26 August 2024


Leverne Senn

Leverne Senn

July 25, 1929 – Au­gust 16, 2024 Lev­erne Senn, 95, of Camp­bell­sport, passed away peace­fully on Au­gust 16, 2024 at Hope Health and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter in Lomira.  Lev­erne was born on July 25, 1929 to Ben­jamin and Frances (nee Fer­ber) Ablard at the Ablard farm in the Town of Ash­ford. She grew up on the fam­ily farm and at­tended Camp­bell­sport High School where she was a cheer­leader and the class vale­dic­to­rian. She stud­ied Home Eco­nom­ics Ed­u­ca­tion at UW-Stout and was near­ing grad­u­a­tion with hon­ors when polio struck in 1951, leav­ing her par­tially par­a­lyzed for most of a se­mes­ter, de­lay­ing her grad­u­a­tion until 1952. Peter Senn, the love of her life, pro­posed while she was hos­pi­tal­ized. They were mar­ried on Oc­to­ber 5, 1951 while he was on a brief mil­i­tary leave dur­ing his ser­vice in the army.   When Peter was dis­charged from the army, they pur­chased their dairy farm in Camp­bell­sport, and Lev­erne worked for sev­eral years as a home eco­nom­ics teacher. They raised four chil­dren and spon­sored eight for­eign ex­change stu­dents from Ger­many and one from Japan.  Lev­erne served on the Camp­bell­sport School Board for 16 years, serv­ing as clerk of the Board for many of those years. Lev­erne was the gen­eral leader and cloth­ing pro­ject leader of the Camp­bell­sport 4-H club for 33 years as the club grew from a size of 10 mem­bers to over 120. She was on the WI State Fair Park Board of Di­rec­tors for six years, serv­ing as elected chair­per­son for three years. Lev­erne was a faith­ful and ac­tive mem­ber of the Trin­ity Methodist Church in Lomira all her life. She served the church in var­i­ous roles such as plan­ning meals, mak­ing food, and serv­ing at events.   In 1976, Pres­i­dent Ger­ald Ford vis­ited the Senn farm while cam­paign­ing in Wis­con­sin. Lev­erne pre­pared break­fast for Pres­i­dent Ford and the Senn fam­ily after he com­pleted his tour of the farm. She re­ceived the Friends of Ex­ten­sion Award from the UW Ex­ten­sion Ser­vice in 1984. Peter and Lev­erne re­ceived the Mas­ter Agri­cul­tur­ist Award from the Wis­con­sin Agri­cul­tur­ist Mag­a­zine in 1984. Lev­erne was an ac­tive part­ner of Sen­land Farms for over 60 years, ac­tively work­ing in the barn, milk­ing cows and keep­ing the farm fi­nan­cial records until Lev­erne was in her mid 80’s.   Through­out her life, Lev­erne was a de­voted wife, mother, grand­mother, sis­ter, aunt, and friend. She was an ex­cel­lent cook, seam­stress, and gar­dener, kept her home im­mac­u­late, and was ex­cep­tion­ally kind to all. She was a per­fec­tion­ist in all she did and was al­ways will­ing to pa­tiently teach her skills to any­one who was in­ter­ested in learn­ing. She will be missed by all who knew her.   Lev­erne is sur­vived by her four chil­dren, James (Deb­o­rah) Senn of Camp­bell­sport, Deb­o­rah (Larry) Pol­lack of Ripon, Mary Beth (Paul) Schlecht of Franklin, and Daniel (Kim) Senn of Spring­field MO; twelve grand­chil­dren, Chris (Kelly) Pol­lack, Crys­tal (Grant) Wil­son, An­gela (Ricky) Fair­bank, Adam (Kristina) Schlecht, Therese (Je­remy) Keifen­heim, Theodore Senn, Travis (Bethany) Senn, Re­becca Senn, Daniel Senn, Samuel Senn, David Senn, and Rachel Senn; 15 great-grand­chil­dren, sis­ter Lila Ebert, many nieces and nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   Lev­erne was pre­ceded in death by her dear hus­band Peter on April 3, 2007, par­ents Ben­jamin and Frances Ablard, in-laws Peter and Helen Senn, sis­ter-in-law Es­ther Roth, brother-in-law Jon Ebert, sis­ter-in-law Louise Roth, and brother-in-law John Roth.   Vis­i­ta­tion will be held at Trin­ity Methodist Church, 300 Church Street in Lomira, on Sat­ur­day Au­g. 31 from 9:00 – 12:00. Fu­neral ser­vices will be held at the church fol­low­ing vis­i­ta­tion at 12:00 fol­lowed by a lun­cheon for all. Fam­ily com­mit­tal ser­vice will be held at Union Ceme­tery in Camp­bell­sport.  Memo­ri­als would be ap­pre­ci­ated to Trin­ity Methodist Church or the Fond du Lac County 4-H Adult Lead­ers As­so­ci­a­tion.   Thanks to Hope Se­nior Liv­ing, Hope Health & Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion, and St. Croix Hos­pice for the great care Lev­erne re­ceived since Feb­ru­ary 2020.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily and on­line guest­book and con­do­lences is at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
21 August 2024


The Transitory Tapestry of Life

The Transitory Tapestry of Life

| PUBLISHER LETTERS | The Transitory Tapestry of Life Dear Reader, In the grand tapestry of existence, where threads of time and space weave the intricate patterns of our lives, we find ourselves often pondering the nature of our transient state. Life, as Seneca observed, is on loan to us—a fleeting gift with an inevitable expiration date. Every breath we take, every moment we cherish,




| RURAL WRITES | G.A. SCHEINOHA CONTRIBUTOR It’s a subject most anyone’s got feelings about. Ask folks and some say they like it. Farmers depend upon the season, how that goes down. Leastwise, early on. But how do you feel about precipitation, specifically rain? Eddie Rabbitt sang “I love a rainy night.” Ray Charles told us “It’s a rainy night in Georgia.” See the lines








|CAMPBELLSPORT GLANCE BACKWARDS| 5 Years Ago August 22, 2019 The Empire Threshing Association will host their annual Thresheree on Saturday, Aug. 24. It will take place on the John Wettstein farm, six miles east of Eden on County B. Members of the Smith family put out a lemonade stand a couple days this summer at Smith Automotive on Highway V, south of Eden with all proceeds being donated



Vorpahls Celebrate 32nd Annual Family Reunion

Vorpahls Celebrate 32nd Annual Family Reunion

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