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Annette L. Flasch-Steger

Annette L. Flasch-Steger Annette L. Flasch-Steger

An­nette L. Flasch-Ste­ger, 70, of St. Kil­ian passed away peace­fully on Tues­day, Sept. 10, 2024, at her home with her beloved fam­ily gath­ered around her.
She was born on March 25, 1954, in Rich­land Cen­ter, the daugh­ter of Lyman Glick and Keiko Oda Glick.
On No­vem­ber 11, 2017, An­nette mar­ried Mark D. Ste­ger in St. Kil­ian.
An­nette was a grad­u­ate of Cedar­burg High School and Beauty School in Mil­wau­kee. She worked as a hair­dresser for many years, a short time at Regal Ware, and then at Stein Op­ti­cal until re­tir­ing. An­nette was full of life; she en­joyed karaoke and so­cial­iz­ing with all the peo­ple she met. She in­ter­acted with many peo­ple on the in­ter­net who looked for­ward to An­nette’s morn­ing posts. An­nette had an ex­ten­sive snow­man col­lec­tion and most im­por­tant to her was her fam­ily and all the peo­ple in her life.
Those who are left be­hind to cher­ish An­nette’s mem­ory in­clude her hus­band, Mark; sons, Tyler Flasch, Brett Flasch, and Collin (spe­cial friend Julia Giese) Flasch;, spe­cial son, Nathan Luedtke; step-chil­dren, Joshua (Jerad) Ste­ger, Joseph Ste­ger, Jor­dan (Jaime) Ste­ger, and Kayla (fi­nance Levi Burns) Ste­ger; grand­chil­dren, Har­land and Au­drey Ste­ger and Emery Ste­ger; broth­ers, Ronald Glick and Rick Glick; sis­ter, Susie Glick John­son, other rel­a­tives, and many friends.
Pre­ced­ing An­nette in death are her hus­bands, John Flasch and Thomas Flasch; fa­ther, Lyman Glick; mother, Keiko Turk; and sis­ter, Karen Franzen.
The fam­ily ex­tends a spe­cial thank you to the doc­tors and nurses at Froedtert West Bend Can­cer Cen­ter and the nurses and staff of Hori­zon Home Care and Hos­pice of Mil­wau­kee.
A Cel­e­bra­tion of Life will be held at a fu­ture date; please watch for time, date, and place on the Twohig web­site.
Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
