10 July 2019


Fond du Lac Soccer Association  Awards Five Scholarships

Fond du Lac Soccer Association Awards Five Scholarships

Fond du Lac Soccer Association Awards Five Scholarships Fond du Lac Soccer Association (FDLSA) recently awarded $250 scholarships to five of its past players: Blake Czyzewski, Shea-Lynn Gerred, Bradley Leach, Katerina Newman, and Abby Ruplinger. Eligibility for these scholarships requires having played on a FDLSA team for at least four years, though most spent many more years sporting Fondy


Coach P’s

Coach P’s

Coach P’s Cor ner This, That, And The Other Thing THIS last week, my daughter and I attended a fantastic concert at Summerfest in Milwaukee. We went to see the band “CHRVCHES” headline the Miller Lite Stage. It was 8 p.m. when we arrived for the 10 p.m. show, we wanted to get really good seats. Well we got good seats, ones we never imagined. Two Summerfest ladies come up to my





NEB Announces Employee  Scholarship Program Recipients

NEB Announces Employee Scholarship Program Recipients

NEB Announces Employee Scholarship Program Recipients National Exchange Bank is pleased to publicly announce the recipients of its scholarships offered to the children of its employees. The scholarships, in partnership with the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, are available to educate youth and provide financial support to the sons and daughters of active National Exchange Bank & Trust



4-H Trust Fund  Scholarships Awarded

4-H Trust Fund Scholarships Awarded

4-H Trust Fund Scholarships Awarded Nine Washington County 4-H youth will receive scholarships from the Washington County 4-H Trust Fund, made possible by donations from the Schlegel Foundation and the Thrivent Financial Fish Fry Fundraiser. The following youth will receive a $1,000 scholarship recognizing their outstanding contributions to their communities and to the Washington County


03 July 2019


Wisconsin FFA Foundation  Announces Record-Breaking Campaign Year

Wisconsin FFA Foundation Announces Record-Breaking Campaign Year

Wisconsin FFA Foundation Announces Record-Breaking Campaign Year At the 90th Wisconsin FFA Convention in Madison, the Wisconsin FFA Foundation announced a record-breaking campaign year, raising $659,219 since June 2018. In the last five years, the Foundation has raised more than $2.8 million dollars from over 1,100 donors and sponsors. Hundreds of individual, industry and FFA-related donors