was al­ways con­ser­v­a­tive with his money, so when the taxes on the lake home went up, they de­cided to build a new house off the lake when they were in their 70s and that is where they re­mained until his pass­ing. Grant loved being out­side, es­pe­cially when it was hot and humid. For any­one that knew him, he al­ways had a metic­u­lous lawn, as he was con­stantly out­side tend­ing to it on his John Deere trac­tor. He took metic­u­lous care of his prop­erty, even saw­ing down trees in his later years.   Grant also loved the game of Sheepshead and loved teach­ing the game to his kids and grand­kids. He cer­tainly didn’t have any reser­va­tions about beat­ing the pants off them as he al­ways said that was the best way to learn the game.   Grant worked at John Deere Hori­con Works for 37 years, until he re­tired on Oc­to­ber 31, 1984. God blessed him with 39 years of re­tire­ment.    Grant is sur­vived and will be greatly missed by his wife of 76 years, Manette; two sons, Allan (Guadalupe) Flouro of Fond du Lac and Dou­glas (Diane) Flouro of Oshkosh; five grand­chil­dren, Brian Flouro, Melissa Flouro, De­siree Flouro, Danielle Flouro, and Dei­dra Flouro; six great-grand­chil­dren, Cameron Flouro, Casey Flouro, Bri­ana Flouro-Smith, Anita Mo­linero-Flouro, De­vona Mo­linero-Flouro, and Myra Mo­linero-Flouro; and his nieces and nephews.    Grant was pre­ceded in death by his mom and dad, Louis and Lilly Flouro; one son, Rick Flouro; one brother, Ed­ward Flouro; and two sis­ters, Edith Flouro (in­fant) and Leta (Eu­gene) Belling; fa­ther and mother-in-law, Emil and Mary Heller; sis­ter and brother-in-law, Brid­gette and Mar­vin Heller.    Ser­vices will be held at Good Shep­herd Lutheran Church in Oshkosh on Mon­day, Nov. 27.   In lieu of flow­ers or do­na­tions, the fam­ily re­quests that you do­nate to the char­ity of your choice in Grant’s name.


Peter J. Lieven

Peter J. Lieven

Peter J. “Pete” Lieven, 68, of the Town of Farmington, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, November 23, 2023, in Mineral Point. Pete was born on September 30, 1955, in Hartford, the son of the late Donald and Lorraine (nee Reis) Lieven. On September 18, 1982, he was united in marriage to Mary McKinley at Holy Angels Catholic Church in West Bend. Pete was an amazing husband, father, and grandfather. There was nothing more important to Pete than his family. He adored Mary Pat, and enjoyed spending his retirement playing Wordle, sharing mealtimes, improving their house, and taking day trips in the “little car.” They traveled to Europe and around the country, with many trips planned for the future, but they also enjoyed traveling in-state and visiting old towns and local events. Pete was so proud of Sam. In his final years, their relationship morphed from father/son to best friends. They shared the bond of fatherhood and some of the headaches that come with. Pete loved hunting weekends, discussing projects in the garage, and a weekend beer. Pete and Anne had a wonderful relationship. They didn’t agree on many things (politics-wise) but that never stopped them from getting along. Mid-afternoon phone chats and visiting different breakfast establishments were some of Pete and Anne’s favorite bonding activities. Pete loved his kids’ significant others; feeding  into Nicky’s crazy wood-working and craft projects, or conferencing with Zac on a new cooking technique or what they were planning for the next family meal. Pete’s favorite role by far, was Grandpa; when he met Harper, he was so excited. He was able to help her learn to swim, was amazed by her intelligence, and loved that he got to be her grandpa. Pete was passionate about helping others, and made a career of it.  As a young man, he began life guarding and teaching swim lessons at the Hartford pool. After high school he worked as an EMT while attending school full time at UWM. Pete was instrumental in starting the Hartford Emergency Medical Team. He then started work in the career that defined his professional life. Pete loved being a police officer; being able to help others and keep the community safe were what kept him going to work for more than 30 years.  He was a leading force behind the formation of the West Bend SWAT team. Pete retired as a captain from the West Bend Police Department. During his retirement, Pete enjoyed staying busy. Pete was the president of the West-Bar Sportsman’s Club;  was the president and founding member of the Elmwood Men’s Club; a recent addition to the B.O.A Convertible Club; and a proud member of the Bedazzlers Trivia Team. Pete also enjoyed hanging out with his in-laws brewing beer, cooking maple syrup, and planning excursions. Pete had such a vibrant life filled with love, experiences, and friendship. He will forever be missed and loved by those who knew him.  Those Pete leaves behind to cherish his memory include his wife, Mary; two children, Sam (Nicole) Lieven and Anne Lieven (Zac Waters); a granddaughter, Harper Lieven; his siblings, Thomas (Bev) Lieven, Mary (Bob) Christianson, Anne (Dave) Zuern, and Monica (Dale) Wunder; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Tim (Mary) McKinley, Margaret (Bill) Archibald, Marcia (Dan) Smith, Nancy (Kevin) McKinley, Joe (Penny) McKinley, and Doug (Lori) McKinley; many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.  In addition to his parents, Pete was preceded in death by his infant sister, Margaret Mary Lieven; two brothers-in-law, Danno (Shelagh) McKinley and Ronnie Schellinger; his parents-in-law, Daniel and Lorna (nee Peck) McKinley.  VISITATION: Pete’s family will greet relatives and friends at the Myrhum – Patten Funeral & Cremation Service, 1315 W. Washington Street, in West Bend, on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 10 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. SERVICE: A funeral service for Pete will be held on Saturday at the Myrhum – Patten Funeral Home at 1 p.m. The Myrhum - Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Pete’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
24 November 2023


Jeffrey A. Reigle

Jeffrey A. Reigle

Jeffrey A. “Jeff” Reigle, age 72, of Kewaskum, went to his heavenly home on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, surrounded by his loving family. Jeff was born on March 12, 1951, in West Bend to James “Jim” and Patricia “Patty” Reigle (Hawk).  He graduated from Kewaskum High School in 1969.  Jeff earned his Business/Economics Degree from Carroll University. He was united in marriage to Jean Schaller on December 29, 1973, at Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee. Jeff worked for Regal Ware, Inc. in various capacities for 50 years, including President & CEO, and most recently as Chairman-Of-Board. Jeff was Past President of Direct Selling Association, Chairman of the Direct Selling Education Foundation, President of Cookware Manufacturers Association, Board Member of FaB Wisconsin, Bay Lakes Council, and Boy Scout of America, as well as serving in various leadership capacities of non-profits and other businesses. Jeff enjoyed traveling, cooking, golfing, and attending football games. Jeff most enjoyed spending time at his vacation home in Door County with family and friends. Jeff’s family includes his wife of almost 50 years, Jean; three sons, Matthew (Meghann), Ryan (Katie), and Scott (Ashley); six grandchildren, Olivia, Liam, Victoria, Anna, Roman, and Adalynn; father, James D. Reigle; two siblings, Jenny (Peter) Zack, and Doug Reigle; and nieces and nephews, Meghan (Sean) Cramer, Caitlin (Matt) Wilson, Colleen (Ian) Campbell, Colin (Jackie) Reigle, and Nate (Erica) Reigle. He is further survived by cousins, other relatives and friends.  Jeff was preceded in death by his mother, Patricia “Patty” Reigle, and sister-in-law, Denise Reigle. VISITATION: Jeff’s family will greet relatives and friends on Thursday, November 30, 2023, from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at Peace United Church of Christ (343 First St – Kewaskum, WI  53040). Visitation will continue at church on Friday, December 1, 2023, from 10 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. SERVICE: A funeral service for Jeff will be held on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 11 a.m. at Peace United Church of Christ. Reverend Eric Kirkegaard will officiate the service.  Interment will be held at the Peace Cemetery in Kewaskum after the service.  The family would like to thank Dr. Gary Herdrich and the Cancer Center At Froedtert West Bend Hospital, and Dr. Colin Mooney for their care and compassion. The family request memorials in Jeff’s name be directed to Peace UCC Church or the Cancer Center at Froedtert West Bend Hospital. Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Jeff’s arrangements.  For additional information or to leave an online condolence on the tribute wall, please visit www.myrhum-patten.com.