26 August 2024


Darlene Sterr

Darlene Sterr

Dar­lene Lily Sterr, age 90, of Mayville,  passed away peace­fully on Thurs­day, Aug. 22, 2024, at Prairie Ridge As­sisted Liv­ing in Mayville.  Dar­lene was born on Oc­to­ber 28, 1933, in the town of LeRoy. She was the daugh­ter of Elmer and Leona (Franke) Schaum­burg. Dar­lene was a mem­ber of St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.    Dar­lene was united in mar­riage to Glenn A. Sterr on Au­gust 13, 1955, in the town of LeRoy. To­gether they worked in the fields of the Sterr home­stead. Glenn pre­ceded Dar­lene in death on May 3, 1996. Dar­lene was united in mar­riage to Jerome F. Ster­nat on Au­gust 24, 2002, at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.  Dar­lene was em­ployed at the Hart­ford and the Mayville and the Lomira Shoe Fac­tory. She worked in var­i­ous other places and later re­tired from Mayville Metal Prod­ucts in 1983.    Dar­lene en­joyed trav­el­ing on bus trips to many dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tions, play­ing cards, and see­ing Daniel O’Don­nel con­certs. She en­joyed being out­doors and fish­ing. Work­ing out­side in her flow­ers was her pas­sion.   Dar­lene will be deeply missed by her dear friends Mon­ica and Mike Brum­mond; and her step­sons Bruce (Kay) Ster­nat and John Ster­nat. She is fur­ther sur­vived by other rel­a­tives and friends.   Dar­lene was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her first hus­band, Glenn Sterr; her sec­ond hus­band, Jerome Ster­nat; fa­ther-in-law Clarence Sterr and her mother-in-law Eileen Sterr.  Fu­neral Ser­vices for Dar­lene took place on Tues­day, Aug. 27, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville with Rev. Traci Maass of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Dar­lene was held at church on Tues­day, Aug. 27, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 12:00 p.m. En­tomb­ment fol­lowed at the Shrine of Rest Mau­soleum in Fond du Lac.   Memo­ri­als in Dar­lene’s honor may be di­rected St Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church or Pre­cep­tor Home Health Hos­pice.  Thank You to the staff at Prairie Ridge and Pre­cep­tor Home Health Hos­pice for their care and com­pas­sion. They all were truly a bless­ing.  Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Wesley “Wes” Holl

Wesley “Wes” Holl

  Wesley “Wes” Holl, 73, of Kewaskum passed away unexpectedly on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, with his family by his side.  Wes was born on April 23, 1951, to the late Oscar and Bernice (nee Jung) Holl in West Bend.  He married the love of his life Susan Mueller on 5/06/1977 at St Mary’s Church. They had 47 years of marriage, three kids, nine grandchildren and a little blue house they built together.  Wes had a 30-year career with the City of West Bend Public Works Department. The majority of his career was spent as a garbage man which he really enjoyed along with the friends he made along the way.   Wes’ passion in life was rummaging and collecting antiques, vintage toys, area advertising memorabilia, especially Barton related items. His other passion was for old cars, which led him to many local car shows including the Iola car show, where he enjoyed sharing his love and enthusiasm of cars with others.    Those Wes leaves behind to cherish his memory include his loving wife of 47 years, Susan Holl; three children, Mindy (Christopher) Stepp, Ashley (Adam) Wiedmeyer, and Danny (Jenny) Holl; nine grandchildren, Deacon Koenings, Aubree Koenings, Nicholas Koenings, Sam Stepp; Gentri Wiedmeyer, Landry Wiedmeyer, Willow Holl, Eve Holl, and Clint Holl; a sister, Jen Osier; two brothers, Donnie Holl and Jerry (Lynn) Holl; sister-in-law, Inga Mueller; five brothers-in-law, Mike (Gisela) Mueller, Ricky Mueller, Dave (Mary) Mueller, Dan (Tara) Mueller Jr., and Tony Mueller; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.   In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his father and mother-in-law, Danny and Diane Mueller Sr.; sister-in-law, Janice Holl; and brother-in-law, Clint Mueller.   Per his wishes, no service will be held.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Wes’s arrangements. Additional information and Tribute Wall may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com


Leverne Senn

Leverne Senn

July 25, 1929 – Au­gust 16, 2024 Lev­erne Senn, 95, of Camp­bell­sport, passed away peace­fully on Au­gust 16, 2024 at Hope Health and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter in Lomira.  Lev­erne was born on July 25, 1929 to Ben­jamin and Frances (nee Fer­ber) Ablard at the Ablard farm in the Town of Ash­ford. She grew up on the fam­ily farm and at­tended Camp­bell­sport High School where she was a cheer­leader and the class vale­dic­to­rian. She stud­ied Home Eco­nom­ics Ed­u­ca­tion at UW-Stout and was near­ing grad­u­a­tion with hon­ors when polio struck in 1951, leav­ing her par­tially par­a­lyzed for most of a se­mes­ter, de­lay­ing her grad­u­a­tion until 1952. Peter Senn, the love of her life, pro­posed while she was hos­pi­tal­ized. They were mar­ried on Oc­to­ber 5, 1951 while he was on a brief mil­i­tary leave dur­ing his ser­vice in the army.   When Peter was dis­charged from the army, they pur­chased their dairy farm in Camp­bell­sport, and Lev­erne worked for sev­eral years as a home eco­nom­ics teacher. They raised four chil­dren and spon­sored eight for­eign ex­change stu­dents from Ger­many and one from Japan.  Lev­erne served on the Camp­bell­sport School Board for 16 years, serv­ing as clerk of the Board for many of those years. Lev­erne was the gen­eral leader and cloth­ing pro­ject leader of the Camp­bell­sport 4-H club for 33 years as the club grew from a size of 10 mem­bers to over 120. She was on the WI State Fair Park Board of Di­rec­tors for six years, serv­ing as elected chair­per­son for three years. Lev­erne was a faith­ful and ac­tive mem­ber of the Trin­ity Methodist Church in Lomira all her life. She served the church in var­i­ous roles such as plan­ning meals, mak­ing food, and serv­ing at events.   In 1976, Pres­i­dent Ger­ald Ford vis­ited the Senn farm while cam­paign­ing in Wis­con­sin. Lev­erne pre­pared break­fast for Pres­i­dent Ford and the Senn fam­ily after he com­pleted his tour of the farm. She re­ceived the Friends of Ex­ten­sion Award from the UW Ex­ten­sion Ser­vice in 1984. Peter and Lev­erne re­ceived the Mas­ter Agri­cul­tur­ist Award from the Wis­con­sin Agri­cul­tur­ist Mag­a­zine in 1984. Lev­erne was an ac­tive part­ner of Sen­land Farms for over 60 years, ac­tively work­ing in the barn, milk­ing cows and keep­ing the farm fi­nan­cial records until Lev­erne was in her mid 80’s.   Through­out her life, Lev­erne was a de­voted wife, mother, grand­mother, sis­ter, aunt, and friend. She was an ex­cel­lent cook, seam­stress, and gar­dener, kept her home im­mac­u­late, and was ex­cep­tion­ally kind to all. She was a per­fec­tion­ist in all she did and was al­ways will­ing to pa­tiently teach her skills to any­one who was in­ter­ested in learn­ing. She will be missed by all who knew her.   Lev­erne is sur­vived by her four chil­dren, James (Deb­o­rah) Senn of Camp­bell­sport, Deb­o­rah (Larry) Pol­lack of Ripon, Mary Beth (Paul) Schlecht of Franklin, and Daniel (Kim) Senn of Spring­field MO; twelve grand­chil­dren, Chris (Kelly) Pol­lack, Crys­tal (Grant) Wil­son, An­gela (Ricky) Fair­bank, Adam (Kristina) Schlecht, Therese (Je­remy) Keifen­heim, Theodore Senn, Travis (Bethany) Senn, Re­becca Senn, Daniel Senn, Samuel Senn, David Senn, and Rachel Senn; 15 great-grand­chil­dren, sis­ter Lila Ebert, many nieces and nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   Lev­erne was pre­ceded in death by her dear hus­band Peter on April 3, 2007, par­ents Ben­jamin and Frances Ablard, in-laws Peter and Helen Senn, sis­ter-in-law Es­ther Roth, brother-in-law Jon Ebert, sis­ter-in-law Louise Roth, and brother-in-law John Roth.   Vis­i­ta­tion will be held at Trin­ity Methodist Church, 300 Church Street in Lomira, on Sat­ur­day Au­g. 31 from 9:00 – 12:00. Fu­neral ser­vices will be held at the church fol­low­ing vis­i­ta­tion at 12:00 fol­lowed by a lun­cheon for all. Fam­ily com­mit­tal ser­vice will be held at Union Ceme­tery in Camp­bell­sport.  Memo­ri­als would be ap­pre­ci­ated to Trin­ity Methodist Church or the Fond du Lac County 4-H Adult Lead­ers As­so­ci­a­tion.   Thanks to Hope Se­nior Liv­ing, Hope Health & Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion, and St. Croix Hos­pice for the great care Lev­erne re­ceived since Feb­ru­ary 2020.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily and on­line guest­book and con­do­lences is at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
20 August 2024


Lola Larinda Scheberl Lechner

Lola Larinda Scheberl Lechner

   Lola Larinda Scheberl Lechner, 82, of Kekoskee, passed away peacefully on August 19, 2024.   Born on January 2, 1942, in Farmersville, Town of Leroy, Dodge County, Lola was the cherished daughter of Adolph William Scheberl and Agnes Clara (nee' Adelmeyer) Scheberl. She spent her early years on the family farm on Elm Road south of Farmersville, a place that held a special place in her heart.   Lola was baptized on January 18, 1942, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Kekoskee by Pastor Reuben O. Marti. Her sponsors were Mrs. Lila (Lorinda) Adelmeyer and Mr. Melvin Czoschke. She was confirmed on March 25, 1956, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mayville, by Pastor Gerhard Nass. After graduating from Mayville High School in 1960, Lola embarked on a lifelong journey of faith and community service.   On August 13, 1960, Lola married her high school sweetheart, Lloyd Lester Lechner, and they made their home in Kekoskee. Lola became an active member of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, where she contributed to Sunday School program for 50 years, serving as a teacher and superintendent. Her dedication to the church extended to the Ladies Aid, where she held numerous offices.   Lola was passionate about the great outdoors, becoming a member of the Horicon Marsh Bowmen in 1963 and a lifetime member of the Wisconsin Bowhunters. She enjoyed dancing, hunting, fishing, and camping, and creating lasting memories with her family at their mobile home and 40 acres of hunting land north of Wild Rose.   She is survived by her loving husband, Lloyd; beloved children, Timothy Lechner of Kekoskee and Tina Lechner of Stevens Point; as well as her siblings and in-laws, Lilas Mae and Lee Grabow, Virginia Scheberl, Linda and William Yaktus, and Luann Rader; as well as many loved cousins, nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews.    Lola was preceded in death by her parents; siblings and in-laws, LaValle and Joe Simich, Lillian and Don Fischer, Leona and Bill Mattson, Lloyd Scheberl, Lynette (Susie) and Alois (Sony) Neumeyer, Dan Rader, Doris (Lechner) and Leon Schneider; and several dear family members.    A service celebrating Lola’s life was held on Saturday, Aug. 24, at 12 p.m. at St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kekoskee with Rev. William Carter officiating. A visitation for Lola was held on Saturday, Aug. 24, at church from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 12 p.m. Interment followed the service at Kekoskee Cemetery in Kekoskee. Friends and family were invited to join in honoring her memory.   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church    Lola will be remembered for her unwavering faith and her deep love for her family. Her legacy of kindness, service, and joy in the outdoors will continue to inspire those who knew her.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


James “Jim” Lee Lohr

James “Jim” Lee Lohr

   James “Jim” Lee Lohr joined his Lord and Savior on August 4, 2024.    Jim was born October 21, 1950, in Beaver Dam, to Vera Verona Lohr, nee Macheel, the fourth of five children. He lived his entire life as the third generation to call the house in Mayville a home.    In high school, Jim was a member of the Mayville Legion baseball team, and the Mayville High School baseball, football, and wrestling teams.    He continued his education after high school, taking classes at MPTI in West Bend. Those classes began his lifetime of repairing just about anything he set his mind to. Jim also played guitar in a band called, Altered Image.    Jim worked as an integral part of a team, setting up and taking down conventions and tradeshows in SE Wisconsin. He retired from Wisconsin Exposition Services in Germantown.    While he never married or had children, his friends considered him a part of their families, their children calling him “Uncle”. Jimmy would drop everything to help family or friends, and almost anyone in need. He loved walleye fishing with his best friend and nephew, Paul Schumacher.    Survived by his brother, Charlie Lohr (Dolores); sisters, Sandy Wilmot, Mariheart Swift, and Gina Heidemann (Chris); many nieces, nephews and God children. Proceeded in death by his mother, Vera Lohr; brothers-in-law, Pat Wilmot and Les Swift; and nephew, Jeremy Becker.    A Celebration of Jim’s Life will be held on Sunday, Oct. 20, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Mayville Gun Club, W2868 Farmersville Road, Mayville WI 53050.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.Koepsellfh.com


Kenneth “Kenny” W. Jungers

Kenneth “Kenny” W. Jungers

   Kenneth “Kenny” W. Jungers died peacefully on August 15, 2024, with his loving family gathered around him.   He was born on April 6, 1934, on the family farm in the Town of Fredonia to Nicholas and Cecillia (nee Schlosser) Jungers.   On May 4, 1968, Kenny was united in marriage to Katherine “Toots” Stoffel at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Campbellsport, where they continue to be members.   Kenny proudly served in the US Army from 1957 to 1963 stationed in Korea.   He was a member of the Lomira American Legion Post 347 and an active member of St. Matthew’s Church.   Kenny started his working career at Cedar Valley Cheese as a milk inspector and went onto service other area businesses, including the Gehl Company, owning/running The Jungers Last Resort Family Restaurant with Toots, and the Sexton and Caretaker at St. Matthew’s Church Cemetery.   Kenny was a lover of his family, the Brewers, his grandkids, sitting on his patio, Blackberry Brandy, word searches, Sheepshead, bullshitting, and playing pranks and jokes on others. Kenny was a lover of life and helping others enjoy it.   Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Toots; children, Brian (Gale) Jungers, Mark (Barb) Jungers, Lisa (Mark) Schill, and Scott (Robin) Jungers; grandchildren, Ashtyn Jungers, Cole, Justin (fiancé Kelsey), and Luke Jungers, Tristan and Kaitlyn Schill, and Daley and Paige Jungers; his siblings, Peter (Sandy) Jungers, Michael Jungers; and sister-in-law, Bernice Jungers; his brothers-in-law, Ralph (Ruth) Stoffel, Frank (Donna) Stoffel, Donald (Eileen) Stoffel and Tony (Pam) Stoffel; sister-in-law, Genevieve Stoffel; and many nieces and nephews, other relatives, and friends.   Kenny was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Ronald Jungers and Dennis Jungers; sister-in-law, Jane Jungers; and niece, Connie Mae Jungers; in-laws, Frank and Otillia Stoffel; brothers-in-law, Rolland Stoffel and Melvin Stoffel; and sister-in-law, Greta Stoffel.   Visitation was held Wednesday, Aug. 21, from 3 to 6 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, 406 E. Main St. Campbellsport.   A Mass in Christian Burial was held Wednesday, Aug. 21, at 6 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church with Military Honors to follow. Rev. Mark Jones officiated and entombment and committal services will be Thursday, Aug. 22, at 10 a.m. at Shrine of Rest Mausoleum in Ledgeview Memorial Park, Fond du Lac.   The family extends a special thank you to the Nurses and Medical team on 6th floor and ICU at SSM Health Fond du Lac, as well and the many friends and family that have reached out or had the family in their thoughts.   In lieu of flowers, memorials to St. Matthew’s Cemetery Operating Fund or American Legion Post 347 are appreciated.   Twohig Funeral Home is assisting the family and online guestbook and condolences is at www.twohigfunerals.com.


Robert M. “Bob” Schultz

Robert M. “Bob” Schultz

   Robert M. “Bob” Schultz, 75, of Mayville, went to be with Jesus on Thurs­day, Aug. 15, 2024, at St. Mary’s Hos­pi­tal in Green Bay with his lov­ing fam­ily by his side.   Bob was born the son of Vic­tor and LaV­erne (Laabs) Schultz on July 20, 1949, in Fond du Lac. He was a grad­u­ate of Mayville High School. After proudly serv­ing his coun­try in the United States Army, he re­turned to Mayville where he was em­ployed by Mayville En­gi­neer­ing Com­pany (MEC) for 29 years, re­tir­ing in 2000.    It was at the Theresa Com­mu­nity Pic­nic in the sum­mer of 1967 where he would meet the love of his life, Shirley Neumeyer. They were mar­ried on July 24, 1971, at St. An­drew’s in LeRoy. Bob and Shirley en­joyed 53 years of mar­riage and be­came the proud par­ents of Michelle and Chad. But Bob’s great­est joy would come when he be­came “Papa” to Ellie, Abbey, Ma­rina, Ethan and Greyson.   In the sum­mer, Bob and Shirley looked for­ward to spend­ing every week­end they could at Lake Puck­away with fam­ily, es­pe­cially John and Ardis Ste­ger. He en­joyed fish­ing and dri­ving the pon­toon boat while his grand­chil­dren tubed be­hind it. In the fall, his place at the lake be­came the leg­endary “Deer Camp.” He cher­ished the tra­di­tions as well as the new mem­o­ries made dur­ing hunt­ing sea­son each No­vem­ber. Dur­ing the win­ters, Bob and Shirley would es­cape to sunny Florida where they would con­tinue to host fam­ily vis­its. Bob ea­gerly an­tic­i­pated the ar­rival of his grand­chil­dren to spend hours on the beach and trips to Dis­ney too nu­mer­ous to count.    As a ded­i­cated Green Bay Pack­ers sea­son ticket holder, Bob en­joyed tail­gat­ing at Lam­beau Field with fam­ily and friends as well as or­ga­niz­ing bus trips to fol­low his fa­vorite team around the coun­try.   Bob is sur­vived by his wife, Shirley; daugh­ter, Michelle (Heath) Kum­merow and son, Chad (Eileen) Schultz; grand­chil­dren, Ellie, Abbey, Ma­rina, Ethan (fiancée Cather­ine), and Greyson; sib­lings, Allen (Marlis) Schultz, Geral­dine (Kent) Komin­ska, and Ardis Ste­ger; and sis­ters-in-law, Betty Jane (Gor­don) Belling, Eu­nice Kuen, and Gertrude (John) Welak. Bob is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   Bob was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his mother and fa­ther-in-law, Alois and Lorena Neumeyer; and broth­ers-in-law, John Ste­ger, Nor­man Kuen, and Alois Jr. (Lynette) Neumeyer.   A Memo­r­ial Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will take place on Fri­day, Aug. 23, at 12 p.m. at St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy with Rev. Fr. Ed Ko­r­nath pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Bob will take place on Fri­day, Aug. 23, from 10:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 12 p.m. In­urn­ment at St. An­drew’s Ceme­tery will take place on a later date.   The fam­ily would like to ex­tend their sin­cere thanks and grat­i­tude to the staff at Hill­side Manor in Beaver Dam for the ex­cel­lent care Bob re­ceived dur­ing his time there.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
16 August 2024


LaVilla (Vollmer) Wilson

LaVilla (Vollmer) Wilson

   LaV­illa (Vollmer) Wil­son passed away on Fri­day, Aug. 9, 2024, at The Her­itage at Deer Creek in New Berlin.    She was born on Oc­to­ber 31, 1931, in West Bend to Her­man and Ros­alia (Thull) Vollmer. LaV­illa was bap­tized at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, grew up on the fam­ily farm, and lived in the area through­out her life. In 1950, she grad­u­ated from Ke­waskum High School.   She was mar­ried to Lawrence Wil­son on May 29, 1954, at St. Michael’s.   She en­joyed spend­ing time with her fam­ily. After rais­ing her chil­dren, she worked at the Samar­i­tan Home until her re­tire­ment.    Those LaV­illa leaves be­hind to cher­ish her mem­ory are her chil­dren, Ken­neth (Robin) Wil­son of Still­wa­ter, MN, Dou­glas (Karen) Wil­son of West Bend, Rus­sell (Katie) Wil­son of Genoa, Clif­ford (Kathy) Wil­son of Brook­field, Lau­rie (Gary) Drent of West Allis, Bar­bara (Mark) May­nard of Miami, FL, Wendy (Dave) Becker of Brook­field, and Paula (Chris) Mur­phy of Mal­ibu, CA. She is fur­ther sur­vived by 12 grand­chil­dren, Craig (Krista) Wil­son, Scott (Sun­shine Se­vi­gny) Wil­son, Geoff Wil­son, Jamie (Ed) Lim, Kelly (Adam) Fal­ter­sack, Tom Wil­son, Jim (Ash­ley) Wil­son, Melissa (Shan­non) Gra­ham, Michael May­nard, and Parker and Finn Mur­phy; nine great-grand­chil­dren; and sis­ters, Althea (Frank) Fal­ter, Ros­alie (Reiny) Foll­man, and Car­olyn Dahlem; as well as other rel­a­tives & friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her hus­band, Larry; sis­ter, Al­freda Staehler; brother-in-law, Bruce Dahlem; grand­son, David Drent; par­ents, Her­man and Ros­alie Vollmer; and par­ents-in-law, Harold and Mil­dred (Lam­beck) Wil­son.   VIS­I­TA­TION: LaV­illa’s fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Fri­day, Aug. 23, from 10 a.m., until 11:45 a.m. at St. Michael’s Catholic Church (8883 For­est View Road, Ke­waskum, WI – 53040).   MASS: A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial in honor of LaV­illa will fol­low the vis­i­ta­tion, be­gin­ning at 12 p.m. with bur­ial after the Mass in the church ceme­tery.    In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als are ap­pre­ci­ated to St. Michael’s Catholic Church, the Alzheimer’s As­so­ci­a­tion – WI, or char­ity of the donor’s choice.    The fam­ily would like to thank Mem­ory Care at The Her­itage at Deer Creek, and Brighton Hos­pice for their care.   Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with LaV­illa’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and Trib­ute Wall may be found at www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.


Robert A. “Bob” Staehler

Robert A. “Bob” Staehler

   Robert A. "Bob" Staehler, 93, of Kewaskum entered eternal life on May 2, 2024, at Kettle Gardens Assisted Living Facility where he had been a resident for a short time.    Bob was born August 29, 1930, in Kewaskum. He was the son of the late Alois and Margaret (Karius) Staehler. Bob was a graduate of Kewaskum High School, with the class of 1948.   He married Jeanne Ann Gill on May 9, 1953, at St. Michaels Catholic Church in Parnell. He was preceded in death by his wife Jeanne.   He is survived by his sister, Kathy (Staehler) Boegel of Niles, IL; four children, Patrick (Deb) Staehler of Richfield, Kerry (Barb) Staehler of Wittenberg, Christine Staehler of Granger, IN, and Jack Staehler (Wendy) of Deer Park, IL; grandchildren, Ryan (Pamela) Staehler, Adam (Jessy) Staehler, Scott (Tuesday) Staehler, Sarah (Jason) Fox, Brandon (Debra) Koth, Joey Staehler, and Samantha Staehler; and step-grandchildren, Melisa (Matt) Britten, Matt (Kelly) Gray; and several great-grandchildren.   He entered the Navy as a seaman right out of high school and became a member of the VF133 Fighter Squadron supporting the Military Air Transport of the Berlin Airlift. In 1950 he became a Flight Deck Director, Aviation Boatsman Mate 2nd Class on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier on tours across the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean. He was very proud of his naval service, and in 2018 along with his sons, walked with pride across the flight deck and throughout the entire USS Midway Museum in San Diego.   After four years in the Navy, Bob was literally a jack-of-all trades and held various jobs: appliance and electronics repair, bartender, heating oil delivery, and carpet layer. He was employed for over 20 years at Weasler Engineering and retired in 1992. He was very active in local fundraising for volunteer social clubs: American Legion, Lions and Kiwanis, as well as a rescue squad lead on the Kewaskum Voluntary Fire Department. Since 1970, Bob was a very dedicated advocate for the advancement of the sport of snowmobiling in Wisconsin, having served as the founder, instructor and president of Kewaskum Snow-Chiefs and president of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. He also represented the sport as a member of the Wisconsin Governor’s Council. He loved it so much that he continued riding snowmobiles and ATVs until he was 91 years old!   In retirement, he was an avid woodworker, having built cradles, clocks, and furniture. He was a relentless problem solver, learner and deeply curious about mechanical and electronic gadgets. His familiarity with the internet, smartphones and wearable devices came in handy during the pandemic, where he joined the weekly family video calls which continued until just a few days before he passed. Bob also attended annual deer hunting camp with generations of friends and family through 2023. He loved big band music and attended live shows until just a few years ago and even had his own Pandora station ready to go upon voice command on his smart speaker – he loved that!    He continued to make new friends wherever he went and welcomed new members of his family with love. Of all the things Bob had undertaken over the course of his life, his greatest joy was spending time with people and was happy to tell everyone his most profound accomplishment is his family.   A Memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, Aug. 24, at 12 p.m. at Holy Trinity Catholic Church (331 Main St. - Kewaskum, WI 53040). The family will greet relatives and friends on Saturday at Church from 10 a.m. until the time of Mass. Inurnment will be at Holy Trinity Cemetery following Mass.    The family would like to thank the staff at Kettle Gardens Assisted Living in Kewaskum and Preceptor Hospice Care whose professionalism and compassion ensured Bob’s last days were filled with warmth, comfort and caring.   In lieu of flowers, the family asks donations to be made to the Holy Trinity Catholic School in Kewaskum or the charity of your choice.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Bob’s arrangements. For additional information or to leave an online condolence on the tribute wall, please visit www.myrhum-patten.com.


Pauline L. Norem

Pauline L. Norem

   Pauline L. Norem (nee Sandberg), 81, passed away Sunday, August 12, 2024.   Pauline was born on September 20, 1942, in Ladysmith, to the late Paul and Margaret (nee Naymaster) Sandberg.   Pauline was united in marriage to Allen “Al” Norem on September 14, 1963, in Milwaukee. Allen passed away on February 23, 2023.   Pauline enjoyed spending her time reading, fishing, needle pointing, camping, and going to her granddaughters’ horse shows. She enjoyed every moment with her family making memories. Pauline certainly lived life to the fullest.    Those left to cherish Pauline’s memory include her son, Eric (Heidie) Norem; grandchildren, Erika (Tom) Dahlen and Andrea (Eric) Nehrkorn; great-grandchildren, Oliver Nehrkorn and Avery Nehrkorn; brother, Gerald Sandberg; other relatives and friends.Pauline was preceded in death by her parents and husband.    VISITATION: Pauline’s family greeted relatives and friends on Friday, Aug. 16, from 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 16 South Walnut Street, Mayville, WI, 53050.   FUNERAL SERVICE: A funeral service for Pauline followed visitation at 6 p.m., with Rev. Rich Collier officiating the service. The burial took place on Saturday, Aug.17.   Memorials to the family are appreciated.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Pauline’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book can be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.